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Level 75
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Posted: 12/31/2019 at 7:53 AM
Post #11
I can't share mine but I can redo it here
S - Ryori, Kepari and Sylvorpa
A - Ny'vene, Faelora, Ferikki and Morkko
B - Ligra, Lunemara and Qitari
C - Draeyl, Luffox and Zolnixi
D - Aurleon, Aerdini and Bulbori
E - Griffi, Nephini and Lupora
F - Puffadore, Nytekrie and Vulnyx
Please do not take offence to any of this, it's just my opinion.
I love Ryori, Kelpari and Sylvorpa, so much can be done with them and it's so fun imagining them in real life, trickster Ryori and the Kelpari and Sylvorpa splashing about without them frozen in 2D form.
I really like Ny'venes because I love dragons and the idea of flying. Soaring up, on a powerful, four-armed best with battle armour everywhere. I really like Faelora, too, and I can see them in a herd in springtime, two or three males leading the herd, and the little babies jumping and frolicking all over the place. The Ferikki is just SO CUTE! It's little chubby face and tail. The Morkko I like because I like bears and powerful things. Just imagine, riding into battle with a huge, spiked ball of fluff with teeth and claws.
The Lighra has always been cute and powerful but I never really paid much attention to it, that's all. The Lunemaras I like because of their huge eyes. Idk. The Qitari I like, too, because I love horses and scales. Combine those two and you have a Qitari.
The Draeyl has just always been there, I sometimes catch the cool-looking ones in battle but I never really pay attention to it. Luffoxes are cute but I see no point to them, instead of being the new player's easy choice. Zolnixi are cute, they are like dogs and cats combined with foxes. But they haven't really stuck out to me very much.
The Aurleon I can say I kind of dislike. They are too Animal, and not enough Sylesti. They don't really look very nice, either. Aerdini aren't bad, as such, but they don't have very good designs, and they kinda look like Nephini. Bulbori, like the Aurleon, aren't Sylesti enough.They just don't have very good traits.
Okay, now I can say I really don't like any of these next pets.
The Griffi I have never liked. They are supposed to be a Fabled species, but I see them all the time. Their design isn't good at all and I don't like the Female's look especially. The Nephini is just an Aerdini with legs, it serves no purpose and very few people specialize in them. The Lupora aren't very good either. Their design is a little wonky and I HATE their traits.
I don't like Puffadore because I HATE THEM. They are one of the top 3 most hated Sylesti of mine and I just don't like them. At all. The Nytekrie is the same. Their design in really bad and their traits and themes aren't good. The Vulnyx. Oh my. I REALLY DO NOT LIKE THESE. They are just sabre-toothed tigers. They are common, and bad quality and should be deleted from Syestia.
Edited By Petanimalady on 12/31/2019 at 8:14 AM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 12/31/2019 at 11:47 PM
Post #12
I love my noodles. :)
Never really liked the vorpas and lunes - I haaate bugs and the vorpa eyes are kinda freaky. The morks look mean and the luffs... not even gonna touch those. xD Demon squirrels. That's just my opinion tho!
Level 75
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Posted: 1/1/2020 at 12:37 AM
Post #13
I love Sylvorpa but I gotta agree with you there on those eyes... and the Luffox... :shudders:
Level 75
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Posted: 1/1/2020 at 12:38 AM
Post #14
Whoops double post
Edited By Petanimalady on 1/1/2020 at 12:38 AM.
Level 75
Snow Wars Mastermind
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Posted: 1/4/2020 at 10:14 AM
Post #15
ooo fun!
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 1/4/2020 at 12:06 PM
Post #16
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 1/4/2020 at 10:02 PM
Post #17
S - Zolnixi, Lupora, Nyvene, Ryori
A - Aeridini, Aurleon, Nephini, Lighira
B - Sylvorpa, Morkko, Ferrikki
C - Griffi, Vulnyx, Kelpari
D - Nytekrie, Faelora
E - Qitari, Draeyl
F - Lunemara, Puffadore, Bulbori, Luffox
My species ranking is based mainly on the number of traits a species has, and what they look like. So for me, all the ones in the top three groups are the best in both those aspects. The one group thats the exception to that is the last one. Im just not a big fan of the design of the Lunemara and Luffox. I find it very meh. The Puffadore and the Bulbori are just a domestic dog and a rabbit, respectively. And I personally find that rather boring 8[. *Shrugs*
Edited By Earthprotector49 on 2/17/2020 at 12:43 PM.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 2/16/2020 at 12:49 PM
Post #18
Level 75
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Posted: 2/16/2020 at 1:51 PM
Post #19
So I have changed mine because I have come to appreciate other species, and, well, 'un-appreciate' others. So here it is!
So the top 2 are Aurleon and Ryori. I love these guys.
In the A section comes Griffi, Lunemara, Ny'vene and Kelpari. I love the incredible genes and mutations on these species.
The third section, B section, is home to Faelora, Morkko, Lupora and Ferrikki. These guys I am okay with and I get why loads of people love them but I am just not as into their style.
In the C Section is Sylvorpa and Lighra. I mean, I don't hate them, but they aren't my favourite.
D Section time! It's the Vulnyx, Luffox, Draeyl and Bulbori. I just... don't really like them.
Next is Qitari and Zolnixi. I dn't understand the rush for collecting pretty Zolnixi. They aren't even that good.
And finally, the worst of the worst, Aeridini, Nephini, Puffadore and Nytekrie. Do not like these. I strongly dislike the positioning and proportions, the style, the concept.
Edited By Petanimalady on 2/17/2020 at 1:39 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/16/2020 at 3:23 PM
Post #20
just so you know, everyone has their own opinions. you might not like some breeds, but others do and its not your business.
its incredibly rude to be bashing the sylestia artists work.
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