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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Rockville Stables
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Level 34
Majestic Brewmistress
Joined: 9/21/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:32 AM Post #11
She couldn't understand the human's words, but she seemed to be trying to calm Rocket down. Running through the gate, she promptly ignored the apples offered to her and looked in the stalls until finding the mare, where she then lay down outside the stall gate and nickered fiercely at a curious brown horse who'd stuck it's head over a nearby stall door curiously.

Locket heard his reckless sister's balking, and headed to see what was the matter. Upon reaching the barn, he kept a shy few feet from the door and wandered outside, curious as to what his sis was doing in there but not wanting to get locked in.
Level 67
Joined: 1/23/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:36 AM Post #12
blackout comes down from the mountain his herd is staying on and nighs at rocket "what are you doing?"
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/20/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:36 AM Post #13
she giggled "oh so it is the mare," she opened the door for the horse "note to self put more feed in there and find a bigger stall," she muttered she walked back out locking the door behind her she went out and grabbed a few heat pads and other supplies. she saw the other horse and smiled, she walked back in and set down the heat pads, she went to the other stalls and went looking at the other horses, she let a few go when she was done fixing them up and keep some. she then went over to snowfalls and looked at her leg putting a brace on it.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/20/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:40 AM Post #14
[Leotie sound good]
Level 67
Joined: 1/23/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:42 AM Post #15
blackout snorts at the human and pins his ears he runs at her feeling cornered
Edited By Dillpickle on 12/18/2019 at 9:43 AM.
Level 34
Majestic Brewmistress
Joined: 9/21/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:43 AM Post #16
Rocket lifted her head from it's settled spot and neighed angrily at Blackout, "Why don't you mind your own business? Just because you're the chief's wild horse doesn't make you special. But since you're nosy, I'm protecting a mare near labor that a human took from the herd." Getting to her hooves, she poked her head into the stall of the mare and chuffed something comforting to her, nuzzling the side of her head before turning back to Blackout. She noted the human walking around with food and such materials for the horses, and after a decided snort she moved aside slightly in case the human needed to get into the mares stall while still tensed angrily at Blackout.

Locket shook out his mane and headed off into the woods, not wanting to hear Rocket butting heads with another horse again. He refocused his attention on pulling off an apple off a tree, rearing upwards and swaying awkwardly on his hind legs with fair balance as he reached for the fruit.
Level 67
Joined: 1/23/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:48 AM Post #17
black snorts "i'm not his horse and you young mare should mind your own business i know this human she is in the chiefs tribe she won't hurt these horses and probably is just trying to help them seeing that they all have wounds. Look i don't like humans like you probably even more so so i'm not going to stop you from "saving" the mare but just keep in mind that after she has her baby the human will probably let her go"
Level 67
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:49 AM Post #18
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/20/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:49 AM Post #19
"hello black out," she said to the black horse, she leaned down to the mare being careful. she gently felt her tummy and smiled "you wont be here long," she said petting her head, she looked over her for any other problems and then left. she keep the door open and the door to the field open. she let snowfall out and let her roam around.
Level 34
Majestic Brewmistress
Joined: 9/21/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:54 AM Post #20
Rocket snorted again angrily and said, "Don't act all high-and-mighty because you're a human's pet run loose, I know this human's good but I'm still going to watch after the mare in case a predator gets in, idiot." (Sorry short) She kept an eye on the human as she neighed, but was calmer now.
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