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Level 70
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 7:20 PM
Post #11
I would just re-attune the team I was going in with aha.
I haven't tried the arena after the proficiency update, so I'm not sure if the difficulty of the arena scaled as well.
Before, I'd imagine that the arena was specially made for lvl25 pre-update (since back then, lvl25 was a milestone level for getting the first attack), but it seems so close to lvl30, the new milestone level for getting the second prof point.
Gonna tune up for the arena and see how I do. o:
Level 68
The Tender
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 8:05 PM
Post #12
I don't know, you might be right. But this organization works really well for me, and the air pet is one of my best. Maybe it's affected by how I placed the stats? Magpie (my air pet) can both take damage and deal it, making him quite powerful.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 8:14 PM
Post #13
I have several different battle parties that I've been experimenting with since the new system rolled out! My personal favorite elements are Light and Water. They're both going to be so awesome when more skills and ability ranks are unlocked...
In normal battles, if you're going for survivability, I would recommend an Earth Tank, Water buffer, and a cannon of some kind (the ideal element for the cannon depends on the situation really). This is really effective at keeping your pets alive - especially once you unlock the second abilities at level 30.
Between the earth tank's Thorncoat, and the water buffer's Ice Barrier applied to the tank, the tank rarely ever takes large amounts of damage. I use this build all the time in the dungeons when I'm not going for speed - I never have to use any elixirs.
However, if you're at level 25 and trying the arena, I would second what other people have said elsewhere and try an all Shadow party with your points spent in Health. For me, the issue isn't hitting hard, but rather surviving long enough to whittle the enemy's health down to 0, so shadow is a solid choice. It's sturdy, and grants a debuff that deals damage and restores health all in one.
My first time going through the arena, I had base-stat pets with legendary gear, and that was before the proficiency improvements, lol. Mythical gear that plays to your pets' strengths is really ideal - or, when you work up enough arena marks for the gear there, that can sometimes be even better.
Honestly, I'm really excited to see the megazone so we can level up our pets' abilities. I think it will make a huge difference in arena fights.
Level 72
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 9:17 PM
Post #14
The cruncher is that after the proficiency update, you only get one Proficiency Point so there is not much else to do. At least your pets get a good boost in Health off the bat if you use it for that attribute.
Then you have to rely on the equipment.
Actually at this point I am not sure if the Arena is even worth it...maybe if one can get enough Arena Points to buy stuff but then again you have to do a lot of battles to get enough to buy something. I don't know.
At any rate I am going to try a few things in the meantime. Like I said, I am training a new team and will have my tank pet use the Water Tree so as it gets hit is can still absorb damage...don't misunderstand, the guides are good but if I could do it over again I would have my team use different element trees.
I don't know...the Light Tree is good but if you have three pets in your party it is hard to expect one pet to heal everyone especially when they get pummeled so much. I just wish the Fire Tree allowed for another attack option to use just a single target fire attack. (I like fire and it bites that the Fire Tree is not useful)
Maybe I'll try the arena again once my Shadow pets are at the right level...maybe..
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