All restricted trait sets have Restricted Disruptors.
For the proposed outcome, you'd need at least one Valentines Lace Disruptor, and at least one Ethereal Dryad Disruptor (Probably especially at least one ED disruptor, unless you only used it once you achieved like, 2v4c, with the vis being VLace and, M2 so it would only be able to be the armor and wouldn't leave any of the other slots empty.
(It would be Extremely expensive result to achieve, though- there are only two V.Lace disruptors in the broker at the moment, and they're going for 900k+. The cheapest RTDs in the broker right now are 200k, with the STD price averaging at 500k.)
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
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Posted: 11/1/2020 at 5:01 PM
Post #12
I agree with what Scath said.
Disruptor RNG can really screw you over.
For example, this is the same Ryori at 4 different times:
See the changes?
Other times, the disruptor may override a trait you want to keep.
Here's Spectris Aequinoctum before the disruptor:
Ideally, I wanted the disruptor to replace G1:
Instead, it replaced M2, and put Cute Witch Fire in the G2 slot:
Just be wary of that when disrupting.
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