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Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
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Posted: 4/18/2020 at 1:08 AM Post #11
Zethrin Torrent Palintine


18 (A year in her species is five for a human)

Alite bounty hunter

Saqlire (Alien- a species known for it's horns and impeccable focus)

Info to know- One year for their species is about 5 human years due to planetary rotations and such

Shes an interesting character to say the least. She was born on a small Spartan like planet somewhere, but it is long forgotten. She was a ditzy little girl, full of pranks and fun. A war came as they tend to do, and that side of her fell away from her like a petal of a spring slower in the fall. She began to be more brutal and serious. She began training to be a soldier at the age of seven, which is far from unusual for her species.

By age nine, her training was done and she was ready to fight on her own. She quickly became a soldier like the rest of her kind and helped to fight in the war. The war was between the Saqlire and the Kajunji (basically an anthro hellhound type species). She lost many comrades, but had won the war. By the time the battles had subsided, she was fourteen, and of the Saqlire age to be her own woman. She had made a name for herself as an honorable and fierce soldier, which gave her many job opportunities later in life. Her and a dear friend, Quilin, traveled to earth together in search of jobs as mercenaries or even better, bounty hunters. She found herself able to be the child she once was, but was never the same after the gruesomeness of the violent war she witnessed first hand.

Begin already so skilled in combat, her and her partner climbed to the top with no problems at all. In her sixteenth year, she and Quilin became two of the most well known bounty hunters. They were living the life, wealthy and happy. Zeth and Quilin were able to take it slow for a while, a time in which they discovered feelings for each other. Once they discussed it and decided to go through with it, they felt more efficient than ever. On one mission shortly after their little confession, something went wrong. Zeth killed Quilin. She didn't mean to. They had been hijacked by the target. The target, 1177666, had grabbed Quilin by the neck. Zeth out of fear and a rush of adrenaline, shot her gun...with her eyes open..

Zeth has worked alone since, not willing to put anyone else in danger. She has a rough exterior...but its only to cover hide.


She is an annoying mess when she wants to be, but she can be serious when necessary. Zethrin is notorious for being rebellious and doing things as untraditionally as she can manage. This little trouble maker always seems to be trailed by some type of misfortune. She prefers to go solo because every time she has a partner something goes wrong. In her words, she doesn't get emotionally attached, she would rather just avoid the mess.

Once you are able...correction...If you are able to get past her many layers of sarcastic defense, she is very sweet and caring, in her own special way that is. This pink haired mess can be a bit overprotective of what is hers, such as her friends and privacy.

Bringing up her past, petty people, pointless arguments

Tracking, causing trouble, chocolate, the blade Quilin gave her before her unfortunate passing

Facing fears by Ivan Torrent

Little survival tip. Don't touch the horns if you want to live. They are not poisonous, she will just shoot you.

This right here is 5 feet and 1 inch of pure energy and XD
Edited By Pipps on 5/11/2020 at 9:59 PM.
Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 42
Posts: 4,734
Posted: 4/21/2020 at 10:53 AM Post #12
Yuko Fletcher


259 (Average species life span is 1000 yrs, so he is the equivalent of 25)

Lytian (Cousin to the Saqulirians, their horns store pure energy, which takes an average of five hours to run out. The horns can be used to enhance the species' speed and strength. They can also stun nearby targets with small bursts of energy.

Yuko was born to a middle class family on his home planet. His family consisted of him, his two sisters, and three brothers. The fetcher family owns a small restaurant that sells a large variety of foods. The restaurant is notorious for its rare and delectable recipes. This restaurant, called Almala Cosia, is constantly coming uo with new and exquisite recipes.

Yuko grew up assisting around Almala Cosia, learning how to cook all sorts of useful things. He has learned to make many elixirs and meals to boost, speed, health, accuracy, and much more. His restaurant is a common place to find travelers and adventurers.

Despite being raised well and almost Luxuriously, he wishes for more. Seeing all of the travelers come through makes him want to Explore. He looks at the sky every night and has an urge to reach for the starts. Someday he might, but right now, he had some devil's broth to stir.


He is fairly kind and often gives discounts to regular customers (despite his mother's protests). He almost always has a smile on his face. The horned man is often very charming, and sometimes too charming. Because of his species tendency to skip over the little moments, he can get ahead of himself easily. He can be a bit flirtatious at times, but he almost always gets away with it.

Sunshine, Nostalgia, Excersise, Exploring

Dullness in general, Taking things slow, Rain

Nostalgic dream by Peter Gundry

Obsessed with kiwis
His species had log glowing horns as you may see bellow. Their horns store pure energy, which takes an hour or so to run out, depending on how much he uses the energy. The horns can be used to enhance the species' speed and to enhance their strength. They can also stun nearby targets with small bursts of energy.

Edited By Pipps on 4/21/2020 at 10:54 AM.
Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 42
Posts: 4,734
Posted: 4/22/2020 at 11:02 AM Post #13
Traqil Yami Tazius




Traqil was a very important part of Zethrin and Quilin's lives. He was nicknamed Taz, Tacky or TikTac all by Zethrin and Quilin. He got nicknames TikTac because of his constantly minty breath, but the other two were a bit more randomly assigned by his sister. He has been close to Zeth since they were children. They used to do everything together, up until the war that is. They were put in separate regiments and had not been able to see each other for a long time. In the last few days of the war, He was reported missing in action. He had suffered a severe injury to the head and was rescued by a civilian.

After about three weeks of healing, he reemerged into the records as found. By the time he had been able to return to his home town, his sister and friend had already gone to earth. He soon followed after, determined to reunite with them. When he had finally been able to track them both down, his sister had already gone. He discovered that Zethrin blamed herself for the incident.

Although he was deeply pained by the loss of his sister, he could have been more happy to hear that Zeth had still survived. He tracked her down and spent some time with her, learning about what all he had missed and what kind of life she was beginning on earth. While she had no problem taking a job as a ruthless mercenary, he disagreed and decided to stay for more peaceable reasons. He had stayed and taken on the job of a bounty hunter, only hunting the men and women who showed themselves to be cruel and with no respect for lives.

He lives on his own now, occasionally taking a job form some good people, but never getting into any messes. He hasn't seen Zeth in a very long time.

Traqil is very soft spoken and steadfast. His will is unwavering and his heart of gold. This man has never killed unless completely necessary. He values respect and trust above all else and shows determination in upholding himself in these values for the rest of his days.

Traqil has noticeable skills when involving people. Zethrin used to see him as an anchor, like the big brother she never had. He relentlessly seeks to make the lives of those around him brighter and safer in everything he does. He has always displayed himself as level headed, and clever. Spontaneity was never his forte, but he does enjoy fun every so often.

Flowers, books, close friends, respect

Destructive foolishness, betrayal, bees

Stressed out by 21 pilots

Zeth is his honorary little sister...if you haven't picked that up yet. No romance. None.

Edited By Pipps on 4/22/2020 at 12:23 PM.
Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 42
Posts: 4,734
Posted: 4/22/2020 at 11:34 AM Post #14
Pulling info from sites I put him in...ugh

Daliran Korsal Horsheth




As a child, he always knew he was meant for great things. He was always artistically skewed and dreamed of a career in some form of art someday. At age 17, he begun to reach his dreams. He entered a local dance competition and won 1st place. From there, he began more advanced classes, developing his skill much further. At the age of 20, he bagan getting Job offers for well known music artists ad a few theaters. He decided on a theater not to far from home, but the best known theater in the country called 'Le Meilleur.' He loves his new life and lives his childhood dream.

Daliran is a man of cold hearted self obsession. He finds that no one can be quiet as wonderful as he himself is. He possesses great skill in poetry as well as dance. He is an artist. Granted, he dances beautifully, especially when he uses his water bending ability, but this only grooms his ego.

He can be charming when he so choses, but that rarely occurs. He keeps himself and his belongings neat due to pride. He has amazing hygiene and always smells like fresh picked roses.

Swimming, the smell of ferns, archery

Humans, fire, Peaches

Blood//water by Grandson

He has water related gifts (Can bend water and breath in water, but that's it)

Edited By Pipps on 4/22/2020 at 12:55 PM.
Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 42
Posts: 4,734
Posted: 4/27/2020 at 7:56 PM Post #15










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