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Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 12:32 PM Post #11
Self Ping!
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 3:00 PM Post #12
Name: Chester Valentien
Age : 16
Gender : male
Sexuality: Bi

(not my art)
Personality: There is two sides to any coins, and so is there to him. He is highly mediatised as this excentric and playfull persona who often use odd analogy and explanation to play tricks to peoples. It dosn't realy allow room to his introverted, calm self to shine through leaving it to be forced in a corner. Rarely, will he allow himself to break free from his metaphorical mask, those moments do happen the most around people he is confortable with.
- crafting stuff
- reading
- playing video games
- animals

- Being called an idiot
- being juged for his persona
- loud noise / peoples

Background(be specific like how are you an heir? (Company, family, etc.) : He is at the head of a wealty casino chain. As soon as he was able to walk he became one of the faces of the compagny, at first it was only for the cuteness factor but as he grew older he also gained more responsability. Outside of those moment he was taugh multiple strategy and psychological tactics to be unbeatable to any games he would play, in other words how to cheat and exploite others to his adventage.

Other: He is compleately color blind but he manage to play it off rather well as one of his normal excentricity when he get a color wrong while picking his cloaths. If it was up to him he would be more then happy using grayscale coloration in his cloathing but he can't let his public down, the show must go on as they say.
He have similar eyes and hair colors then his sister, a little bit lighter actualy, but he use dye and contact lenses to fit better with his persona.
Name: Alisa Valentien
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Sexuality: straight

(not my art)
Personality: Despite alwais staying polite while speaking she can still be cold and sarcastic toward people she dont like. It's preaty mutch an hit or miss whether you'll get along or not since her social skills were underused for so long outside of making deals with potential buisnis partners. Tho if you do manage to get on her good side she is a protective friend who will not hesitate to help out no matter the situation.
- Science
- music
- complicated puzzle

- Reptils
- thunder / heavy storms
- his brother's persona

Background(be specific like how are you an heir? (Company, family, etc.) The older sister of Chester, while her brother is the one the clients associate with their compagny she is the one managing partenerships and keeping an eye on the finance of it. Outside of this different role they have more or less the same type of education.
Other: She and Chester have a strained relationship at best, they may be sibling but even without full on rivalery it's clear they do not see eye to eye on most things. Alisa see her brother as nothing more then a joke within the compagny and isn't shy to tell him so.
Edited By Cian on 10/25/2020 at 6:57 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 3:13 PM Post #13
Coolio will chekc other form when ur done
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 5:37 PM Post #14
Nara Featherfield





She is Kind and a hopeless romantic for the most part, but when it comes to her family there are many mysteries that shroud them and even she grows quiet and distant like a whole other person. She is very focused when given a task, but left to her own choices she is ADHD overload with too much Red #5. She is very talkative and loves to sing, you need only grow worried when she has been quiet for too long. She is not always the most ladylike, but she gets her point across and a rather good leader

Warm things
Throwing knives (yes that escalated quickly)


Her Father is the Up and coming Man in the weapons industry running his company WIT industries, Though Everett Weapons has been around longer WIT has proven to be a much more versatile company. Not only does he supply all the military with their fancy toys, but he also houses institutions on different types of combat training and weapons handling and manufacturing. He also dabbles in not only government research, but some personal research of his own. Nara was home schooled but she did little actual learning a typical staple fore kids whos parents are Arms dealers. She learned many skills from weaponry to mechanics, however she excelled at electronics and Artificial Intelligence and Marksmanship.

She is very short and small
She havent missed a target since she was 7
Pete ( is with her at all times )

(AI System 7 Personal Escort and Threat Elimination)

Edited By Katelynn4545 on 10/25/2020 at 6:12 PM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 5:42 PM Post #15
Name: Racheal Milliken
Age (16-18):17
Sexuality: Bi but prefers boys over girls
Personality: Outgoing/intelligent/ quiet/ brutally honest


Background(be specific like how are you an heir? (Company, family, etc.) Her mother is a very very wealthy lawyer. She didn't like it very much bit she didn't judge or anything i mean shes getting food in her system right? She learned many traits from watching her mother in action she loves catching people in lie's and fighting somebody down about something she was always the best in her class when it came to arguments.But for a while she loves doing nails since she was a kid to she always wanted to started a buisness that way but her mother always discouraged her so she always went with what her mother wanted her to do (uhhh idk what to add so.-.)
Edited By Jolynnnarry on 10/28/2020 at 6:42 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 6:24 PM Post #16
*pops into existance* Hope I'm not too late?

Name: Schylur Ramez

Age: 16, almost 17

Gender: genetically both male and female

Sexuality: panromantic. demisexual, though most think they're asexual because they haven't been around anyone enough to get those feelings for people... or maybe they have and they just don't realize it.

Appearance: Has long, wavy brown hair they usually do up in some fancy hairdo - don't ask them to do your hair, though, they are only good at doing their own for some strange reason. They have eyes that can't decide which color to be, so you'll find them with brown, almost black, colored eyes one day, green the next, and then a fiery amber the day after that. Has olive skin. They have really short nails on their fingers since they keep chewing on them and wearing them down. Looks more male until they do their hair up and then its kind of hard to picture them as anything but female. Usually wears knee high black boots, casual pants that have a lot of pockets, and a white tank top covered by an oversized jacket/hoodie.

Personality: Quiet and shy, though once you become their friend, they are not letting anything hurt you and become something like your guard dog, never going to leave your side. Even if you're not their friend, they will usually have something nice to say - until you've gotten on their bad side. Schylur is determined and not one to easily give up. They are a ray of sunshine, so on a good day you can find the light pointing you in the right direction and warming you when things get cold, but if you hurt them once they will not hesitate to kill you twice in their blazing anger. Has a hard time knowing what they're feeling unless the emotion is strong, and even when it's strong, they have a hard time using that drive to do anything. They motivate themself because they want to prove that they can be a perfect child despite not keeping with normal gender and romance rules.

Likes: They like coming up with things in the spot and loves to debate with people, and make things up in a tight situation with coming up with excuses or on a late night when you're exchanging ghost stories. They like good friends to hug and recieve hugs from. They enjoy curling up in a closed, tight space with a book, perhaps a flashlight to read it with if it's dark. They like hanging upside down from things for some reason, but they don't like being too high. They like the dark and silence, loud noises and people scare them.

Dislikes: Since they have a hard time deciding if they can trust others, they tend to push people away and end up hurting the others feelings, so they don't really like to be close to people for that reason. They don't like being in high places, in front of a crowd, or too open spaces because Schylur will freeze up if in those situations.They are slow to react, will slow you down in a physical fight or any activity that calls for quick physical reflexes, so they don't like fighting or much activity. They're surprisingly good at picking things up academically, but usually downplay it because they don't like being showered with praise, it makes them uncomfortable for some reason. They also don't like laughing too much, because usually when they start laughing, it triggers something in their head and their laughter, though it will sound like they are still laughing, turns to crying and that whole mess makes them feel really awkward and embarrassed. They abhor those rude people that will never ever care about you. They don't like if places are too bright. They're eyes are light-sensitive.

Background: Their original family disowned them at birth since they were dubbed a mistake due to their gender. A rich and influencial married couple took them in. The couple took Schylur in because they needed someone to hand on their precious metal and jewel mines to, and since the couple couldn't have any kids on their own, they took in Schylur, who has been incredibly grateful and feels forever indebted to the parents for taking them in since they would have otherwise been killed.

Other: They don't really feel like they can keep up with the responsibilities they have. Schylur has been homeschooled almost their whole life - they are at least two grades ahead of most people their age - but, even so, they are feeling swamped with this whole new way of learning and struggling to get used to it. Being homeschooled for them was so different, they were able to go ahead if they understood and could take things a bit slower if they didn't understand so they could grasp it better.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 10/26/2020 at 10:12 AM.
Level 18
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 6:46 PM Post #17
Edith Armitage



Omnisexual (her main attraction is girls.)

She stands at 4' 11" and has a muscular build- she changes her hair every month or so.

Edith is a very extroverted introvert. Despite needing alone time to keep from draining herself, she loves to talk to others and learn about them. She has a constant "Customer Service" smile, honestly easily exasperated by adults. It's easy to notice when she's angry; her eye tends to twitch and she gets a nasty and sarcastic smile. She is a huge joker and loves to play around with her friends and family. She is also cut-loose due to a very relaxed childhood and she is the secondary heir to her family business. Edith is also rather strange interests, like her strange collection of bones, feathers, and vinyl records. She will also make her friends earrings out of weird objects!

+ Odd collections of things.
+ She loves rock from the 60s-90s.
+ Edith loves a good prank.
+ Old pop-culture.
+ Video games.
+ Food, just feed her and she'll be happy.
+ Strawberry anything.

- Stale chips and Soda.
- Yelling without a good reason.
- Getting shut down/being told what to do.
- Being called short, every time she is, she gets even closer to breaking someone's knee caps.
- Responsibility.
- She hates being associated with a powerful family and only takes a small portion of her allowance.

Edith was born the second oldest in a family of six (Excluding her parents.). Her family owns a powerful video-game, movie, and music production company. As the second eldest she is the secondary heir to her family's media empire. She doesn't want to though, she wants to start her own, tiny company for indie games.

Her voice claim is undecided but she has a rather deep voice for a woman with a slight accent.
Her themes are Weird Girl by Mommy Long Legs and I Wish I Was a Riot Grrrl by Destructo Disk.
Edith has a baseball bat she keeps on her at all times.
Edited By Blacklightmessenger on 10/25/2020 at 6:48 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 7:10 PM Post #18
I hope you dont mind, but I noticed Silas also is a weapons company background so I tied that into my character a little also the dog thing was completely unintentional
Level 59
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/30/2020
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 7:28 PM Post #19
name: celeste blue
age: 16
gender: girl
sexuality: lesbian
appearence: black hair with royal blue eyes that likes to wear boy clothes
personality: sweet and caring but you shouldnt get on her badside
likes: ICECREAM, wolves, boy clothes
dislikes: girly clothes, cats
background: uhhhhhh she came from a long line of rich people but techinically she isnt theirs she was actually put up for adoption by her current moms sister then her current mom and dad adopted her so technically shes their neice
other: she likes to wear wolf ears and tail
Edited By Skylerlilymoon on 10/25/2020 at 7:36 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 10/25/2020 at 7:29 PM Post #20
Katelynn: that looks good
Joky: maybe a lawyer buisness take a look at the forms before urs and stuff thats the levem we going for no one here is really poor or anything
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