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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > World of many universes [Signups]
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Level 58
Fancy Pants
Joined: 12/18/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 7:42 PM Post #11
Im on mobile and cant post pictures
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 7:47 PM Post #12
oh, you can just describe their appearance than!
Level 58
Fancy Pants
Joined: 12/18/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 8:19 PM Post #13
I think I did
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 1:10 AM Post #14
Dorian of house Pavus

31 years old


Human, Tevinter

What Fictional World Are You From:
Dragon Age Inquisition

Author Of Said Fictional World:
BioWear Games


To be honest he's your typical noble, he can be a bit of a jerk most of the time. Dorian has no problems telling you if something isn't to his standards. He tends to like the fancier things in life, he will not settle for second best. He can be very blunt when he wants to be and isn't afraid to give his options. He tends to keep his feelings at bay and tries to only use humor to get on people's nerves. All in all inside he's a broken man, torn between a life he wants to live and a life he hates though he's not sure which is which yet.

Dorian was born to a family that hated one another. His mother and father constantly fought and family gatherings nearly always ended in bloodshed. Destined to one day rule the Magistirum himself, he often found himself looking forward to finally being in charge. That was until his father apprehended him for liking men over woman. They had a falling out, for that and other matters but this was the straw that broke the horse's back. He left home then, leaving everything behind him of the life he once knew. Not long after he found that his old tutor had managed to perfect the spell they had once worked on together. Desperate to stop the man named Alexius for ruining the world with his time spell the mage took it into his own hands to step in. That's when he met the Inquisition. It was just a band of four it seemed, a red headed dwarf with a bow, a fiery sheid maiden, an elven apostate, and a silver haired elven archer. The last elf stuck out though, maybe for the fact that he was the inquisitor himself, or maybe for the way he didn't seem to care who started this whole mess or where they came from he was just looking to stop it. It was the start of something, though he wasn't forsure what. Getting sent through time, and fixing it along side one another only seemed to seal the mood. Despite eventything they had seen the young elf seemed unafraid of what might happen. He was hopeful even if they couldn't fix what had happened, even if the world might be destroyed before their very eyes. It gave the others hope, hope they needed to actually succeed. And even when it was all fixed, after seeing what the world could have become Alexius was spared from death so long as he put his work to good use and the rebel mages taken under the wing of the Inquisition. Then the suddle flirting in passing conversation just sealed the deal between them. Haven was destroyed shortly after, though with the help of the elven apostate they found Skyhold. The abandoned fortress gave plenty of room for the Inquisition to grew and reform as well as their love for one another. Even in his busy state the Inquisitor found time to help anyone in need, including his members of the Inner Circle. If you brought up a problem he would help fix it even if you didn't wish him to do so. So when the amulet was returned...their romance was sealed. For the first time in what seemed like ages the fate of the world was pushed aside, allowing the elf name Dexion to enjoy himself for a single night. Of course it got everyone talking though he didn't seem to mind, he took it with stride holding his head high even as people judge him. 'An elf in love with a human!' Or 'Two men loving one another...the thought!' Yet still the elf was never down about it. Again it gave others hope, the hope they needed to look ahead towards the future of the world.

~drinking though expensive wine is his favorite
~showing off, he is after all from an extensive line of mages
~reading, books help pass the time after all among other things
~spending time with his Amatus (love) though now that doesn't seem like an option

-Questions about his past, his past personally
-thoughts of losing those close to him, even his parents
-talking to or about his parents, just no
-dogs, for reasons unknown

Family | "Id much rather we not speak of this, it isn't worth my time nor breath."
Enemies | "Where to start..."
Significant Other | "Oh my poor Amatus...I hope he's not too worried about me disappearing like this. I just wish I could tell him I'm alright."

Special Skills/Powers/ Abilities:
He's a mage, dealing mostly in necromancy. Necromancy in this case involves bringing the souls of the ones kill back to fight for you for a short time.

"Try not to 4get me Dexion...I'll try to make it back in time for the big fight I promise."

Dexion is also in the universe, though the two haven't found one another yet.

"I'm to pretty to die!"

In Backstory
Level 18
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 6:30 AM Post #15
Age [if unknown then guess]:2
Likes and dislikes:she like everything but bendy
Appearance:a little ink bunny
Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]:she was a maid not anymore
Universe:bendy and the ink machine

And you can add other things necessary, if needed, like powers/species/other stuff that may be universe specific.:she Can grow smaller and know where everyone or thing can melt into ink only bendy can see jer
Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 9:07 AM Post #16
You read Keeper of the Lost Cities???? I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!

Also, can I join Auru?
Edited By Pipps on 12/7/2018 at 9:08 AM.
Level 62
Frosty Hands
Joined: 11/8/2018
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 10:03 AM Post #17
Eragon Shadeslayer


Kind, compassionate, and understanding, but ruthless in battle, Eragon is known for swiftness of mind and body.

Likes and dislikes:
Likes: Arya, Saphira, working magic, woodcraft

Dislikes: Evil, suffering, large bodies of people.


Eragon was born a poor farmer, but that all changed when Saphira's egg appeared before him while hunting. Read the books to see the rest. [no spoilers!]


Saphira Bjarkskular


Can be rude, but is also able to be quite kind.

Eragon, live animals for eating

Fleece stuck between her teeth.


She hatched to Eragon. Read the books for the rest of the story. [no spoilers!]

Level 64
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 12:40 PM Post #18
Go right on ahead!
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 1:02 PM Post #19
(you mind if i paste right off of another sign ups? link is here

Name: Adam *Blitz* Draconi

Age (20-30): 24

Weapons (at max 3): Skullcrawler tooth as a makeshift sword, spear made of rocks and sticks, actual Swiss Arky knife

Reason to come to the island(s): oh, he didnt have a reason. At the age of 14, he and his family went on a cruise ship together. The ship got a leak that went unnnoticed, and it sunk. Everyone made it out alive, but they forgot about him. He floated up on Skull Island, and has been their ever since.

Backstory: read the reason for coming to the island for the recent bit. But he was just a normal kid in his normal life.


Other: he and Fang help Kong and Rexy battle the Skullcrawlers and keep the peice.

Universe: Islands collide

Name: Fang

Age: about 8

Species: Skullcraller

Dino or monster?: monster

Island home before the islands merged (where did you live?): Skull Island

Backstory: when Blitz washed up on shore, this guy was still in an egg. When Blitz found the egg, it was close to hatching, so he smuggled it away into the jungle. There, it hatched, and bonded with him.

Fast forward 10 years later, and theyre a powerful duo. And deadly.


Other: With Blitz, he cant take down a Skullcrawler without much injury. Blitz even made a saddle out of Triceratops and Skullcrawler hides recently to make a saddle to ride Fang.

Universe: Islands Collide

(just gonna add this for the RP)

when the universes collided, the island got sucked onto the planet where this all starts in, thankfully close to other land.
Edited By Dragonsrcool54 on 12/7/2018 at 4:41 PM.
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 1:12 PM Post #20
Name: Ammolite
Age: 600
Personality: Ammolite is a total sweetheart, she tries cheering everyone up. She can get a little too happy some times. When she's angry at someone she's notorious for giving the cold shoulder.
Likes and dislikes: She likes when others are safe, Sunshine. Dislikes are, overconfidence, recklessness, scary stories.
(Without piercings and whith almost white skin)

Backstory: wip
Universe:houseki no kuni
Edited By Sabira on 12/7/2018 at 1:13 PM.
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