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Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 11/7/2015 at 11:13 PM Post #11
Name: Astor
Gender/Sex: Male
Age: 17
Creature Type:


Likes to feel free, Kind of a prankster, Hates thinking he was ignored. Astor isn't much of a student, he'd rather go out and fly with Sanja all day but because he is a bird of prey he knows when she is yelling at him to go to class. He usually will bring her with him everywhere he can as a little bit of freedom.
Normal Classes:
First P. Art
Second P. History of Empires
Third P. Ceramics

Specialty Class:
Fifth P. Beast Taming

Sanja (Hawk in picture)
Level 60
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Posted: 11/8/2015 at 2:26 AM Post #12
Can I rejoin >< (I'll have to go hunt through the forum for my characters but oh well... Can I reuse all of them, by the way? I may editing chars if I can reuse them then... And might make a teacher if need be. I hope I can actually keep up with this one now >< )
Level 67
High Priest
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Posted: 11/8/2015 at 8:19 AM Post #13
Name: Leith

Gender/Sex: Male

Age: 17

Creature Type: Kelpie


He is shy around others, he can often be found studying or swimming. As one of the youngest kelpie he often makes mistakes and hurts others which is why he often distances himself from them. He lies once and a while to escape questions about himself or his family. He likes to lock away his emotions and show no signs emotion at all. He is still very immature though and can get upset mentally over the smallest of matters. He runs away from confrontations and normally escapes to the water or Avora who protects him.

Normal Classes:
First Period ~ Art
Second Period ~ P.E.
Third Period ~ Folklore, Legends, and Myths

Specialty Classes:
Fourth Period ~ Transformation
Fifth Period ~ Beast Taming
Sixth Period ~ Charms and Spells

Pet (optional):
Avora ~ Female wolf dog crossbreed (In image above)
Level 60
Joined: 10/15/2015
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Posted: 11/8/2015 at 8:42 AM Post #14
She's actually super-immature, ahaha, so there's definitely no problem of her being too mature. I'll get her form up when I have a some more time.

Name: Mirai (pronounced Mira, she likes spelling it that way)
Gender/Sex: None, identifies as female (she/her)
Age (14-18): A couple thousand, has spent around a year/two in a human-ish form. Around 15 in human years.
Creature Type Starchild (she's a shooting star) Mirai technically has no physical form so she can "shape shift" She tends to take whatever form she finds the prettiest.
Appearance (picture or description):

Personality: Although she can be childish and rather rude, Mirai is sweet and caring though she often expects others to treat her with equal care and kindness. She lacks an understanding of many rules of social etiquette and has too deep an understanding of others. (she doesn't know when she's making someone uncomfortable but she expects guys to hold the door open for her)
Normal Classes (3): Art, Folklore, Legends, and Myths, History of Empires,
Specialty Class(es) (1-3): Transformation, Beast Taming, Charms and Spells
Pet (optional): A small star that takes the form of a cat or a horse
Weapon (if taking Extensive P.E.): Not taking PE, but she uses her umbrella as a weapon to hit people.
Additional Notes: She doesn't have to eat as she can get her energy from other sources such as heat or light. Her "core" (a bit of the star she used to be contained in her body) stores energy for her. She digests things by breaking them down to components she can use (things as in anything, she'll actually eat electronics for their high rare earth metals content)
Edited By Kittidipity on 11/9/2015 at 11:46 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/8/2015 at 7:30 PM Post #15
yup i participe, even if i am in my exam month ^-^'

Name: Loden
Gender/Sex: male
Age : 17

Creature Type (picture optional, but suggested): ghost dragon

Appearance (picture or description):

When he return in his creature form his human body stay behind.

sins his body is human he usually act like them he is quiet and try to avoid the conflicts. He like see people smile but he still have difficulty to understand some of the emotion, he can be unpredictable and act in a stupide way when he is surprise by something . He really like pets but he stay far of them because they act strangely when he is near (he is a ghost after all).

Normal Classes (3):
Folklore, Legends, and Myths

Specialty Class(es) (1-3):
Charms and Spells

Name: Ventus
Gender/Sex: male
Age : 15
Creature Type :


He is ready to any situation even the less probable one. He is cold and distant sometime even rude with the people he don't know but he never let a friend down.

Normal Classes (3):

Specialty Class(es) (1-3):
Extensive Physical Education

Pet: Chompy have the same size of a back pack he his able to open a portal in his mouth and send anything in a other place. Like that he can have the same role then a back pack who can bite if used too often. Ventus is the only one who know how put the hand in his mouth without lose some finger.

Weapon :

Edited By Cian on 12/8/2015 at 3:43 PM.
Level 63
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 11/8/2015 at 9:17 PM Post #16
Of course you can rejoin! And go nuts with your characters. Editing is fine. Have you noticed how much the description changed? No more useless years that confused everyone!
Level 63
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 11/8/2015 at 9:18 PM Post #17
I'm very excited for your character. She seems interesting, and I love her "weapon".
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 11/9/2015 at 12:47 AM Post #18
I'll er... reping you when I'm done...


Acacia 'Accel' Kim




Creature Type:
She's human... Just that her family is gifted with technopathy/techonokinesis and cyberpathy. Aside from that, there's the matter that all of the Kim siblings have a varying degree of control over space/spacial rifts. However, due to their young age and different focus, Add and Accel's mastery of this ability is less than satisfactory.


Accel is a selectively social person, sometimes talkative, sometimes the exact opposite. It was all a matter of who the person or people were, and the topic of which was being discussed. It stands to reason that around family, she's a bit chatty. After all, they share the same interests, more or less, and with a matching streak of sadism and bouts of insanity to boot, were all kind of in the loony bin - they have plenty to talk about.

During her free time, Accel can usually be found researching or tinkering with technology, specifically her Dynamos and Nasod Armour. She can be a bit oblivious to the outside world during these times, and may tend to ignore what happens around her. It'll take quite a bit to divert her attentions, though certain situations will have her back to Earth near immediately.

Like her older brothers, Psychic and Psyker, Accel loves to fight, and if not researching or tinkering, she's probably practicing somewhere. However, while this means that Accel is a relatively good fighter, it also means that she's a tad volatile. Perhaps she's calm and composed one second, and the next she's at another's throat. She's just like that. Though she knows how to control herself, and may not act on her emotions.

Accel is also one who hates wasting time, making others wait or waiting for another. She's impatient that way, but it's a good thing. It means she's usually punctual, and is able to get teammates and subordinates to meet goals by specific dates. As such, it's not a rare sight to see her running around, or zipping aruond using her Dynamos as a floating skateboard.

Specialty: Alchemy, Extensive P.E.
Normal: P.E., Science, Algebra.

A pure black male wolf - lethal enough to be a dangerous opponent in any situation. Extremely protective of Acacia and her brothers. Name, Nightsaber.

Her Dynamos and Nasod Armour - both are hard to explain, but to put it extremely extremely briefly, with what they do only in combat, the Dynamos are able to physically hurt someone (in sense of striking them) or using electricity (thats oddly enough, the color purple) to hurt an enemy or opponent. The Dynamos are able to use homing attacks as well and are able to levitate Accel by using a special AI.

The Nasod Armour on the other hand, allows Accel to be up close and personal with her enemy by allowing her to unleash a flurry of punches and kicks with near inhuman strength and speed. What with her ability of crossing and creating spacial rifts to avoid attacks/travel short distances, she can become invulnerable.

Of course, all weapons have set backs, and the Nasod Armour and Dynamos are no exception - her Dynamos consume vast amounts of energy in combat, and unlike her brothers Arc and Mind who use a different AI to conserve and replenish the energy needed to keep the Dynamos functioning during combat, Accel has to let her Dyanmos take a break from battle to conserve and store up energy, or she will find them out of power soon enough. Thankfully for her, as long as she doesn't abuse her Dynamos, they can be all she need to finish a fight.

Her Armour on the other hand, takes a lot out of her - thus she only uses it when she's in a pinch. With her never staying longer than a couple minutes in her armour, she is able to continue fighting and not tire herself out. As such, she is forced to balance out using her Dynamos and Nasod Armour - lest she herself becomes her own downfall.

Acacia is the sole female in a group of seven children, all of which, except one, attend a different school.

Her Dynamos can be used for various functions - from acting as a chair, steps, toys, to allowing her to view the status of anyone (such as any injuries, emotions... etc), dictionary and a data collection device. The possibilities with them are endless.

As a hobby, sometimes Accel finds herself tending to plants and sewing, things she did to pass the time when she had absolutely no idea what to do.

Due to growing up in a family made up of a majority of boys.... Accel has a tendency to act like one, and her entire wardrobe is filled with what others' would consider male clothing.

~Will add more as time goes one, to reveal more information about Accel's character and background~


Adam 'Add' Kim



Creature Type:
The same as Accel


Add is, like most of his siblings, selectively social - Sometimes chatty, sometimes quiet. However, around family, he is rather talkative, cheery too, unlike his usual composed and silent self. As the youngest, his personality is quiet influenced by his older siblings, and he shares aspects from all his siblings.

For example, he took after Accel and Psychic when it came to patience, and Arc and Mind when it came to curiosity and thinking. As for Time and Diabolic, their protectiveness and from Psyker, his calmness and love to battle. However, due to young age, Add is the most fragile in his family, and has no choice but to abstain from fighting whenever possible, lest he hurts himself. This requires better emotional control, and it's no surprise why he's the least volatile of his siblings, alongside Psyker.

As the youngest in his family, everyone tends to be protective of Add, to the point it's annoying for him. Either because they're over-protective and hover around him, or because they're so bad with the psychological aspect of feelings that being around them just grates on his nerves. However, they're family, and Add can't stay mad at them for long. Though he does tend to express his annoyance every now and then.

Just like the rest of his family, Add is extremely competent with machinery, despite his limited knowledge due to his youth, and can often be found tinkering or practising with his Dynamos during free time. Like his siblings, he gets a little caught up in his work, and might just forget his surroundings.

Specialty: Charms and Spells, Herbology.
Normal: P.E., Math, Algebra

A grey female wolf pup - still growing, but with how she's training with Add, she'll become a dangerous opponent soon enough. Like Nightsaber, she's protective of Add and his siblings. Her name is - surprisingly - Lily, which shows kinda shows Add's hidden soft side, doesn't it?

Add likes sweet foods, especially chocolate - its something his siblings all have a fond of, but him especially.

For some reason, Add is terrified of ghosts, and it's something he's not proud of. After all, he's never been afraid of anything.... so a ghost? It'd turn him into a laughing stock! Doesn't change the fact that he hates 'em....

For Add, cleanliness is a top priority. He hates getting his clothes dirty and he hates humid places. However, that's also just because being sweaty isn't something he is fond of. As such, his Dynamos have a cooling function added to them, in case he finds himself in a hot or humid place.
Edited By Soltra8 on 11/9/2015 at 9:28 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/9/2015 at 12:52 AM Post #19

Ryo Suzaki



Creature Type:


One on the left, the black haired one.

Most people would call him introverted or anti-social given his rather quiet and cold attitude, but really, he's just, shy. And selectively social. He'll talk, yes, but only around certain people and in certain situations. Otherwise, he's much more comfortable standing on the sidelines and letting others do the talking.

Besides shyness, little Ryo is surprisingly protective, and is easily angered when his family and friends are put in danger. If himself is in danger? He'll be much less worked up, seeing as how he has little appreciation for his own life as compared to others. A bad thing his family has been trying to change, but he's been firm in his belief.

Ryo is also rather childish at times, sometimes being picky with his food, or just outright sulking when something doesn't go his way. He'd also much rather stay in bed all day if not for school and the like. Kind of similar to a kitten in that manner, especially with a short attention span to boot. This doesn't help him much with teachers either since he's already been caught daydreaming and doodling every now and then.

From a young age, Ryo has had an affinity with animals, and gets very sentimental about them, often bringing home strays he finds. As such, he's house is similar to a zoo with all the animals he's been bringing back, though only one of them came with him to the school. He's a little worried about the rest, but he's sure they'll be fine. At the very least, now he won't get angry too easily as he's comforted by the fact that his animal companions are being looked after. So maybe he won't be expelled due to his anger issues.

Specialty: Transformation, Extensive P.E., Beast Taming
Normal: Art, Folklore Legends and Myths, Physical Education

A female orange tabby kitten going by the name of Sunshine. A cute little thing he found wounded one day when he was walking home. Seeing the kit in such bad shape, Ryo brought her home and she's been with him ever since. A little reluctant to leave Ryo alone.

Surprisingly, for his size, he uses a scythe that's black and red. Perhaps it hints to his slightly darker side that he keeps hidden - a side he tries not to show and a side few even know of.

Ryo's quite a gentle kid, but that doesn't mean he's gentle when it comes to fighting - beware, he knows how to handle that scythe of his.

Ryo is someone with a sweet tooth. If he could, he'd eat ice cream, chocolate, sweets and the like for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Too bad his brother keeps a close eye on his meals....

Ryo is also scared of hurting others.... when outside a serious battle of course. If it's a practice match and not a match for his life or someone else's life... he'll hold back. If losing the battle means the death of him or someone he cares about, he'll give it all he's got to win.... and all he's got is quite a lot.

Ryu's family adopted him when they found him abandoned as a baby. They learnt about his ability after a round of unfortunate accidents at school that may have alarmed the teachers...They've taught him how to control it from that point onwards though. And as a shapeshifter, Ryo's form is entirely dependant on what he wants it to be, and as of current, he's using his original form.


Ryuichi 'Ryu' Suzaki



Creature Type:
Dragon, though his colour's a tad bit more golden.


Ryu's rather mature for his age. He's rarely angry, not impulsive and usually thinks things through before doing something. As is his character, he tries to involve others in the things he does, and tries to view things from their point of view. However, he can be ambitious and sometimes strives for things out of his reach - but this usually ends up as a drive for him to better himself, and he winds up completing most tasks he sets for himself.

Yet, if he fails a task he is given, he can be harsh on himself. Usually, these periods of times are when he's the most easily provoked and stressed. Due to this, he can get headaches frequently due to insufficient rest. On a side note, because he strives for the best results in both him and others, he can come of as domineering. Like most other dragons he knows, he prefers to be left to his own devices - it's during those times that he's the most successful in what he does.

He also is unafraid of challenges, someone who is willing to take risks and lead when no one wants to... but who are we kidding? The moments there's a chance he can be leader, he'll jump for the position. Ryu is never lacking in drive, always managing to find something to push himself further. When he does things, he does them passionately and enthusiastically, but unfortunately enough, this way of doing things leaves him exhausted mentally and physically (he's better after a good night's sleep) and interestingly - unfulfilled.

For Ryu, he is a helpful and kind person - yet he will rarely ask or accept help from others. Often, he can be found by himself, for he prefers to be alone, since being by himself is when he is most like to succeed in something. Yet, this preference to be alone can come across as arrogance or conceitedness, but these qualities aren't applicable. Of course, there are times Ryu can be seen chatting happily away with groups of people, but after he parts with them, he tries to find a place where he can spend a couple hours by himself. Those group talks sure can be exhausting for him!

Specialty: Transformation, Extensive PE, Herobology
Normal: Science, Ceramics, History of Empires

Well.... the kitty Ryo has as his pet is 'owned' by both Ryo and Ryu, so Ryu's pet is Sunshine, in a way, although it it Ryo that Sunshine's more attached to.

Often, Ryu would use his breath - it has the capability to do many things, heal, burn, chill.... but, for dealing damage up close, Ryu prefers the ability to wield two swords at once - a deadly combination with his breath attacks and speed. Still, he's swordsmanship needs work, as does his breaths, so it's easy to take him down once someone carefully analyzes his movements.

Since Ryu gets stressed somewhat easily, he does 'mild' activities like swimming, walking, yoga..... It helps him to calm down.

Ryu will fight for what he believes in, for his family, his friends and generally what he cares about. Yet, he doesn't mind others challenging his beliefs - in fact, he enjoys it. It keeps his life interesting.

Ryu doesn't mind if he isn't always right - he just has to have been of some use. Not being able to help leaves him at a loss, and he will feels like his's failed miserably.

Surprisingly, Ryu is willing to lend an ear to all who need it and to listen to another's opinions. After all, maybe someone else knows how to accomplish a task with an easier and more efficient method.

Ryu is also artistic and innovative - he's a creative person. It's one of the reasons why he hates following rules and a set schedule or guideline - it restricts his creativity.

Sometimes, in the rare instance when which he is easily provoked, Ryu becomes impulsive and reckless, throwing all care to the wind. As such, he tries to calm himself down as whenever possible when he's angry. Though, since he's usually level-headed and can control his temper and behavior, the instances in which he becomes angry are rare. Ryu is also supportive of others.


Adriane Woff



Creature Type:
Human with power of shadows, illusions and has the ability to shapeshift - partially because her family have yokai blood.

Her hair is black and her eyes a deep hazel.

Adriane's a girl who likes music so much, that she can nearly always be found singing out loud or humming to the tune of a song - even when in class. However, she gets a little embarrassed when someone catches her doing so, and either ends up furious or embarrassed. She's also spotted with her headphones on wherever she goes, since she likes to listen to music whenever possible. But it depends, though, on where she's at. If she's at the park, she'll leave her headphones off to listen to nature's music.

Generally, Adriane's a helpful and kind girl, bearing a smile at nearly all times. However, that's not to mean that she can't get upset, or that she can't be spiteful or nasty either. Be careful, if she interprets one's actions against her friends or family as negative and hurtful, she'll become quite the tiger.

Surprisingly, she's also rather sporty and loud, a bundle of energy and joy - a perfect tomboy. While she has some 'girly' clothes, she prefers shorts and sneakers to dresses, skirts and high heels. She feels like too many people think of women as wearing only fancy clothing so she's out to prove to the world that even girls can be like boys. Needless to say, if one were to walk up to her and be a sexist... she'll pretty much start screaming at them.

Adriane is also perceptive, able to read another's movements and feelings easily. This, coupled with her speed, allows her to hold her own in battle with her scythe and katana. While jolly and happy-go-lucky (and sometimes oblivious) most of the time, she knows when to be serious, for example, during a battle or spar. Adriane is also a very loyal person and loves art.

Specialty: Transformation, Extensive PE, Beast Taming
Normal: Art, Biology, Physical Education

A female gray wolf called Silver and a male hawk named Gale. Both are protective of her and do not like strangers.... unless Adriane trusts them.

Generally she relies on her illusions and shadows to do most of the fighting for they can work both as long range and short range methods of attack. But just in case, Adriane knows how to use a katana and a scythe, both of which rests on her back, crisscrossing each other. Adriane can also shapeshift to attack or evade attacks.

Adriane can play a few musical instruments, the guitar, violin, piano and flute namely. It's more of a hobby than a serious thing though.
Edited By Soltra8 on 11/10/2015 at 6:21 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 11/9/2015 at 12:53 AM Post #20
Done with my two new chars! Also, resing this post for a couple more characters....


Eylvias Vytrus



Creature Type:


Eylvias can be rather soft-spoken, rarely raising her voice. This is true even in battle and in any situation unless it is absolutely required for her to shout. Due to this, Eylvias is usually quite taciturn and passive, preferring to stay in the background then be at the center of things.

As an elf, she shares her kin's love for nature - plants, animals, water.... anything that has to do with the environment. As it stands, she's a pretty good gardener and had quite a few animal friends. Yet, like other elves, Eylvias doesn't do too well with others of a different species - she's used to being among others elves, animals and nature spirits. Due to this, she can come off as a little cold and aloof.

But no matter, give her sometime to warm up to someone, and Eylvias will soon learn to trust that person. On a side note, Eylvias tends to have an immediate liking to those who love the environment as much as she does, or those who are good pet owners. Eylvias, like other elves, can speak with animals and spirits.

Despite usually being quiet and proper, she has a tomboyish side to her - that's what happens when one grows up in a family that is mostly boys. As such, when it comes to combat, Eylvias is no pushover. Sure, there's some things she's still learning, but she can definitely hold her own in any battle.

Specialty: Herbology, Extensive PE

Normal: Science, History of Empires, Biology

Eylvias' friends with a male falcon called Cyclone. Cyclone's not very trusting of others and a little aggressive. This doesn't deter Eylvias and him from being friends though.

Like most other elves, Eylvias uses a bow. The bow itself is made of silver, and it's design gives the bow's upper and lower limbs sharp edges - sharp enough to function somewhat like a sword. Yet, as it is still a bow, for close combat situations, Eylvias prefers to use the daggers and knives she carries around.

Eylvias' shy around others of a different race unless they are animals or spirits, so she tries to stay away from them. Unfortunately this can come off as rude. But it's not like she wants to, she's just used to being surrounded by elves.

Eylvias likes tea, and can make her own. She can also recognize the plants that tea can be made from.

In general, Eylvias has good survival skills outdoors, she knows how to get water, what can be eaten safely, how to hunt....


Tielong Wang / Jin Wang



Creature Type:
Imagine the picture's green swapped out for a beautiful gold reminiscent of his hair colour. Qilin.


Tielong is generally someone who's friendly to all, kind, gentle and loving. He nearly always wears a smile and is a pacifist - he hates to fight, for it means causing harm to others. However, despite this policy of his, he will become extremely violent when he needs to protect another. On a general basis though, if he has to spar with someone, he will avoid hurting the other if possible - or he'll just aim to take down the opponent in the least painful way possible.

Tielong may also give others the impression that he is fragile - he is a passive and serene person, rarely aggressive or angry and someone who generally can be quite easily hurt, both emotionally and physically. However, the Qilin isn't so easily broken. While it may not seem like such, he can be wilful and very stubborn. He's also rather sporty, enjoying things like soccer, basketball and baseball.

Yet, due to him being mute, this hinders him in these sort of sports and thus he usually winds up practicing alone. However, this doesn't deter him and he always strives to be better. Generally, Tielong is also a mature person despite his age, and tries to keep up a calm demeanour in almost any given situation. He's also a rather loyal person. To him, there is nothing more dear than a friend or family, and unless forbidden, he will do everything he can - even give up his life - to ensure the survival of one of his friends or family members.

As Tielong puts all his faith in the people he trusts, he can be hit pretty hard should they betray him. It's needless to say that he hates betrayal, be they to him, to his friends, family or stranger. To him, betrayal is immoral and never a thing to do in any situation, at least... nearly all situations. He understands if they have no choice, for what else can they do if they're protecting another? He still hates the act, however. He is also quite enthusiastic, energetic and passionate about whatever he does or tries.

Specialty:Extensive P.E.
Normal: Physical Education, History, Folklore Legends Myths


Generally, Tielong prefers to keep his enemy away from him - he accomplishes this by using his fire breath, throwing knives and his agility. But should he find himself in need of a close combat weapon, his preferred choice are the claws. But besides this he has a middle/long/short range weapon - it's the chakrams.

Tielong lives with an adoptive family, and his siblings from the family, Jinglong, Baihu and Xifeng were adopted into the family as well, while Xuanwu was the only child born into that family.

Tielong, like most of his siblings, has an inability. His inability was to be unable to speak. As such, he learnt to express himself through pictures or writings.

Tielong has a fondness for sweet things and unsurprisingly... is a vegetarian. As he eats chocolates, he does not consider himself a vegan.

Tielong's courtesy name is Tielong. His birth name was Jin. Unlike his siblings, he's less strict with his birth name, letting others call him 'Jin' or 'Wang Jin' despite his family's protest.


Jinglong Lin / He Lin



Creature Type:
Chinese Dragon


Jinglong's a quiet boy - partly because of the damage his vocal chords received during the car crash that cost his family their lives and left him in critical condition. But that aside, Jinglong is gifted with innate courage and intelligence, someone who, when they start something, will see it through to the end.

He is not afraid of challenges and is willing to take risks, doing what he feels is correct even if others were to tell him 'no'. Like other dragons, Jinglong can become pretty aggressive - but only when he needs to. He is someone who find unnecessary violence disdainful.

Jinglong is also quite perceptive, and can easily tell what another person is thinking, or how they really feel. Surprisingly, Jinglong also has a fondness of artworks, and is quite creative. However, he can be a perfectionist, thus making him somewhat of a hard person to work with. Yet, he is also a kind and helpful person, even if he's a little shy. Though... he can be a little hard to approach.

Unlike Tielong, Jinglong's a lot more stiff when it comes to meeting new people, and he can come off as cold and aloof. But, when he wants to, he can be quite easy to get along with. Jinglong is also someone who remains calm in nearly all situations, even battle or when he is being insulted. Among his siblings, Jinglong is also surprisingly mature, but can sometimes be distrustful - it takes a bit to earn his trust unless he feels he can immediately likes the other party.

Specialty: Transformation, Extensive PE, Herbology
Normal: Art, History of Empires, Algebra


While Jinglong has the ability to use his multi-elemental breath for long ranged attacks, he prefers using dual blades for closer range attacks.
Detached Length: Close to 145 cm (4'9")
Conjoined Length: Close to 290 cm (9'6")

Jinglong lost the use of his right eye due to a car crash, the same car crash that caused the life of his birth family. Due to the crash he also injured his vocal chords and hearing - fortunately he can still use both senses, just that he is nearly deaf and his voice is a little raspy.

For his hearing, Jinglong masks this problem of his with special made headphones - they help amplify sound so he can hear better. As for covering his eye, he grows his right fringe out to hide it.

Jinglong's courtesy name is well... Jinglong, and he's used to being called that.
Edited By Soltra8 on 11/10/2015 at 6:39 AM.
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