Forum Index > General Discussion > Not getting drops in Lost Grove. Please...
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Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2019 at 5:47 PM
Post #11
Oh my gosh! This site is only coded by ONE person? Krin is like the The One? I thought they might have a small team but I didn't realize it was only one. That changes a lot. Thank you for telling me.
Level 70
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Posted: 10/13/2019 at 5:48 PM
Post #12
they have a small team of artists but yes krin is the only coder
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2019 at 5:53 PM
Post #13
Golly it's really amazing they can do This much. Aww this is like a really heartfelt site then. <3 <3
Thank you all for telling me. I was a lot less wise 7 years ago(I came back and realized I'd never giving my pet elements or proff. I was just beating my heard into a brick wall with focused attack. Yet my pets where lv 55 which means A lot of wall head beat of stubbornness.) and I'm still honestly learning a lot about the site. I apologies to everyone for being annoying with my expectations.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 10/13/2019 at 5:58 PM
Post #14
I mean, you might have given your pets elements and profs? All pets had them reset to nothing when the new proficiency system was released (in march 2017), since it was a completely different setup from the old one.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
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Posted: 10/13/2019 at 6:00 PM
Post #15
No no like my friend Also got back on and was talking to me about this system I'd never heard of. And it was like a page I knew nothing about and I hadn't realized pets even had elements. It was all really mind blowing. I was still in Umbra forest like 1 area away from completion just like maxed out lv 25 gear. It's was SO confusing.
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