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Level 61
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Posted: 3/26/2020 at 2:00 PM Post #11
Alexis looked at him in his alternative form as a werewolf "oh yes, they have been as kind as you can be" she said when in reality the whole pack was wary and only a few actually introduced themselves and treated her kindly but she expected that after all she was a stranger so it was natural to be on guard around her. Alexis moved closer so he could hear her better "i had a tour around the pack by the young pups i look after, the alpha female promoted me to the nanny as she says I'm a natural" she said and looked at him "what is your rank?" She asked softly. The alpha female liked Alexis kind and patient and protective mature would have good for the pups and she kept them inline without yelling or being too strict
Level 57
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Posted: 3/28/2020 at 9:43 AM Post #12
James thought of how he could phrase his role without telling her he was the alpha son, since that role freaked Alexis out. He chuckles quietly, "I'm in a role I'd rather not be. I have to act like someone I'm not to fit the standard and their expectations." He says just as quietly, looking at her, feeling like she would understand.
"But you're being accepted that's good." James says, knowing that what he had come here for was noted and he needed to get back to organize a hunt and get ready for becoming alpha one day. But he didn't want to leave Alexis. She was interesting and intriguing.
Level 61
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Posted: 3/29/2020 at 8:03 AM Post #13
Alexis smiled she assumed he was a low rank like am omega or new hunter " I used to be an Omega, I know it's like to have people view you or judge you from your rank without even knowing you feel trapped like you can't escape like you'll be nothing more than this rank that you are a assigned to by someone who doesn't even know you" she said and closed her eyes before shifting back into her alternative form being a little smaller and Slender than him blue eyes looked into his and smiled at him " you seem strong you must be a beta or Hunter, if you need to tell me your rank if you won't tell me your rank would you like to be?" She asked with slight curiosity she knew of the hunt that was being organised soon and wished them luck she didn't know who was going to be a part of me yet that would be chosen by the lead Hunter and alphas but while the hunt was going on she would look after the pups.
Level 57
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Posted: 3/29/2020 at 9:57 AM Post #14
"If it gained me my brief freedom from a fate I may be forced into, I'd choose Omega in the blink of an eye." James only half jokes. He looks up at the sky, gauging what time it is. Sighing, James sets his feet back under himself and gets up. He smiles at Alexis, hoping that they could talk again soon.
"I have to go... Got a hunt thing to get to. Um... I hope to see you again. Good luck with whatever you are going to do next. May the moon light your path." James says. Even though the sun is out at the moment, it had been a common farewell to say something along the lines of the moon lighting your path. It was an ancient tradition, and some don't use it any more.
James heads towards the center part of the territory where the hunt assembly was to take place. Once there, he shifts into his human form, ready but unsure he is ready for the great job of Alpha. He knows the hunters well, their strengths and their weaknesses, and knew which ones would be good for this hunt, but still feels inadequate.
Level 57
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Posted: 4/4/2020 at 5:02 PM Post #15
( ping above?)
Level 61
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Posted: 4/4/2020 at 5:14 PM Post #16
//sorry i only just got it.....odd

Alexis frowned and grommed her fur for a few seconds before returning her attenton to him "maybe talk to the alpha or the alpha female as the only otjer way us to get demoted or break rules to become an omega" she replied and turned her gaze at him her blue green eyes looked into his not realising he was actually blind in one of his eyes and smiles as she watched him leave and turned arpund and walked off and reached the pup den "Luna, Selene lets go" she said as twin female wolf pups ran out "ill look after them" she said to the twins mother who smiled and said her goodbyes and went inside and went to sleep and alexis took the pups center of the territory whwre it was safer where they could play and hunt bugs in perfect safty as most of her pack hung out at the centre
Level 57
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Posted: 4/4/2020 at 5:32 PM Post #17
(Sorry, this is long and took a while to write. I hope I didn't do anything too far fetched. If you want me to edit something, I can.)

James was thinking about what Alexis had said, only realizing that he had been supposed to be gathering the hunters when his father appeared and gave him a look.
"Care to join the world around you, pup?" His dad growls, bumping James not too gently. James stumbles slightly before raising his head and trying to act confident.
"Please don't call me pup." James says quietly, hair on the base of his neck standing on end, surprised and embarrassed that he had zoned out.
"Well no matter what I call you, we are waiting." His dad snaps. James nods, trying to keep his dad in his peripheral vision while turning his attention to the pack.
James clears his throat for attention, and the hunters looked at him expectantly.
"Mark, Felicia; you will be the sideliners. Dak, Leyla, Jackson; you will be the trailers." James starts.
"Are you sure that's a good idea, sir?" The lead hunter, Buddy, questions. James feels his confidence waver, but he keeps his confidant act.
"Are you saying you know these wolves better than your Alpha-to-be?" James retorts with a warning growl, hoping he wasn't doing anything wrong. He had seen his father show his dominance in this way before, so he hoped he was doing okay.
"In fact, I am. You have been in this world only half the time I have." Buddy turns the table. James looks sideways at his dad to see if he would say something, do something, but the Alpha was stone faced.
So, James turned his attention on Buddy, narrowing his eyes and straightening to his full height.
"Do you know the punishment for the action which you dare try?" James hisses.
"I do. And it seems this pup hasn't grown up yet." Buddy says, pointing at James. James struggled to control his rising anger. This wasn't supposed to happen. Dad must have set this up to test me...
James growls and advances on Buddy, who doesn't even flinch. "Well, we'll see about that." James smirks, realizing that a fight wouldn't end out well as Buddy was older and stronger. " If this hunt doesn't turn out well, sure, I'm just a pup. If it turns out to be successful, you must bow down."
James finished creating the hunt team and the hunting party dissipates to go find food. On the outside, James was cool and calm, but on the inside, James was struggling to keep together.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 4/4/2020 at 5:33 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 8:29 AM Post #18
Alexis growled "little ones stand by clarissa i need to have a word with your father" she said and the twin pup give a happy nod run over towards the older Omega who enjoyed watching the pups play and when they were out of hearing Range and save Alexa stood up thanks dump valve she knew she get into a lot of trouble but he should speak more politely to the Alpha and his only son " excuse me Buddy, you are the father of luna and moonlight, and as their father you have to set an example on the 1st lessons we learn as pups is respect, it seems you have forgotten that and you alpha, yes your son only a pup but you still have a job to protect him. An alpha doesn't protect his pack or family in the worthy of his title" sheets not knowing that she probably get into a lot of trouble. The white she wolf walked off as the hunters left and nuzzled the pups " come on it's time for your swimming lessons every good pup needs to swim" she said and grasped as the excited twins bought it off to the river and she had to run after them perhaps they were too excited
Level 61
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 8:30 AM Post #19
Alexis growled "little ones stand by clarissa i need to have a word with your father" she said and the twin pup give a happy nod run over towards the older Omega who enjoyed watching the pups play and when they were out of hearing Range and save Alexa stood up thanks dump valve she knew she get into a lot of trouble but he should speak more politely to the Alpha and his only son " excuse me Buddy, you are the father of luna and moonlight, and as their father you have to set an example on the 1st lessons we learn as pups is respect, it seems you have forgotten that and you alpha, yes your son only a pup but you still have a job to protect him. An alpha doesn't protect his pack or family in the worthy of his title" sheets not knowing that she probably get into a lot of trouble. The white she wolf walked off as the hunters left and nuzzled the pups " come on it's time for your swimming lessons every good pup needs to swim" she said and grasped as the excited twins bought it off to the river and she had to run after them perhaps they were too excited

//its fine, I don't mind a long replies at all I much prefer it for people who only respond with 4 words
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 10:07 AM Post #20
(I don't like it when people do that, too, as the role play tends to trickle downward in action after.)

James watches the Alexis with interest, surprised she had stood up for him.
Buddy stands there moments after Alexis had left, standing in deep thought. James' dad huffs, and James jumps, forgetting his dad had been standing there since he had been in his blind side.
"That she wolf... There's something about her..." His dad mutters before nodding to Buddy and James as he leaves the two.
James looks at Buddy, still annoyed at him. Shaking his head in disbelief, James trots off, fully intending to check the boarders to see if they were guarded and clearly marked, but found himself again following the only white wolf in this pack.
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