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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > No One Saw it Coming...
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Level 57
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Posted: 6/5/2017 at 10:37 AM Post #11
The two foals stopped suddenly, casting an excited glance at Shildr.
"Oh my Krin!" exclaimed the larger of the two. "Courtney, did you get a boyfriend?"
Shildr sputtered in protest. The question had clearly caught him off guard.
"No, but he's a friend!" the little nixi said, her curly tail wagging. She turned to Shildr, "Let me introduce you to Flo and Gamble. Gamble's the nosy one," she said, staring pointedly at the larger twin. "And that's his twin sister, Flo." she said.
Flo looked up at the broad-shouldered Lupora.
"Are you going to stay with us?" she asked sweetly.
"Errrr....." Shildr said, unable to decide.
"Of course he is!" Courtney said. "Isn't that right, Shildr?" she asked her eyes darkening, and a growl rose from her throat. Somehow, this positively terrified the Alpha Lupora.
"Y-yeah, whatever you want!" Shildr said nervously.
"Good!" Courtney said, her eyes brightening.
"Awesome! We'll take you to father!" Flo said, cantering towards the large, ruby-red tent.
Shildr groaned and padded after a skipping Courtney.
Level 57
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Posted: 6/8/2017 at 10:52 AM Post #12
Shildr ducked as he pushed back the heavy tent flaps with his paw.
Inside, the Head Stallion, Warren lay, relaxed on a velvet pillow. Warren looked up expectantly.
"I am Warren, Head Stallion of the Qitari Herd, and Head of the Ruby Kindred." he said, his low voice rumbling through the tent. Warren pointed a hoof at a green stallion that stood out against the red Qitari that occupied the tent. "That is Houston, head of the Emerald Kindred, beside him is Charley," he pointed to a blue stallion with a mane of ice, "head of the Sapphire Kindred, and to Houston's left is Issac," he pointed to a white male with a rainbow mane, wings, and scales, "head of the Opal Kindred. And you are?" Warren asked, casting an imperious gaze on the lupora.
"My name is Shildr. Son of Giira and Ashaunta, brother of Adraxus, and heir to the title of Head Alpha of the Desert Lupora Pack." Shildr said.
"Not anymore...." Warren said thoughtfully. "An alpha would never stray this far from his pack... Why were you banished?"
The Qitari in the tent started to whisper amongst themselves.
"I was framed for murder. It was an accident. My youngest brother, Ailiden, and I were running along the canyon when he slipped on some loose stone and fell to his death." Shildr's voice broke, as he remembered his brother's eyes, filled with shock and fear as he fell down, down, down to his death. His body twisted and broken at the bottom of the ravine. "Ailiden was always Father's favourite, and in the shock of his son's death, he shoved the blame on me. Now I am a lone lupora, finding his way through the desert sands."
"I see." Warren said.
Level 57
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Posted: 6/13/2017 at 12:14 PM Post #13
Warren thought for a moment...
"Shildr, son of Giira and Ashaunta, I believe you are telling the truth. However, I cannot change your father's decree. I can, however, let you live among our herd as one of our own. Shildr, son of Giira and Ashaunta, will be treated as one of our own. Let it be written, let it be done." Warren said.
Flo and Gamble danced around his massive paws.
"You're part of our herd now!" Flo said happily.
"Yeah! Now I have a punching bag!" Gamble cheered.
"Yeah..... Good luck." Flo said wryly.
Level 57
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Posted: 6/23/2017 at 10:43 AM Post #14
"Thank you." Shildr said, backing out of the tent.
"One moment..." Warren said.
Shildr turned around to face the ruby-red Qitari stallion.
"There might be a way for you to return to your pack." Warren said quietly.
"H-how?" the Lupora asked, it was all he could do to stop his tail from wagging.
"If you kill the Ultramis, the legendary necromancer that can change into the shape of a gigantic Lupora, you will earn the respect of everyone, even Krinadon himself." Warren said. "It is a treacherous journey, and no one has yet to return. Are you willing?" he asked.
"Anything. I'll do anything to get back to my family." Shildr said.
"Then Isaac will arrange a means of transportation with the Aurleon of Viridian Meadows. Once you arrive in the Umbra Forest, you will need to find Comucha." the stallion instructed.
"Comucha?" Shildr asked, confused.
He had never heard of the name before.
"Comucha is a blind and ancient Aeridini that lives in the heart of the Umbra Forest, near what the big people call the Sanctuary of Saerielle." Warren said. "Find her, and she will show you the way."
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 6/23/2017 at 10:55 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 8/30/2017 at 11:32 AM Post #15
"Well, he ain't going without me!" Courtney barked, prancing up beside Shildr.
The lupora groaned.
"And us!" Flo and Gamble said happily.
"No. You two aren't! Head stallion's orders." Warren said. The two foals stalked off mumbling under their breaths. "However, I will have Isaac going on the quest. He is the most durable stallion you could ever need. He is also very skilled with languages, and will act as your translator." the ruby leader said.
"Thank you." Shildr said, padding out of the ruby tent. Isaac landed beside him, an Aurleon beside him.
"This is Eurus, she will be accompanying us as transport. She owed me a favour." he said. He turned to the Aurleon, "Lalla camunda ichi noa baruma mei. Elleca, Shildr antadsa Courtney." he said to her.
She murmured something in response, causing the Opal leader to chuckle.
"What'd she say?" Courtney asked, her curly tail wagging.
"Eurus said your tail looks like a lunemara grub." Isaac said.
Shildr laughed heartily. "Lunemara... grub!" he choked out.
Courtney scowled. "Stupid chicken." she muttered.
"Amilla nota ijinrii alluna chamma listofei." Eurus said.
"What'd she say?" Courntey asked.
"She said climb on her back-" Isaac said.
"Kinoel linauna imochialen."
"-And mind you don't pull her feathers out." he finished.
"Whatever." Courtney said, scrabbling up the Aurleon's back, carefully making sure not to slip.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/13/2017 at 11:24 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/1/2017 at 8:32 AM Post #16

The flight to Umbra Forest was dull and uneventful, excluding the fact that Courtney nearly toppled off before Isaac saved her.
'I'm never flying again. Never.' Courtney had said, over and over.
Isaac rolled his eyes as he landed, his fiery rainbow man blowing in the wind. "You may not have to if you continue being as reckless as you are wont to do." the stallion huffed.
"What do you mean by that?!" the zolnixi spat.
Shildr stepped in, trying to mediate between the two.
"He means you should be more careful so you don't die." the lupora said, his voice monotone.
"Icona icha immala coda imicullana chelonmi." Eurus said simply.
Courtney turned to the group's translator, "What'd she say this time?" she shot at the qitari.
"She said we should all calm our... nipples. Apparently." Isaac said awkwardly.
"Chelonmi!" Eurus repeated.
"Sorry, she meant tits." she stallion said, correcting himself.
"How would she know what tits are?! She doesn't even have any! She's a bird for Krinadon's sake!" Shildr exclaimed.
"Maybe aurleons do have tits." Courtney suggested.
"Ellema cudomala chestona chelonmi!" Eurus exclaimed.
"She said, 'Of course we do!' but with more colourful language." Isaac said, putting a hoof over his eyes in an act of disgust.

(My husband made a joke about chicken breasts and if they had nipples.... #inspired)
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/22/2017 at 9:40 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/5/2017 at 1:09 PM Post #17
Shildr glanced around the ring of trees where they had landed. The forest was old, ancient, and full of life. The smell of decaying wood hit his nose every time he breathed in. A chill went up his back. There was something odd about this forest, something different, like it was one single entity. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and looked around.
"Where are we?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
"Near Faerina's Shrine. The Sanctuary of Saerielle is about fifteen sky-lengths away from us. We'd better get a move on. The forest is not safe under the moon." Isaac said, before heading west.
There was a flapping of feathers as Eurus took to the skies, heading back to Viridian Meadows.

The trio watched her depart until she was a speck in the sky.
Isaac was the first to turn away, his fiery tail swished behind him as he headed towards the Sanctuary.

Shildr and Courtney followed him through the trees.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/12/2017 at 10:46 AM Post #18
It was about Moon-High when the trio arrived at the Sanctuary. They entered the city between a pair of intertwining trees known as the Gate of Saerielle. Elves and fairies walked about the city as if it was broad daylight. It surprised Shildr, until he remembered a story Ashaunta told him about the moon, and how elves and fairies worshiped it. The city was vast. The most important places, such as the Plaza of Saerielle, the Armoury of Saerielle, and the Palace of Saerielle were on the ground. The lesser buildings, such as houses and small shops, were built in the trees. The lamps illuminated the city, giving it a majestic-blue glow.
Shildr cocked his ear as he listened to the delicate language of the elves. It flowed beautifully like a tranquil river.
"Eller naa sal' estela ten' i' gwaith en' Saerielle, amin can tyava ta." one was saying.
Even though Shildr couldn't understand the Elvish tongue, he thought it was the most beautiful language in the world.
The city smelled like dewdrops in the morning breeze. He had never seen trees like the ones in Saerielle before. Their long silver trunks rose up to the stars, their branches spreading out into twigs, which brought forth golden leaves that smelled of vanilla. An elf spotted Shildr and the others.
"Mani uma lye caela sinome? Y' n'nir Sylesti tuulo' i' Rhun?" he exclaimed, a smile blooming on his soft face. He walked over to Courtney and scratched her behind the ears before giving her a few fairy mushrooms.
"Good luck on your journey." he told them in the common Sylesti tongue, before walking away.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/12/2017 at 10:47 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/12/2017 at 11:51 AM Post #19
The next morning, Isaac woke up Shildr and Courtney.
The female zolnixi was no Disney princess when it came to waking up. Her curly tail drooped, the fur on her back stuck up in many places, making her resemble a lupora in some ways. "I was having a good dream," she said blearily, "there was this frog and I was *this* far from catching it."
Isaac snorted, "Good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty."
Shildr got up and stretched until his legs trembled. "Where are we going?" he asked, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes.
"Comucha's, remember?" Isaac said, leading the tired duo. "I have no clue where it is, but I met someone who does." he walked over to a sylesti stable and knocked on the door with a delicate hoof.
"This better be important! I have to convey the Lord Thranduil to Eternys in a few hours!" a voice said from the back of the stables. A few moments later, the biggest Faelora Shildr had ever seen, poked his head out of the door. "What do you want?!" he asked exasperatedly. When he saw Isaac, he relaxed. "To whom do I owe the favour of being woken up so early?" he asked, rolling his eyes.
"Hey Rovathor. I need you to repay your debt." Isaac said.
"I know what you want. I'll take you to the old lady. She is bonkers though." Rovathor said, pushing open the gate. "Follow me."

(Why does everyone owe Isaac a favour?)
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/13/2017 at 11:24 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/13/2017 at 9:57 AM Post #20
Shildr was amazed at the way Rovathor walked. The Faelora's graceful movements were mesmerizing, if not elegant. Every once and a while, Rovathor would turn around to look at his travelling companions, his yellow eyes gazing protectively over them. As they headed deeper into the forest, Rovathor became more and more skittish, his ears perking up at the slightest shudder of the leaves.
"Why is he so jumpy?" Courtney asked Isaac.
"Because of the Vorkids. They live around here." the stallion whispered.
Rovathor soon started to sing. The song, as if by magic, made tiny flowers and plants sprout up from the forest floor. The darkness suddenly seemed to grow lighter as they were joined by more of the magical foliage.
Though most of his song was unable to be translated, due to the scarce population of Elven Tongue translators, this is part of his song...

Though I wander through this forest,
Into the darkness there might be?
I sing for you great flowers,
Will you rise up like a sea?
Though the Darkness is overwhelming,
I look up to the Light.
For when will it ever fail me?
Not even in the night.

As Rovathor sang, Shildr felt the strength return to his limbs, and what ever sleep plagued his vision, quickly dispersed.
As Rovathor ended his song, they finally arrived at their destination.
It was a crooked little hut, made of stones in a rounded sort of fashion with a thatched roof. Cool blue light danced out of the windows, and purple lavender-scented smoke billowed out of the chimney in smoke rings.
The sound of crashing pottery emanated from the inside, causing Rovathor's ears to prick up.
"Something's wrong. The old lady's very careful about breaking her pots. I'll get help." he said, bounding through the thicket.
Shildr, Courtney, and Isaac dashed inside.
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