Hi Soltra. I'm not sure if you were still around when I changed my name from F_For_Fox, or if you remember me.
I have seen a few old players around, mostly active during fests. General chat is pretty much dead to my knowledge, or at least it is any time I peek in there. I have remained active and I'm still online every day.
I'm an admin for a Sylestia discord if you'd like an invite to it. You'd probably know a few people in it, like Savynn, Imperium, BlackShadowWolf, Lostwords13, and Lavelle.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/13/2019 at 6:09 PM
Post #12
I definitely remember you! It does seem that General's activity has died down; I'm guessing that chatter has moved to either Region or Discord? Or the Skype group if that's still active. I would love an invite to the Discord, though only if you guys don't mind a semi-inactive Slyestian in your midst!
Level 75
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Posted: 5/13/2019 at 6:19 PM
Post #13
Sure! We just ask that everyone reads the rules channel before posting. We have some off-topic channels in there too, so feel free to chat about whatever in the server. To my knowledge the Skype chat is mostly dead, but I haven't been in it for years.
Level 74
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Posted: 5/13/2019 at 7:09 PM
Post #14
A lot of us players are mostly using fest chat...the rp forums are pretty active and pets/games forums keep pushing me to page 2 every few hours. (im not an old player but ust a too-active one ;P)
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