Oh boy, a poll. :3 My favorite is the Qitari, and least favorite is the Draeyl. It's the artwork on'em, mostly. Now that we have such gorgeous looking new species and revamped older ones, Draeyls are not aging well to me.
But if I were to pick a least favorite without the artwork being an issue, then I would pick Lupora. I've never liked wolves.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 8:25 PM
Post #12
Should I put Draeyl and Lupora as your least favourite then? I think a maximum of two for each is alright if you really can't decide.
Determining your least/most favorite is a mix of art, genes/mutations and just generally what they are I feel so I don't think it really matters if you dislike one simply because of just one of those reasons.
Level 70
High Warlord
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 8:55 PM
Post #13
That's really the only way I can decide which ones I like least. X3
While I consider them my least favorites, there's still things I like things about Draeyls and Luporas, as they both have very cool aspects going for them inspite of my reasons. If I were to decide what I disliked most as a combination of art/traits/are, then I'd be up all night trying to decide. Basically, narrowing it down to one thing, one glaring flaw that bothers me the most, is really the only way for me to make that decision.
And for the reasons I provided, these two species glare at me more than others, where others are only just glancing in my direction, and others aren't even looking at me at all! But as for which is more deserving of the disliked spot, that's why I put them both out there, moreso for you to determine what's more appropriate for your poll. n.n Disliking Luporas is a personal thing with me not liking wolves, there's not actually anything wrong with them. Disliking the Draeyls for their artwork is a matter of their artwork looking older than the other species to me, thus less personal and more structural. Is the personal choice better for your poll, or is the structural choice better for your poll? That's for you to decide. :3
Level 60
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 9:27 PM
Post #14
My favorite has to be Lupora. It's probably borderline obession~
The girls look so sassy and the babies are so cute and the traits are truly beautiful to me.
This is one of my current breeding projects~
Now before I say my least favorite I'm going to say it's hard saying that there's a least favorite because I think that all of the species can be great if done correctly. In my opinion Morkkos are my least favorite, a lot of the genes seem strange or just don't look that good, as stated by others, in particular the panda markings, antlers(although on girls they are nice) and the skull mask.
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 10:04 PM
Post #15
I added them both. There really are no limits here...you can say I dislike this pet just because...no reason given. I just really want to know what is the most and least popular sylesti.
Level 75
The Whimsical
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:11 PM
Post #16
Vulnyx all the way. I love all their genes and mutations and my fav. RL animal is a tiger.
Least Favorite:
I don't really have one... There are some things on most of the species I like and dislike.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:28 PM
Post #17
Favourte: Lupora and Vulnyx. Though now I think I'll have to add Ny'venes as one of my favourites too XD
Least favourite: I detest Morrkos, they are designed so unnaturally and their genes are not drawn very well.
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:31 PM
Post #18
My favorite is Sylvorpa. I just enjoy their design. They look all slimey and wet if they were real. I wanna touch one! The one thing I can't stand about them is the Neck Fin mutation. I think it looks horrible. Dx
My least favorite is Vulnyx. It's weird because I really like cats. A lot. But I just don't care for the Vulnyx. They just seem awkward.
This is just in general. I've seen some beautiful Vulnyx and some really ugly Sylvorpa. Dx
Level 60
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Posted: 5/23/2013 at 12:16 AM
Post #19
My favorite species on here is the Vulnyx. The idea of going out exploring a strange new world with a pack of well trained saber tooth cats? Come on, tell me that doesn't sound epic. I'd like to see a bob-tail mutation for them someday to make that sabertooth transformation complete. They might not be the most artistically drawn, not as pretty as some other pets; but I love them anyway.
Least favorite?
I might be the only one on here, but I have no love for the Zolnixi. I don't know what it is. Overdone, maybe? Too cute? I'm not sure. I just know I really don't like them. I like foxes, and love dogs; but Zolnixis just kind of bother me.
Er. All that said... please, Mr. or Ms. Artist(s,) don't be offended? The artwork itself is amazing. I couldn't even come close, and I am in awe of your skills.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
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Posted: 5/23/2013 at 7:28 AM
Post #20
Favorite: Sylvorpas!!
I really like the amphibiatic (is that a word) look of them. Their body webbing and body color can blend so nicely *v* And they get so nice mutations every time new ones are added! But Koi + Body webbing will be my all time favorite combination :>
Least Favorite: Qitari B(
I'm veeeery very aware that they actually really popular, but I can't seem to like them? I just don't like their scales at all... like... not at all. They bother me so much that I didslike the entire species :c Although I like ponies so much.
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