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Forum Index > General Discussion > the Sylesti Zodiac.
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/12/2015
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Posted: 4/16/2018 at 9:54 AM Post #11
eh its stated- I don't mind if it is or not XD
Level 71
Joined: 5/13/2015
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Posted: 4/16/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #12
Astrology Zodiac
Taurus: Faelora
Gemini: Zolnixi
Cancer: Puffadore
Leo: Lighira
Virgo: Nephini
Libra: Ferrikki
Scorpio: Ny'vene
Ophiuchus: Draeyl (Sign of the Serpent-bearer)
Sagittarius: Qitari
Capricorn: Kelpari
Aquarius: Lunemara
Pisces: Sylvorpa

Personally I don't quite believe that Ophiuchus is a sign. It is heavily debated but when I was born this sign wasn't around so I don't think my sign changed. I act too much like a Sagittarius.

Chinese Zodiac
Rat: Ferrikki
Ox: Faelora
Tiger: Lighira
Rabbit: Bulbori
Dragon: Ny'vene
Snake: Draeyl
Horse: Qitari
Monkey: Luffox
Roster: Aurleon
Dog: Puffadore, Lupora or Zolnixi
Edited By Minishrimp on 4/16/2018 at 12:46 PM.
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 7:35 PM Post #13
Here's my hot take on the issue.

Aries: Ny'vene
Taurus: Faelora
Gemini: Aurleon
Cancer: Lupora
Leo: Lighira
Virgo: Nephini
Libra: Zolnixi
Scorpio: Vulnyx
Sagittarius: Ryori
Capricorn: Lunemara
Aquarius: Griffi
Pisces: Luffox

I didn't choose these based on how well they fit the existing symbol for the signs, but rather how I felt the species lined up based on the descriptions of the personalities of the Sylesties as per Krin and some other factors. I do not think this is the definitive list, and I'd love to know if anyone has anything to add.

For Aries, I chose the Ny'vene because it is the fieriest of personality, and Aries is the Cardinal Fire sign. It is also the first of the Fabled Sylesties, just like Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries, ruled by Mars, is prone to being combatative but also determined. They're good at getting the ball rolling. I don't think many Aries would mind being the big ol' dragon Sylestie, especially as almost every Aries I know is very proud of their sign.

Faelora as Taurus isn't too surprising, as Taurus is ruled by Venus, goddess of beautiful things. Faelora love being surrounded by beautiful vegetation and being fed tasty fruit. Taurus is a bit of a hedonistic sign, so I felt it fit. Faelora are also very calm, and that probably translates well to Taurus's dependable, down-to-earth nature.

Gemini, the first Air sign, is thought of as a sign of intelligence and sociability, both of which are right there in the first two sentences describing Aurleon behavior. The Aurleon's apparent diversity also could call back to Gemini's mutable nature, and intelligence could be attributed to Mercury, the planet of communication, and the communication between "twins".

I chose Lupora for Cancer because Cancer is ruled by the moon, and I'm only so creative. Luporas care for their families, which a staple water sign trait, but are also defensive against outsiders, and a bit unyielding to new ideas. As Cancer is a crab, with a hard shell, they are thought to sometimes be a bit stubborn.

It was unfortunately all-too easy to choose Lighira for Leo. The Ligh's love of warmth is connected to the Sun, which is Leo's ruling "planet". They are somewhat mysterious (as Leos like to think they are), loyal (which Leos definitely are), and family-oriented, which is close to the hospitable and caring nature exhibited by Leos. Lighira are also quite noble-looking, which is another touted trait of the fixed Fire sign.

The intelligent, elusive Nephini is a very good fit for the analytical and taciturn Virgo. Virgo is another earth sign, ruled by Mercury, the smallest planet. Nephinis are very small Sylesties and are nature-focused, and helpful to the forest just as Virgos are helpful to all those around them. After all, Virgos are very good at figuring out the best way to do things, and very much prefer to do them that way.

Libra is considered the most social of the signs, and is one of the mind-oriented Air signs. Thus, I believe Zolnixi to be a pretty top choice to represent them. Nixis like company and are curious, and are also naturally inclined towards staying well-kempt. Libra is also ruled by Venus, so I feel that this behavior is in-line with the sign. Even though Libra is the sign most obsessed with things being fair and just, they are slightly inclined towards mischief, so I don't think that that Zolnixi trait is too wide of the mark.

The fierce Vulnyx is a good pairing for the fierce Scorpio. Scorpio has a reputation for being resourceful, determined, and a bit intense, which is fairly true to the aggressive and territorial nature of the Vulnyx. Scorpio is also a sign that is patient, and knows when to strike, which is the exact hunting strategy of cats.

Sagittarius is probably best known for its restless love of freedom, and it's hard to get freer than a species you literally can't pin down. Ryoris are a weird but fitting choice for the most mature of the Fire signs, but the fact that they exist partly between two worlds exemplifies Sagittarius's nature of the duality of man and beast. The mischevious nature of Sagittarius is also seen in the Ryori's own love of pranks and scares.

Capricorn is a very stolid sign, perhaps considered a bit humorless, but it is also a very wise, prudent, and resourceful sign. Capricorn is a sign of achievers, and that achievement is through hard work and responsibility. Lunemaras are the most hardworking of all the Sylesties, and both are the best at making use of what the material world has to offer.

Introspective, aloof, and perhaps a little cold describes both Aquarius and the Griffi. One major part where the the Griffi is lacking in describing Aquarius, though, is the Air sign's humanitarianism. However, I feel that their eccentricity is well-captured under how unique of a creature the Griffi is.

As the Valentine's Sylestie, the Luffox is considered a loving and compassionate species. Valentine's isn't actually in Pisces, but it's pretty close, and Pisces are definitely lovers (and fighters, for those they love). Both the sign and the Sylestie are known for having strong emotions that bolster them, and they are sensitive and spiritual.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 7:52 PM Post #14
Aries:Luffox(Cause it seems like a horn thing)
Taurus: Morkko(buff bull,buff bear thingy)
Gemini: Zolnixi (i think that's good)
Cancer: Lunamara(Multi legged)
Leo: Lighira (totally)
Virgo: Aries: Aeridini
Taurus: Griffi
Gemini: Zolnixi
Cancer: Sylvorpa
Leo: Lighira
Virgo: Nephini
Libra: Fealora(male needs balance for antlers)
Scorpio: Draeyl
Ophiuchus:Werid feelingto do Vulnyx
Sagittarius: Qitari
Capricorn: Kelpari
Aquarius: Ryori
Pisces: Kelpari
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