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The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:33 AM Post #11

Written by Limor, edited by Limor

Hi guys! Today we're spotlighting Somneli with their great help in renting out their party in order to beat Evil Krin in the fest zone! Below in an interview and a link to the party rental page!

1. Wow! How does it feel being the first player to beat evil Krin?
It was SO exhilarating! It was actually my second attempt Id gone through once, mapping nearly everything, and got crushed miserably with my light air fire team. Brought out the Behemoth team, followed my map back (with a brief detour to finish mapping one corner), and somehow managed to take him out first. My heart was pounding and my hands were literally shaking when I won.

2. How profitable is renting your team out turning out to be?
Its helped add a great number of lups to the lupdom. Total profits from everyone whos rented so far are about 3mil.

3. What prizes did you get from evil Krin?
Honestly? I was in such an adrenaline-fueled daze that I didnt take any screenshots or really pay that much attention. Somehow, between Vardune and the two chests, I ended up with two majestic catas and one fabled a stoneweave armor that I didnt even notice at first some seeking tools? an unknown quantity of tokens?? Maybe other things??? (Im serious, I have no idea.) And of course my wonderful furychild, who lived up to his name by failing to reach that last point in agility.

4. Its great youre renting your team to others, what made you choose to do this?
I dunno, I guess I just know the absurd amount of work that Ive put into my pets and their equips, and I know not everyone has the time or ability to do that. So far 23 people (24 including myself) have won with my team. A 25th won renting only my equips. I have no doubt some of these people wouldve had the determination to win with their own teams eventually, but others may not have been able to win regardless of time spent. The quality of my team, with a rental price thats well below the total value of the prizes for winning, makes this fight accessible to more people. It just feels nice to help out.

5. Anything else?
Ill try to get some more rentals out before the end of the fest but I make no guarantees ^.^; Im in college and my semester has started, and Im working, so I cant be on 24/7 just going through an endless list of players. I ask that anyone whos interested in renting be respectful and understand that my real-life obligations have to come first even though Im also a miserable procrastinator. Thanks. ^.^

Thanks for the look into renting out your party Som and we hope you enjoyed getting spotlighted this month!
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 12:45 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:33 AM Post #12

Written and edited my Limor

Hey guys! I'm here with our newest themed pet showcase, and this time we'll be featuring Watercolors' Fig Wasp Lighira - which in my opinion was truly a great design!

Fig Wasp Lighira

1. Were you expecting this design to get chosen?

I try not to expect my designs to get chosen, if I can help it. It was one of my personal favorites on my forum post, but Ive never had a ligh chosen before so I didnt think it would get picked this time. Actually, this wasnt originally the design I was going to enter! It was a last minute swap out.

2. Now seeing this design as a theme do you want change anything?

I think the only tweak I would make is lighten the g3 color to make the runes stand out a bit more.

3. Out of all your designs you made which was your favorite? was it this one?

Out of all the theme designs I entered for this summer fest, my rikkis were and still are my favorites. They will be reentered next year so watch out ;)

4. Did you have any specific photo reference or anything of the like in mind when making this design?

Not really! I googled fig wasps and I just tried to incorporate the majority of the colors that stood out to me onto my design. Fig wasps are more of a brown/black color so I had to improvise with adding colors from the actual fruit. The golden yellow colors are the closest thing to actual fig wasps on the whole palette.

5. Anything else?

I got the idea to design Fig Wasp Lighs from Sakina. She was explaining to me how figs grow. Thanks to her, I cant bear to eat figs ever again. But also, I got a design picked :)

We hope you all like this insight into the Fig Wasp Lighira and we hope you all look forward to hearing about next months theme!
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 12:45 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #13

Written by Limor, edited by Limor

With a return of this article lets wish the users below a happy birthday! These our the Sylestia August babies and here our a few facts about August Babies! Remember let us know if you want your or a friends birthday featured by DMing me, Limor! We take same month birthdays as posting as they can be edited in!



Starmakemagic - August 1st

Wolfpack2020 - August 1st

Larkien - August 10th

Alison280 - August 10th

Lunalamoone - August 13th

Augustblackwood - August 21st

Grapejuice - August 21st

Jesselin - August 21st

Nightbanewolf - August 24th

Delytiwu - August 25th

Hersheykitten - August 26th

Wooloothedarklord - August 26th

Mystiria827 - August 27th

Spiritwolfmoon - August 31st

TheGloomyCat - August 31st

Lunathemoonglow - August 31st

Edited By Limor on 9/23/2020 at 11:36 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #14

Written by Lalalanmao, Edited by Limor

For this month's Golden Breeds I interviewed Kattya, who kindly let me interview her! Now, let's get onto the interview!

When did you begin doing projects?
When I started sylestia, I was working. I was looking for a pet site to play that had more customization options for pets, and I found that on sylestia. I followed an advert on neopets here xD. My first hour here I bought diamonds, bought a "starter pack" that had a testing kit, scanner, inferter and a bunch of other stuff. Looking through forums I found my first love, the ferrikki. I started my first project that first day. Since then I haven't really stopped doing projects. I always have one ongoing, at present I have 13 in 6v phase and 13 funny enough in maxing. i have a lot more than 13 at max but that would be cool if i had 13 at max too xD.

What was your first finished project?
My first finished project was probably the one I started on the first day. My first project I started from scratch with tagged themed I wanna say was the stormy moss Rikki. They were my first branch off to different veins but not the last xD I still like different branches for people to choose from.

What is your favorite project you finished or are working on?
I have been chosen for two themes thus far. Both excite me alot, one i have 2 pets at 6v to start maxing and the other are being a little stubborn. I don't think they are too far off though. My favorite project is likely my super qits, I purchased 2 legendary themed qits back during the easter event from one of my best friends and I am so excited to have beautiful super qits out there for people to buy.

Any tips for people who want to get into projects?
* Before you start make sure you know what traits you want to use.
* Don't be disheartened by bad results, keep trying < this was hard for me to start with. Waiting a week to breed my rikkis and getting a bad result made me wonder why i was doing it but we ALL know what this is like. even two 6c pets can give you a 0c result if rng is feeling nasty. the way i see my breejects they are kept till they are old enough to release and they help me that way ^-^
* if you are planning to max your project be aware it will take 6+ months and use 50 or so prismas. If you want to do supers of your pets it will require even more as you will need to prisma good results
* don't be afraid to ask for advice. If you need help there are people around you that will help. Breeders such as Xavion, Alicehearts and myself have many years of projects and max stats under us and literally no question that is asked would be something we haven't dealt with.
* Restricted traits: If your project has restricted traits in it, don't add the traits to tagged. I did this with my mystical mage rys and i have regrets

Any other comments?
Any person with the inclination can start a project. Getting it to 6v or max though requires a level of patience and dedication that is sometimes hard to find. My gabled/non fabled breeding days take a good 8 hours to breed everything and hatching takes 2 hours or so out of my day. There is also sorting, naming and releasing I do to keep everything running smoothly. When you have a certain number of 6 trait breeders you don't need to keep that 4c breeder that has had 17 children so it can go free. Everything project wise eats time though so be prepared. Storing them is also a consideration.

If you sell your pets you could also consider if they should be infertile or fertile. Imagine spending a year on a project and gifting one to a friend only for that friend to breed it with a pb of the theme and sell those pets. This has happened a lot over the years to many people myself included and it ruins friendships and damages trust. If max stats are sent out fertile more damage can be done than just to friendships, you can ruin the market for max stats of that species like the poor griff. There are people out there that still have max griffs up for breeding and it has made griff the cheapest pet to get a max from but they are also seen as lesser because of this. All actions have consequences in life and Sylestia isn't any different.

Thank you Kattya for letting me interview you xD.

Be sure to check out her sales or her breeding projects, because from personal experience, they're epic. Don't forget to read next month's article for more breeding projects!
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 2:46 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #15

Written and edited by Limor

Welcome all the second instillation of discovering music! For this time around we'll be looking to Skating Polly, a band made up of three siblings!

The band original started off with the two step sisters, who were 9 and 14 at the time. They were, and still are, a part of the 'underground' music scene - with not to many people knowing of them. I think (personally) they deserve a much larger fanbase. They music has a wonderful air about with, which each songs have its own unique flavor. For example my favorite song by them, "A Little Late" has a very mellow tone about it, with elegant singing and piano. Another song by them I quite like, "Pretective Boy" has more of an indie vibe about it, and is very fun and upbeat. They also enter into the realm of grunge and more punk music, with icons like "Ugly" and "Van Gogh". They music also dips into things like folk in some songs, "Hail Mary", and they have many more wonderful songs to listen to. If you would like more indepth video on why they made their band here is a video by them covering it! I highly suggest you give them a listen and let me know your thoughts!

What did you all think of last months band Current Joys? Did you give him a listen? Let me know, I love hearing from our readers!
Edited By Limor on 9/29/2020 at 10:37 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #16

Written by Lalalanmao, Edited by Limor

Hello everyone, before I start with this month's Fast Facts, Im going to give a brief rundown on how it all works. To begin, Ill be stating some common facts that may or may not be true. Look out for next months edition to see whether or not your guesses were correct!
True or False: Did most people actually believe the Titanic was unsinkable?
*You would now say whether its true or false and in next month's article
Answer: The answer is false. While some people probably did believe the Titanic was unsinkable because it did have some of the best safety designs of its time, the whole Titanic was an unsinkable ship came up after it sank. Rather, before it sank, more passengers cared about its luxury and size. In addition, while there were some advertisements claiming the Titanic was unsinkable, most of the advertisements mentioned its size and accommodations which prompted many wealthier to board the Titanic.
This Weeks Fun Facts
True or False: Napoleon was short.
True or False: Scotland's national animal is a unicorn.
Remember to read next months edition to see if these facts were true, see you guys then!
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 12:48 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #17

Written by Larkien, edited by Limor

Hey! Its Lark here, and welcome to the brand new Ghost Stories section! Here, Ill be posting some, well, ghost stories xD
Note: Stories/ideas are not originally mine, but they are rewritten/edited by me.

One night after at our schools annual Halloween party, my friends and I were up late, having agreed to try out my friend's Ouija board. It wasn't the brightest idea, but we were bored, and wanted a thrill.

We found a spot under a tree and proceeded with our haphazard ritual. There were five of us, two boys and three girls, and we were all expecting some kind of paranormal contact. There were rumors that our school was haunted, but wed never experienced anything firsthand. But it was Halloween, after all, and we wanted to be spooked. None of us had seen an Ouija board first hand before, so we were pretty excited.

Our school was an old Spanish colonial house, built in the 1800's. We were in a section of the school that didnt get used often. Located beside a creepy old Jesuit house, people only went there when they needed to use the restroom or store equipment in one of the nearby sheds. We sat down in the middle of an open space, with only an exposed bare bulb nearby illuminating the surrounding area. We were all having a laugh scaring each other with what-if scenarios and other typical things.

My friend who brought the Ouija board proceeded to place it in the middle of our circle. It was a glow-in-the-dark version, which we found hilarious, but it let us see the writing on it.
Not knowing what to do, and just following what wed seen in movies, we all proceeded to place our index fingers on top of the planchette. We sat there looking at each other, until one of us asked, "What's next?"
We didn't know if there was a proper way to start the ritual, plus the board didn't come with instructions, so we decided to just throw in a question.

"Is anyone there?" I called out into the darkness.
"If there are spirits living here, please talk to us, one of the girls joined in.
We clearly had no idea what we were doing.
Still, nothing. Not even the slightest bit of wind.
One of my friends jerked the planchette and the girl who brought the board screamed, breaking the silence. We all laughed at how ridiculous it was.
After a bit of joking around, we decided to give it another go.
We all placed our index fingers on the planchette once more and asked, "If there's anyone there, we would like to make contact."
"Don't break the circle, one of my friends jokingly said.
"Shut up," I whispered.
We were just about ready to give up when the wind started to pick up. The stillness broke and the darkness around us seemed to move.
Just a coincidence, we all thought.
"Okay, don't break the circle." I called out. "Is anyone there?"
I was excited. It was like a scene from a movie with dirt and dead leaves swirling around us.
"Guys, I'm scared." My friend sitting beside me whispered. "My mom warned me about playing with forces we dont know."
"Did you die here?"
"Were you killed during the war?"
"Are you the headless priest that roams these halls?"
"Are you a hottie?" my friend giggled.
At this point, we were all throwing random stupid questions.
"I don't want to do this anymore." My friend said, exasperated.
We were all thinking the same.

Just then a group of dogs, from the neighboring house, started barking at us through the chain-link fence. These six dogs were growling and showing teeth. We all screamed and without finishing the ritual, bolted right out of there.

We didn't see each other until after Halloween break, and this is where the story gets creepy.

One of the girls told us about a weird experience she had the night after playing with the Ouija Board. She had gotten home late, after hanging out with her friends from the neighborhood, when she realized she forgot the keys to her house. So, she called her brother up, who was then still sharing a room with her, and what he said crept the hell out of her. He swore she was already home. He claimed to have seen her walk-in a while ago, and that she looked really tired and saw her head straight to bed.

"Creepy. But no need to freak ourselves out," was all we thought.
Besides her brother must have just been tired and seeing things. But then my other friend started telling us about an encounter she had that Halloween night.

She was going up to her room when the lights started flickering as she was ascending the staircase. Your typical horror movie visuals, shrug it off to faulty wiring. But just then she saw the door to her room open and a dark figure stepped out and stood atop of their staircase. She couldn't make out the entity's face, but she recounted that she couldn't move and felt utter dread as the figure stared down at her.

"No way!" My best friend who just joined in the conversation said in disbelief.
"Something happened to me as well."

He recalled that he was sleeping one night when he woke up feeling uncomfortable. He described his vision as having TV-like-static, and a feeling of heaviness surrounded him. He looked around the room and that's when he saw a bloody, charred face, with piercing red eyes, grinning at him through the window.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, because I had an almost run-in with death that night. After the ritual, I was sleeping in our sedan on the way home after fooling around with the Ouija board, when I felt our car jerk. I woke up instantly. Looking out the window, I found out that we've been hit by a huge oil tanker. I panicked and leaped out of the car. Luckily my mom and I survived the crash since the front of the car was a total wreck.

I still don't have an explanation why those things happened to us. But thank God nothing happened after that.

I have never played or gotten near a Ouija Board ever since.
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 2:47 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #18

Written by Byteme96, edited by Limor

What is a Cryptid?
A Cryptid is an animal/creature whose existence is unsubstantiated, or not proven by evidence. (ie. Bigfoot, Yeti, Vampire)

Siren Head
Today, we will be talking about the Siren Head, a deadly Cryptid that strikes fear in many's hearts since it's 'creation' some time in 2018 by Trevor Henderson.

From information gathered by eye-witnesses of the Siren Head, this Cryptid is around 40 feet tall, the height of a telephone pole with long arms hanging down its side, similar to a gibbon. According to some people, the Siren Heads skin is rusty metal, while others argue its actually dried, mummified skin. The most famous feature of the Siren Head may the speakers atop its body that pump out strange music, snippets of conversations and random words.

Powers and Abilities
The Siren Head has many powers and abilities that turn it into an efficient hunter. Some include:

1. Mimicry - The Siren Head can change the sounds coming from its sirens to mimic the sounds of other peoples voices to trick its victims or blare news reports to block out the cries of dying men.

2. Speed - The Siren Head is capable of moving at inhuman speeds, easily catching a running man.

3. Stealth - The Siren Head has the ability to stay still for as long as several days to blend into surroundings, moving silently when stalking its prey.

4. Transformation - Although this ability is unconfirmed, many say that the Siren Head can transform into objects such as real sirens, street lights and pipes, using its new forms to trick people much easier.

Encounter with the Siren Head
A woman was on vacation with her husband, checking out some graveyards when she saw it. A huge, old telephone pole rising out of the cemetery. At first, she thought it might have been some bizarre art piece someone had made. She stepped out of the car to take a closer look when the megaphones on its body began screeching random words. NINE. EIGHTEEN. ONE. CHILD. SEVENTEEN. REMOVE. VILE. Suddenly, it jerked to life and began striding down the hill it stood on towards her...
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 12:49 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:34 AM Post #19

Written by Ska6146, edited by Limor

(a note from Limor) Hello all and may we all welcome back a returning article. In some of the first times "Behind the Scenes" included monthly interviews with the admins and it was decided this could be a fun and interesting thing to bring back for you all to enjoy! Without further ado, take a look at the interview between Ska and Krin below!

Q: With All The Designs You Get For Summerfest, what process do you use to find the best?

A: I assume you are referring specifically to Themed Pets? A lot of the process is performed by Faiona. Once the deadline has passed and we are ready to start picking them out, she will go through the thread, post by post, and catalog any design that she thinks can be used as a new official Themed Pet.

Once she has finished picking out all of these, the two of us will then go through all of her selections together and see if we can pick out the ones we need for the upcoming Event/Festival. This involves a lot of things, such as making sure we think the design looks good for various trait combinations and not just the one showcased, making sure that it's a unique design and not too similar to one already in use, etc. Sometimes, we can't quite finalize a species' needed designs and then we have to go a step further where we either design one ourselves, significantly tweak an already submitted design, or retrofit an un-used design for another species that we liked for a species that will needs a design.

The process is obviously highly objective, but we do our best to pick out designs that we think the playerbase will enjoy and we try to be as fair and unbiased throughout the process as we possibly can.

Q: How long does it take for you to implement all the New Avi Items and Themes into a new fest?

A: Excluding the amount of time it takes the artists to actually create the Avatar Items, it typically takes me anywhere from 12-24 hours to fully put them in game for a typical Festival. It will generally take me about 6-12 hours to go through the Photoshop files and upload each individual layer that needs to be uploaded (as well as making any additional adjustments that I deem needed). It will then take me an additional 2-4 hours to turn these now uploaded layer files into actual in-game items. And then it will take me another 3-6 hours to spread out the in-game items throughout the Event so that they are obtainable by players.

Q: Do you have to manually send out items when you give away prizes or auto harvest pets from the fest gardens/catalysts or is it automated?

A: When handing our prizes from Forum Games, I generally am manually handing them out. If it's prizes just going to a handful of players, they will literally be manually sent. If it's prizes going out to a large group of players, such as participation prizes, I will use a script that will hand them out for me - however, I will have to adjust the script accordingly prior to running it.

As for the auto harvest, again, I will use a script for that. However, I have to adjust the script accordingly before running it. This usually takes 30-60 minutes or so and lots and lots of double checking.

Q: Does implementing all of the new stuff into fests cut into your real life? (Does it affect it at all?)

A: This is a bit tricky to answer. Technically, anything I do is 'cutting' into my real life as it all requires time to do. But that's typically the nature of working, hehe. I am very fortunate with my lifestyle and would not trade it for anything, but the amount of time I have to spend varies significantly depending on what exactly I'm working on. If I'm close to the release of something, whether it's an Event/Festival or new content, I generally will work 10-16 hour days for the week or two leading up to the release. Going back to the lifestyle thing, having to devote a week or two of mostly work doesn't really cut into my real life so much, as my lifestyle already is built to accommodate such sporadic availability. =P
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 12:50 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/1/2020 at 12:35 AM Post #20

Written by Harajuko, edited by Limor

Thank you for tuning into this month's Sylestia Times! For this month's pet share we've received plenty of great entries! Let's showcase some of them!

From Miroh:

Here's my absolute favorite:

Seto is a sweet, funny, and cuddly Antique Skullmoth Ferrikki who loves people and other Ferrikkis. He's sweet and loves to play. A quirk he has is that when he gets really hyper, he spins in circles for around 5 minutes straight. He is in love with the Mystic Skullmoth Rikki Jisung, who has been with him since he moved into my (Miroh's) stables.
From Xedite:

Well, they aren't anything too special but I'm fond of a few of my pets

This is Dandelion, a surprisingly really interestingly colored pet I got during Spring Fest who has really grown on me after eating more than a handful of dyes from my items.
He's a laid-back Zolnixi that likes to hang out in meadows and take naps sunbathing in gardens.

And here's Azotl. Azotl ended up in my stables after coming from a player that was majorly cleaning out in preparation to leave the site. I think he looks really mysterious, dark, and mystical. And even if he's not a themed pet or anything, I don't think he'll be leaving my lair anytime soon.

Tyronius here is an Owlbear project pet I bought from Jenna and honestly adore because of how tough he looks. He's a max stat grizzly bear that'll eat other Sylesti that try to challenge him for breakfast.

From Valeriem205:

Here is my prize Demonic Ny'vene, Demonic Starlight. The amount of money put into breeding his parents really paid off XD. He likes chilling in the volcanos, but also lounging on the beach so the sand can reach the itchy spots between his scales. Despie the frightening apperence, he loves to snuggle. If he sees a stranger, he is always happy to meet them and will curl up in their lap as soon as he is able to. Most of the time, he accidentally traps the person, who is stuck scratching him and giving him pets while he sleeps for hours. He loves smoked salmon and will eat it every day if I let him. He is very smart and is learning how to hunt on his own very quickly.

Here is my favorite little baby that just hatched. She is a baby Rain Cloud Aeridini, but has been frolicking with the Frostkeeper Aeris (not a child of one), and has developed some lovely frost patterns on her to pay homage to her friends. She loves making rain clouds over a small plant to watch it grow and will do anything to help out another Sylesti. She is already looking for a mate that shares her same values and wants to start a charity to help water all the plants in Sylestia so the world looks beautiful again.

From Blackstar576:

My beautiful baby boy was my first festival pet, His sister is Dappled who I sold awhile ago. When I named Spirit I was thinking about the beer XD He was born in sweetness and loved by his foster mother Magic.

Spirit's Mate Sweet is my other baby, She was raised by all the nixis in my stables!

Thank you to everyone who shared their pets and check back next time to see more! If you want to feature one of your pets DM Harajuko or another staff member!
Edited By Limor on 9/1/2020 at 12:51 AM.
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