I was looking at Creativity's pets, almost thought you were OP. xD;;
Anyways, are your pets all geared up?
For me, I got lazy and stuck with my 2 HP tanks (pure HP, all points in Dark Tree's HP) and a Dark pet with all tree points in Dark HP, but all level up points in int.
After that, the equips should be geared so they promote higher int. (For me anyways, just for you, make sure your tanks have HP covered, and your one damage dealing pet has the proper str or int gear to back it up.)
Once you're in the arena, when Heat of the Moment comes up, it'll last for 2 turns, yeah?
The first attack after will target your middle pet. So make sure it blocks.
The second attack tends to hit all 3 pets. So if you want, you can set all pets to block.
After that, just make sure you survive, but at the same time, keep killing. The upside for having 2 tanks is that when one tank gets into the low HP %, you can switch it to the side with the other tank. c:
Hope it helps, because beating Fire Eyes is my only way to get marks lolol. >__<
Level 60
Joined: 1/16/2013
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Posted: 11/26/2013 at 12:21 PM
Post #15
I have beaten all the brackets in 25. U can Pm me if u ever need help.
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