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Level 34
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 9:23 AM
Post #11
I would like to join.
Level 62
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 12/9/2018 at 6:25 PM
Post #12
Please do!
Level 62
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 9:47 AM
Post #13
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 11:01 AM
Post #14
Dexion Silverleaf
Wood Elf
He has a silver tree tattooed on his face.
Preferred Pronouns:
Him, his, he
He can understand and speak with animals
Weapon of Choice:
Longbow but he can also use dule short swords if needed
-Unlike many thieves he works well in a group, in fact he works better with a partner than without.
-He's a skilled archer, rarely missing a shot unless acted upon by outside forces.
-He has a way with animals, being able to calm them (most of the time).
-Dexion is super agile, and with his thin frame can get into spots normal people can't.
~He can't swim at all, and panics when around water.
~In hand to hand combat he is easily over powered (he's a weakling).
~He fears being locked away, being chained or tied up.
~If given the choice he won't kill, and he never harms an animal.
For the most part he is a very helpful person that tries to make friends with everyone that he meets. It takes a lot for him not to trust you (unless you are an elf hater), and once that trust is broken it takes a lot to win it back. To most he tends to be a tad bit charming, some even say he's a sort of beacon of hope. Something about the young elf just makes everyone's day better bringing a smile to almost everyone. He's a happy go lucky kind of guy.
"My husband of course! Why else would I marry him if I didn't have a crush on him? Love you Dorian!"
Rp Example:
In the corner of the room a weak fire crackled as it ate away at the fuel it was given. Other than that the room was strangely hushed. It was odd that a bar full of this many scoundrels and outlaws would go this long without causing some upstir. But then maybe they were planning to. A low fog of smoke filled the air dimming the already dull light that the fire gave off. Only a few other lanterns hung on the battered walls in a sad attempt to try to ward off the ominous dark that seemed to cloak the room. A chill was in the air, the fireplace even seeming to give off a sort of cold breeze. No one dared move more than to lift their cups or forks to enjoy the small token they had paid for. Their eyes were all on the same sight trying to pick it apart piece by piece in a hope to understand it better. It was rare for an elf to be sitting so comfortably amongst humans at the tavern, this tavern in particular. Even on a slow night one could expect nearly two dozen people to fill the place ranging from slave traders and black market dealers to bandits.One had to be foolish to come here to begin with but an elf? That was suicide. Ever since the war, elves weren't welcomed in most places freely. In fact they were considered a slave race along with the dwarves. Many noble families collected both races to add to their personal collections of servants and slaves. An elf sitting among a band of ruffians was madness.
Dorian Pavus
Preferred Pronouns:
Him,his, he, your majesty, your highness (last two optional lol)
He can raise the dead. He is limited to one body at a time and can keep them raised only if he is concentrated.
Weapon of Choice:
A Staff (polearm)
-His charming good looks.
-Coming from a rich household he has connections.
-Doesn't come with baggage seeing his family kicked him out!
-Despite his looks he can hold his own in a fight.
~He's gets rude to hide his pain.
~Contrary to belief he does get offended when people talk about his home in a bad way.
~Wine, enough said.
To be honest he's your typical rich guy, he can be a bit of a jerk most of the time. Dorian has no problems telling you if something isn't to his standards. He tends to like the fancier things in life, he will not settle for second best. He can be very blunt when he wants to be and isn't afraid to give his options. He tends to keep his feelings at bay and tries to only use humor to get on people's nerves. To Dexion though he is sweet and kind on top of being very protective of his love. He tends to get jealous easily, and even picks fights with others if he thinks they aren't being nice to Dexion.
"You clearly must jest. My heart belongs to my Amatus, Dexion. Shocked?"
Rp Example:
It seemed that even the bard of the tavern was readying for a fight, the war song slowly playing in the silent halls in a taunting gesture. The place was more on edge than normal, the man noted, to his surprise. Normally you could simply provoke a fight by asking someone the wrong question, stealing a drink, or even going as far as spreading rumors. When the mood was this tense, all you had to do was move a tad too fast and you would get a knife in your side. The smell of mildew and puke hung low in the air from the nights parties the day before. Honestly, why had someone not cleaned that up yet Pavus thought as he wrinkled his nose against the smell. The bar was uninviting, but perhaps that was the point. The door closed quietly behind him as he entered the abode not daring to break the silence. The robed man stood in the door for a moment, the golden mask hid any of his face that could be seen through his hood. He was known in these parts simply as Pavus the man with no face and no story to tell. From the outside the mask looked much like the ones worn by plague doctors, the eyes tinted black to keep his eyes shaded away from view. The hood covered his neck and shoulders in a velvety coat of black, contrasting with the near white robes underneath. Each tail of the robe was tipped in black, the split up his middle showing the black and gold trimmed tunic underneath. A golden belt adorned his waist keeping various containers and pouches close to his sides and away from thieving grips. To top it all off he wore a hat that resembled a shortened top hat. A single gold feather stuck out of the band. The gold mask reflected the light as he passed the fire, weaving his way towards the elf. Eyes followed him the whole while, studying him as he went on.
Edited By Hawkeye on 1/14/2019 at 12:00 PM.
Level 32
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 12:42 PM
Post #15
Crow Michaelis
((He has a scar across his left eye running diagonally from his brow to his jawline))
Preferred pronouns:*
He, Him etc.
Bisexual (Leans towards males)
Transform into a crow at will (Sometimes it's triggered when he's startled)
Weapon of choice:
Speed, Agility, Intelligence
Teamwork, stamina, strength, water
Crow is pretty reserved. Doesn't talk very much to others unless he's spoken to first. He's a little jumpy due to some bad experiences as a child(more in backstory), but he tries not to let that show. He hates the idea of people seeing his weaknesses, because he learned that the strong take advantage of the weak pretty quick. His temper is a force to be reckoned with, so I wouldn't suggest insulting him directly. Otherwise, if you earn his trust, he's a great friend to have. He won't ever betray anyone's trust.
None, but open!
Crow had... a very unsafe home as a child. His mother died in childbirth, leaving him with a father who didn't want him in the first place. To be light, he was abused pretty harshly. He ran off at twelve years old, and started to fend for himself. He met some people along the way, but non he's in touch with currently. He soon found the more people you trust, the more people that could possibly betray you. He had another bad run in with some people, and they tried to drown him ten times only to bring him back to life, thus making him aquaphobic. He also was sold and bought once to an owner, but he managed to escape and is still quite scarred from it all. Touch him, and he will not hesitate to punch/kick them directly.
RP example:
"I said I don't like water." Crow snapped a little. Why must people ask so many questions? He didn't like water, and that was that. Could they not accept the answer he gave them? "By all means, keep asking about it. A wonderful topic I must say."
Crow sighed angrily as he snatched his bardiche that was leaning against the tree trunk. He marched off to go find some other way around the river, he normally came up with something sooner or later.
Edited By Luminousheart on 12/12/2018 at 1:55 PM.
Level 62
Frosty Hands
Joined: 11/8/2018
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 12:45 PM
Post #16
Level 23
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 3:02 PM
Post #17
Preferred pronouns:*
Alcove has weak healing magic and can help plants grow faster.
Weapon of choice:
Throwing knifes
Nature magic, climbing, running, stealth
Hand to hand combat, strength,
Alcove is a social individual, she doesnt really tell people about her. Alcove is willing to help anyone in need. Sometimes she tends to ignore reason to help someone. Shes brash and stubborn but she has good intentions.
None yet
Nobody else really knows where she came from. She just started coming to the villages one day. In reality she was born to two normal non-magic using humans. Alcove became friends with a elf who taught her a bit about magic. Using this she helps people even when they dont want it.
RP example:
A human walked through the forest, the soft rustle of the grass trailing after her. Carrying a thick book, she stops in her tracks as soon as she sees a wilting sapling. Carefully, the human set down the book in the bright green grass. Turning her attention to the dying plant, the girl shut her eyes. With her dark hair flowing up in the breeze, a green light surrounded her. It seemed to connect with the sapling and after a moment the sapling started to look healthy again. The green aura faded and the breeze calmed down. Taking a deep breath, the human opened their eyes. Smiling, the pale girl picked up the book that she had put on the grass earlier. Come on Alcove! You have to hurry! The woman said, muttering to herself. With that she ran off to the nearby town.
Edited By Yeetthatskeet on 12/12/2018 at 7:11 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 4:05 PM
Post #18
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/12/2018 at 4:16 PM
Post #19
(Double post.)
Edited By Hawkeye on 12/12/2018 at 4:17 PM.
Level 62
Frosty Hands
Joined: 11/8/2018
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Posted: 12/14/2018 at 12:08 PM
Post #20
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