Forum Index > General Discussion > Restricted trait philters?
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Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/15/2013
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Posted: 12/13/2017 at 10:31 AM
Post #11
It's a 1 in 3, sadly.
The Lunar set has the Gene, Tail, Wings, and the Jewels. The only slot that isn't eligible is the Wings (because of the restricted Natureguard trait) while the other 3 are still open.
I'm going to assume that you're under the impression that the G2 Lunar Spots can't be chosen because there's nothing in that slot, but sadly that's not how the philters work. Because the G2 is empty, it may remove a trait from M1 or M3 and place the restricted one there, rather than just replacing the M1 or M3 with the restricted one.
I wasn't aware of this until it happened with one of my philters. I intentionally gave a Mischievous Specter G2 in the hopes of philtering in the Glyphs. Hatched with Rose Markings in that slot, and I think it was Nebula for the other visible, and carried Cyberpunk Mask. Added the philter, and instead of it replacing Rose Markings with the Astral Glyphs like I wanted, the Nebula was removed and it gave me the Astral Wanderer's Orbs in a slot that was previously empty.
If it does roll Lunar Spots for you, though, it may still give you a chance to get rid of the pinecone butt as it may be removed when it gives you the gene. (Or it may take away the M3 instead.)
The good news is that your M2 Natureguard Wings will stay no matter what! It's the same reason I couldn't turn my Ocean's Jewel project's Nereid traits into Water Dragon traits; restricted trait can't be replaced with a restricted trait from another set.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 11/15/2013
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Posted: 12/13/2017 at 3:29 PM
Post #12
I thought the pinecone butt is 1/2 of the remaining genes, hence 1/2 the chance it will be gone.
If it doesn't get removed...there might be another set of restricted traits in the Spring Fest. The tail is the prettiest combo in my opinion, but I'm not getting my hopes up!
Oops, forgot about your project. That is good to know!
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