Warning: The HEX reading may be a bit off, but not too much.
The tannish white on the Griffi represents the white flowers on the image.
Edited By Animaspectra on 7/30/2020 at 5:03 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 7/30/2020 at 6:47 PM
Post #14
Part 2: Sylvorpa, Vulnyx, Zolnixi
ST Sylvorpa: not much to say..
Reference Image:
Revised Palette:
ASoC Vul: Gosh, that name is long.
Reference Image:
I'm using Paper Mario because why the flip not.
Revised Palette:
SR Zolnixi: Umm.. I'm tired of these bios.
Reference Image:
Revised Palette:
Edited By Animaspectra on 7/30/2020 at 6:56 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 9:52 AM
Post #15
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 10:16 AM
Post #16
At the time I was kind of thinking golden retriever (I'm a dog lover ;)) but I thought the name sounded weird so I changed it. Do you think I should just go for it?
yeah, it really does now looking back. :)
Yeah, I see where the teal might look strange, but I still want to have a bit.
Honestly? I have no idea. I think I was up really late or something that night. I was not thinking right...
Owl City???
Somebody else actually pointed this out to me, and I forgot to post the edit on here.
Lol, yesh, lemonade is the best!
I was actually told 'more green' by multiple people, so I tried to incorporate that. But I can add a bit more orange-ish to it too!
Tooooooooooootally forgot about the chocolate sauce *facepalm*
Is SPACE some sort of acrymnym???
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 10:16 AM
Post #17
Ah, okay! THanks!!!
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 10:19 AM
Post #18
By the way, is okay if I change the name to Sakura Blossom Griffi instead of Pink OMbr'e???
Level 70
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 10:24 AM
Post #19
space isn't an acronym
idon't see the chochlate sauce in your edit
y'know, fireflies.
thats way too grey
add some brown and dark green
Level 70
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Posted: 8/1/2020 at 10:25 AM
Post #20
yea sure
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