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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 8/26/2013
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 2:50 PM Post #11
thanks for doing this Niverus^^

hhmm things that would make me happy

prismatic philters!!! (like tons of these XD )
trait disrupters (both themed and RTD )
genderswap philters
mana and health philters
magic pies
pet dyes

wishlist that is not stockibel XD :P
tagged themed pets from withs i don't have a breeding pair jet
breedble 6v themed pets for my collection (for these i alsow collect pairs but alsow diveren trait sets) (RT pets with there max amount of traits as well ofcours)

themed legendary/myt grove pets (the 200 mana ones not the ones from eggies they lack the wild stats) (getting me one of these will get you a replacement mastertrap, free super stat of the species provided ones i can breed them. and probebly free super stat of the species i can already breed. max stat pets or pretty pb themed offspring are optional as well^^ i have a big collection i can breed from afther all^^)
Level 75
Breaker of Chains
Joined: 10/15/2018
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 3:49 PM Post #12
ooh wishlist time, yay

lets see..
stuff for in my stocking
any type of generator essence for ; puff, ryori, ferrikki
philters of trait disruption ( themed )
grim rose disruptors
angelic or steampunk disruptors
skullmoth, Victorian, or arcanist disruptors
spring blossom disruptors
avatar items ( I'll add a list here later for convenience )

non stocking stuff
again, avatar items ( lol )
tagged, and or max stat puffs
tagged ryori with either cyberpunk or skeletal traits or both
Level 75
Joined: 3/17/2018
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 4:08 PM Post #13
Thank you for setting this up!

I would love:
Any bulbori essence
Any faelora essence
Any ny'vene essence
Perfectly pastel, valentine masquerade, vampiric romance, or vintage mask luffox costume (assuming they exist and actually look like the 100x100 picture I expanded from the wishlist)

Ooof I have a very long avi item list (4.5 page word doc) but I'll put some of it up here. If I don't specify which colors, assume any.

Backgrounds: Shamrock Forest, Starry Night, Birch Forest, Floating Candles (blue or white), Full Moon (eerie green)

Backs: Butterfly Bandit Cape, Ghostly Stag, Demon Channeler's Lurker (not recolor), Floating Lillies (recolor, blossom, dewdrop, or twilight), Bone Lord's Cape (blood drinker)

Wings: Cupid's Gallant Wings (angelic, heavenly, broken heart), Feathered Witch Wings (not imperial berry), Snowdrop Fairy Wings (not spring), Desert Wanderer Wings (recolor, oasis, sandstorm, scorpion), Demon Hunter Wings (crimson), Ny'vene Tamer's Wings, Angelfish Wings (koi, firestorm, hurricane), Wings of the Soul Collector, Autumn Fairy's Branches, Winter Faun's Wings

Heads: Braid of the Clover (moonlight), Crown of the Clover (golden), Butterfly Bandit Hood, Feathered Witch's Headdress, Day of the Dead Mask (ghastly, traditional), Harvest Demon's Horns (halloween), Seductive Demon Horns (coldfire, hellfire), Forest Witch's Hat (plaguespreader, violet), Tropical Shaman's Tiara (tidal), Autumn Fairy's Flower Crown (not sunfury), Winter Faun's Horns

Outfits: Irish Clerical Robes, Lava Dancer's Robes (molten), Sylestian Engineer's Outfit (badlands, casual), Bone Reaper's Robes (candy corn), Demon Hunter's Regalia (crimson), Harvest Demon's Outfit (dusky), Spellcrafter's Tunic (halloween, golden), Jovial Cafe Outfit (recolor, outrageous orange), Supernova Robes (starlight), Autumn Fairy's Garments (midnight dream), Griffi Spirit Tamer's Robes (candy)

Helds: Ancient Ent Sapling (Knot, Cindy), Malfarian's Companion (Chip), Arch Mage's Staff, Wild Spring Spirit (Abellia, Amara), Dream Stealer's Baku (Aster, Bastian, Sephora), any Pooka Wand or Familiar that's not sakura, Snowdrop Fairy Vines, Sea Dog, Glowing Branch Staff of Autumn/Frost, Baby Gator (Swampy), Bone Lord's Staff (blooddrinker), Bone Reaper's Scythe (crimson, noxious), Forest Witch's Broomstick (harvest), Winter Faun's Scepter, Violet Umbrella (coal, turquoise), Witch's Broom (applewood), Day of the Dead Bouquet (candy corn)
Level 71
The Tender
Joined: 6/20/2016
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 4:19 PM Post #14
Hey! Thanks for doing this! I've been looking on the forums for random people to gift stuff to, this makes it easy! x3

A super condensed version of my wishlist:

Consumables: Prismatic Philters, Philters of Gender Swapping, Greater Genetic Mutators, Pet Dyes

Helds: Amethyst Staff of Love, Fauna Caretakers Sloth Staff (Pink lily/Forest), Glowing Branch Staff of Frost

Outfits: Sylestian Engineers Outfit (recolour), Arctic Guardians Parka (blizzard), Winter Faun's Outfit (recolour/woodlands), Lovely Robes (heavenly/cinderwood), Cozy Autumn Attire (crisp rainbow)

Heads: Cupid's Gallant Halo (recolour/angelic), Bunny Ears (recolour), Devil Horns (recolour), Vampiric Horns

Backs: Essence of Wind (recolour), Falling Hearts (recolour), Falling Rose Petals (recolour)

Wings: Feathered Witch Wings (recolour/imperial berry), Leaf Blade Wings (recolour), Striped Sugarplum Wings (recolour)

(for some of these items Im not sure if they're "recolour" or just... come that way)
Edited By Invertedpencil on 12/17/2019 at 4:21 PM.
Level 68
Frosty Hands
Joined: 12/4/2019
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 4:34 PM Post #15
I would love:
Any Qitari essence
Any Bulbori essence
Any Morkko essence

I would appreciate:

Anything, as a new player anything will be used/loved greatly. <3
Level 75
Maze Runner
Joined: 2/11/2018
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:02 PM Post #16
My Wishlist:
- Perfumes
- Philters of Trait Disruption (Themed)
- Prismas
- Gender Swappers
- Pies
- GGMs
- GPDs
- Philter of Mana
- Avatar Items (This is my WIP list of all the things I'd eventually like to acquire, not just a Christmas list, but it's easiest to link it.)
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:18 PM Post #17
*dramatic pause*

A v i I t e m s .

In all seriousness, I don't really do projects of anysort, so I don't have a need for Philters or Dyes. Perfumes might be nice though... I do love to collect themes :3c

My Wardrobe is a bit scare though, from me selling all my stuff like a F O O L right before going on hiatus, so really any items are cute! [except maybe anything blinding blue...]
Edited By Sl33pl3ssnights on 12/18/2019 at 9:34 PM.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 4/21/2019
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:22 PM Post #18
I'd mostly love prismatic philters and lesser and greater dyes for some projects I'm planning on starting.
Perfumes for festivals and the lost grove would also be greatly appreciated.

Those two are my most preferred presents; otherwise, I'm fine with anything :)
Level 75
Majestic Sculptor
Joined: 6/9/2017
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:25 PM Post #19
Helds: Ny'vene Hatchling (Cosmo, Mako, Ruby, Sandy) , Ny'vene Tamers Spriteling (Alfy, Kit, Rigby, Tortana) , Snowdrop Fairy (Blushing, Golden Kiss, Spring, Moonlight) , Griffi Spirit Tamers Companion (Galactic) , Lovely Leaf Spriteling (Nippy, Dewy)

Outfits: Hydrangea Outfit (Moonlight, Traditional) , Lovely Robes (Chill Leaf, Spring Dew)

Heads: Hydrangea Hat (Sunrose) , Seductive Demon Horns (Cold Flame)

Backs: Floating Lillies (Twilight, Sunset, Dewdrop) , Ghostly Stag (Sprightly)

Wings: Snowdrop Wings (Moonlight, Spring) , Griffi Spirit Tamers Wings (Galactic)
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 10/30/2018
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:28 PM Post #20
Philter of Trait Disruption (Themed)
Greater Genetic Mutator
Genderswap Philters
Master Traps
Youth Amulet

...other than that, anything on my stocking wishlist is game :D

Stocking link?
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