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Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/27/2016
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 5:39 PM Post #11
Happy Birthdaaaay
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 6:08 PM Post #12
Not yet it isn't lol.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/27/2016
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 6:11 PM Post #13
oooo sorry
Level 71
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 6:12 PM Post #14
It's okay ;).
Level 71
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 10:53 AM Post #15
Chapter One Archive


The winter was slowly beginning to fade into the beginnings of spring. You had decided to take a walk, and end up finding a pathway that you hadn't quite seen before. You decide to investigate, making your way down the path. Around you, the air became quite nice, and it felt almost like the height of spring.


Off to your right, you see a beautiful gray and gold Morkko wandering about. She spots you and approaches you with a gentle smile. "Hello," she greeted you kindly. "It seems you have stumbled upon the entrance to the Creative Extravaganza. My name is Lucrezia Borgia Kincso. Today is the first day of the Extravaganza, so I will lead you through it and introduce you to everyone. May I ask your name?"

You look at her in shock. The Morkko is talking "Uhh Charlie, you tell her." Lucrezia's smile widens.

"Well, this is an eleven-day festival that is run by myself and my sisters. I mostly guide young travelers towards it while my sisters host fun games that you can win prizes from. My sisters and I take on the forms of different sylestis, so do not be afraid that we look different. We are merely spirits that wandered for millennia before finding our forms," she shrugged. "Here, come with me. I will introduce you to them."

She glanced around and pulled a scroll out of a bag. "First, I will show you the list of donators. These are the lovely people who helped this Extravaganza come about."


Then, Lucrezia whispered to the ground. "If I forgot anyone, please let me know in the discussion post," she murmured, and then started leading you away.



You follow Lucrezia along the path, the environment around you slowly changing. The forest slowly melted away into a marsh, the ground turning to puddles and ponds beneath you. Ahead of you, you can see a blue and orange Sylvorpa with thin wings and fog creeping about her fiddling with some bowls and papers.


Lucrezia leads you towards her, nodding at the Vorp. "Ah! I see you are setting up," she told the sea creature.

The Sylvorpa set up more glass bowls. "Yes, I am. My goods are eager to reach their destined homes," she stated, and then noticed you standing there. "Oh! Lucrezia, please introduce me to your friend!" she insisted.

Lucrezia glanced at you. "This is my Sylvorpa sister, Selvaggia Ve Anisoptera," she informed you, and then turned back to Selvaggia. "This is Charlie, a friend who wishes to know more about your bowls."

Selvaggia smiled at you and gestured towards her bowls. "Hello there! My name is Selvaggia, and I host the raffles of the Creative Extravaganza. Unlike many of my sisters whom you will encounter, I will actually let you know what your possible prizes are. I am also the only one of my sisters who will have an activity every day. What you do with my game is perhaps the easiest of the activities you will encounter. You only need to tell me which one you would like to enter, and I will enter you in that raffle. At 10 p.m. Sylestia time, I will randomly choose a winner. My raffle will most often contain very rare prizes," she informed you.

Then, Selvaggia pointed with her tail towards one of the bowls and pulled out a paper with a picture of an Aeridini on it. "Today, I have one raffle. Let me know if you would like to enter it," she stated, and then showed the picture to you.


"This is a female Island Flower Aeridini showing Lunar Runes and Speckles. Here are the entries:"




After bidding adieu to Selvaggia, Lucrezia beckons you onto a different path. You stay close behind as Lucrezia marches forward. Eventually, the scenery begins to shift again. The puddles below you disappeared and gave way to green, dewy grass. You find yourself in a meadow, a creamy-cinnamon Vulnyx pushing boxes around in front of you.


She noticed you and Lucrezia before the two of you had approached her. She smiled gently and bounded over to meet you halfway. "Lucrezia, how nice it is to see ye here. I've just been setting my boxes in their piles. I see ye are giving a tour, are ye?" she greeted Lucrezia, an Irish accent to her voice.

Lucrezia chuckled warmly. "Yeah," she responded, and then looked over to you. "This is my Vulnyx sister, Aislinn Aoifa Mavourneen," she introduced the cat-like creature. Then, she returned to Aislinn to continue the conversation. "I've just been trying to help our friend, Charlie, here, understand the games. Perhaps you could explain yours, if it's not a bad time?" she inquired.

Aislinn gave a small purr. "Oh, you go way outta that, Lucrezia. I would be quare happy out to explain my boxes," she answered sweetly, and then turned to you and gestured with her tail to a pile of boxes. "I make these boxes, and then I give them out to people like ye. They can have pets, potions, clothing All ye have to do is choose one of the numbers, one to ten, when I have an active round. I call this game a pick a box," she elaborated.

She pounced over to where she had set up a row of ten boxes. "See, at noon, I will have a round."



The next walk was a bit longer. Lucrezia led you out of the meadow, across a bridge, and then down a steep ravine, which seemed far more dangerous to you than it was to her. After travelling for a while on flat ground, you came to a mountain that very highly resembled a right triangle when looking from the side. Lucrezia beckoned you around to the back of the triangle, which was almost a ninety degree angle. The two of you entered a cave in the side of it, taking the carved path, which descended at least a hundred feet. When you finally reached the end of the path, you spotted a caramel Griffi adorned with chains, pacing around the open circular room in the cave.

The Griffi was muttering under her breath about something you couldnt quite understand. There were pictures splattered about the walls and floor of her room.

Lucrezia stopped at the entrance to the room, but did not enter. She held you back from doing so, as well. The Griffi inside did not notice you. "This is my Griffi sister, Rhiannon Kanti," Lucrezia told you somewhat quietly.

You gave her a puzzled look. "Why does she not have three names?"

Lucrezia hesitated before answering. "She lost her third name. Taken from her by the same being who cursed her to her dungeon. Anyway, she does designing. You'll know when she has a design contest or two open when she has papers floating in the air. She gives you a picture or a description of what her idea looks like now, and then give you instructions as to what she wants it to be changed to with your design skills. These are her design contests, and she can have up to three open at a time," she told you somewhat uneasily.

You notice that there are, indeed, papers in the air. "Rhiannon?" you call out tentatively.

The muttering ceased and the Griffi turned her hopeless gaze on you. "A male Bulbori," she murmured. "His name is Lord Epirose. You must create a male Bulbori named Lord Epirose who shows Dutch and Iridescent Gems. You must change his colors, and add one trait, while keeping his others," she told you very quickly.

Then, she flew to the other side of the room, ramming her head into the wall. She turned toward you again. "An Aurleon," she began. "She does not have a name. You must create a female Aurleon with no name who shows Peacock wings and Mystic Rings. You must change her colors, and add one trait, while keeping her others," she instructed, as quickly as last time.

Rhiannon then resumed her pacing, muttering under her breath once more.



You followed behind Lucrezia on what may have been the shortest distance travelled between activities. All the two of you did was rounded the mountain and then scaled the acute side. It was a task that was slightly taxing on you, though Lucrezia seemed okay with it. Once you reached the top, you noticed a great Ny'Vene crouching near the edge and looking out over the steep side. The wind was strong, but you felt firmly balanced. The Vene was a beautiful blue, red, and purple, with hints of yellow.


The Vene turned as she heard the two of you approach, a solemn look on her face at first. "What a lovely guest," she murmured gently, her voice thick and sophisticated. "I am known as Kleio Slava Zuleika. Lucrezia," she glanced towards the Morkko. "What can I help you and your friend with?"

Lucrezia smiled at the tallest of the sisters. "Kleio, I am just giving our friend here a tour. You know, letting them meet everyone and learn about the games. Would you mind explaining yours to them?" she inquired.

Kleio dipped her head respectfully to you. "Young traveler, I believe in speed. It is speed that rescues. I have dedicated my time to the practice, and have developed a game for this. This is a race. At my word, everyone will race, and there would be 1-5 placings. On a forum, this would go a little different. You would have to wait until the post with my picture on it at the designated time was posted by the Creative forces. The first 1-5 people to post after will get prizes, depending on what I decide. This is a game I call post after host," she told you calmly.

Kleio glanced behind her. "I have no game for you today."


Lucrezia informed you that there was one more sister, and then brought you down the mountain and almost immediately into a dark forest. There was purple-tainted fog seeping through the trees as you followed Lucrezia through to the heart of the forest. Laying in a small clearing was a beautiful, dark Ryori with large, winding horns who seemed to be emanating the strange smoke throughout the woods.


She was the quietest and smallest of the six sisters, and she regarded you with an air of suspicion and dislike. You almost felt a little scared as you trailed after Lucrezia, who approached her casually.

Hello, the Morkko greeted her sister. The Ryori did not respond, only lowered her head a fraction of an inch. Lucrezia glanced over at you. "This is my Ryori sister, Ghaliya Indira Nerea, she introduced the Ryo. Ghaliya, this is our friend, Charlie. I've been showing her the extravaganza."

Ghaliya stood slowly, eyeing you with her large, endlessly deep white-blue eyes. "Charlie," she whispered, her voice soft. "That is a name derived from one meaning warrior," she continued almost wistfully. "Mine own name has meaning, but that matters not. What does is the names of the unnamed. I give names to those who have not one. This event, I enlist help. I offer an unnamed, and you are to provide a name. You, and others. I choose the name I like best when the sun reaches the date I decide. This is a name game."

She breathed onto the ground, and three half-corporeal figures materialized. "I have three games today. Find the names of these three sylestis," she ordered.

Level 73
Majestic Sculptor
Joined: 12/11/2015
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 6:19 PM Post #16
i had lost internet for days o.o and i wanted to let uk (OMG IM SO SORRY) ive been really confused lately and ive been really emotional and not thinking straight im sorry DX
Edited By Lunarwolfie on 3/5/2017 at 6:58 PM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 6:19 AM Post #17
Chapter Two Archive


It was the second day of the festival you'd learned about. You excitedly follow the same path, seeing Lucrezia ahead of you.


Good morning. "Are the festivities still open?" you ask her. She gave you a big bear smile. She had a basket of strawberries in her mouth. She gently set it down and nudged the basket over to you.

"Yes, the Creative Extravaganza is still open. This is only the second of the eleven days. Please, have a strawberry," she told you warmly. Then, she yawned. "We're all still a bit tired from yesterday. It was exciting, and we havent quite done this before," she explained.

You nodded in understanding. "That makes sense," you respond. "I suppose I shall follow the same way you took me yesterday?" you inquired.

Lucrezia nodded. "Yes. You know the way, Charlie. But first, I will show the donators list again."


Then, she whispered to the ground, as she had done yesterday. "If I forgot you in this, please do let me know. I am not perfect," she murmured, and then turned to you. "I hope you enjoy today's fun," she told you with a smile.

You grinned back at her. "I will," you reassured her, and then continued down the same way that she had taken you yesterday.



You were not at all surprised by the sudden change from grass to swamp this time. You had been expecting it. In fact, you found yourself excited to see what Selvaggia was raffling off this time. Since her raffles were free to enter, it took really no work on your part to have a chance. Soon enough, you saw the rich dark blue and orange Sylvorpa in front of you.


Selvaggia glanced up as you approached, but didn't say anything. She was messing around with some bowls and papers, and seemed somewhat frantic.

"Are you okay, Selvaggia?" you inquire concernedly.

She nodded as she desperately tried to arrange them. "Yes, yes I was just out exploring last night, as I often do, and spent too long on this venture. So, I didn't get a chance to set everything up for today. However, I do still have my raffle going on, as always," she informed you.

You nodded in understanding. "That's okay, I understand completely," you responded kindly.

Selvaggia gave you a brief smile before extracting two individual papers from the mess. "Here are the pets I am raffling off today."


"A one-vis Musk Rainbow Plumeria Ryori with Double Stripes and a two-vis Carnival Iris Griffi with Pied Deer and Elegant Feathered Wings. If you'd like to enter the raffles for either or both, please let me know," she told you, and then returned to her sorting.

The lists for the raffles are as such:




After you bid goodbye to Selvaggia, you traveled along the way of the swamp until it faded into the gorgeous meadow where you knew Aislinn lived. Her pick-a-box yesterday was quite fun, you decided. You spotted Aislinn laying down in a particularly lush patch of grass and approached her.


"Good morning, Aislinn," you greet her.

She purred at you. "Sure look it," she replied, which was slightly confusing to you. She gently licked her paw, rubbing it over her left ear. "However, Charlie, I do not have a game for ye today. You are welcome to bask, though," she told you.

You chuckled lightly at the invitation. "Thank you, but I must be hitting the games before I do any basking. I may take you up on that offer later," you inform her warmly, and then continued on your way down the path that Lucrezia had taken you yesterday.



You felt slightly anxious as you headed towards Rhiannon's cave. The Griffi seemed a little off-putting. Almost as off-putting, in fact, as the dangerous journey you had to make to get to her cave in the first place. It was odd, that the mountain that she and Kleio inhabited would be so secluded. You followed the way, regardless, and entered the dreary cave. It was a pretty straightforward path down from there, and you soon found yourself at the entrance to her room.


Rhiannon was pacing faster than usual, and she had many papers floating about in the air. You didn't have to speak to her before she noticed you and immediately bolted towards you, skidding to a stop right in front of you.

Her eyes were almost crazed and desperate as they looked upon you. "A Kelpari," she murmured to you, completely still. "Her name is Dapple. You must create a female Kelpari named Dapple who shows Seahorse, Betta Fish, Glowing Runes, Kelp Armor, and Mystic Horns. Do not add or remove any traits. Find her colors," she instructed, and then dipped her head.

"A Necromancer," she digressed. "No gender or species or name. Just a Necromancer. You must create a Sylesti design who is a Necromancer," she continued softly.

And then, she looked up at you, her eyes wide. She swiftly flew up to the ceiling and then let herself drop back onto the ground with a thud. "An Aeridini," she commanded, her eyes alight. "He does not have a name. You must create a male Aeridini who shows Hummingbird and Fly Trap Tail. You must add a trait and give him colors."

And with that, she walked to the middle of the room and collapsed into a pile of fur and icy wings.



You had left Rhiannon's cave rather quickly. She had been acting exceptionally strange, or maybe that was just her twisted mentality in general. You found that it was easier than last time to scale Kleio's mountain, and soon enough, you saw the graceful Vene at the top, looking out over everything.


"I saw you approach," she spoke before you had even fully reached the top. You gave her a strange look. "I watch over things, child. That is why I live on this mountaintop. So I may watch," she turned to face you.

She was a majestic creature, you realized. She had gorgeous speckles wings that resembled the galaxy. With one hand, she scooped up a handful of flowers and gave them to you. "I will have a round of post after host at seven p.m. Sylestia time," she stated, and then turned away.

You watched her, confused, for a minute. It was a rather abrupt meeting, but obviously, Kleio did not wish to indulge in conversation further. Noticing this, you left the mountain.



It felt sort of weird to enter the dark forest on your own. Ghaliya was certainly a dark creature, you decided. She was mysterious, though. The Ryori in question showed up in front of you, seemingly coming out of nowhere. She emanated the mystical purple mist, pacing quietly about her little clearing.


As you came closer, she turned her gorgeous, soulful gaze on you. Only one game today, she informed you. "One concoction of mine has become cumbersome, so only one nameless form was what I could reach," she told you vaguely.

You cocked your head at her. "Concoction? Does that have to do with potions or something?" you inquire.

Ghaliya nodded her head once. "The art of dark magic is a fine one. Practiced for years to reach mine level. Millennia. I take apprentices. Interest?" she responded in her choppy, confusing speech pattern.

You immediately shook your head. "N-no. I have no interest. I was just curious. Anyway, what pet will I be naming today?" you ask to change the subject.

She shrugged. "Loss of yours. Discover a new name for her," she instructed, and conjured with her breath the form of a female Luffox.

Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 9:59 AM Post #18
Random point of interest:

The aurleon design I submitted for the first day's design contest has spawned this 6vis project:

Mystic Phoenix Aurleon:
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/23/2016
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 3:32 PM Post #19
Sorry, question. I've already won 3 different things and I feel like I shouldn't enter any more for a while to let some other people do stuff. How long do you think I should sit out before I can start entering again?
Level 71
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 4:03 PM Post #20
Honestly, that's a matter of opinion. You could try to lay low and only enter raffles, not enter anything at all for a while, or limit yourself to one game in particular for however long you feel is right. I try to make it a bit more diverse of who I choose as winners of contests, but sometimes, like with the design contests, if there's an obvious winner, I can't really avoid that ;). So, really, if you want to sit out for a bit, I can't really say how long you should do it for, as that's something that's up to you c:.
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