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Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 2:47 PM Post #11
Gender: male
Species: half tailed beast

Gender: Male
Species: Tailed beast
Job: Vice Mayor

Name: Kyoya Silverman
Nickname: Accelerator or xl or kyo
Height: 5'2" (but current hight is unknown)
Gender: male
Species: Human
Appearance: Skinny pale teenage boy with moppy white hair, and red eyes due to his powers effect on him as a baby. He doesnt need pigmentation like other do which is the reason for his white hair and red eyes. He has a retractable cane/crutch that he uses when hes walking around. He normally is wearing a grey and white stripped shirt with tight grey or black pants. He has an electrode thats wires are connected to his Brian to regulate the electrical signals in his brain if its turned on for 30 minutes the battery will fry and he will become paralyzed and have trouble talking and walking.
Age: 16
Personality: Will be rped out if thats ok
Sexuality: Bisexual
Job: Hes a part time student, he currently is looking for a job he can actually do
Backstory: Was born with a very strong ability was called accelerator due to his abilities. Doesnt remember his birth name or his parents. Was in an accident that messed with the electrical signals in his brain.
Abilities: Vector manipulation is his ability he can only do it for 30 minutes straight now due to his injury.
Notes: you are free to crush on him if you wish just know he is still learning how to show love. If he cant have the electrode cord around his neck then i would have to use the him that has no time limit on his power. So that part is up to you.

Name: Hoshiko
Nickname: Hoshi
Height: 6"
Gender: Female
Species: Half 6 tailed leopard


Leopard form but with 6 more tails

human form looks like this with the ears an tails and paws like this one but there skin is white on her arms and legs.

Casual clothes:

Fancy clothes:

work clothes:

Age: 25
Personality: wip
Sexuality: heterosexual
Job: Runs the flower shop in town
Backstory: wip
Abilities: Can make any plant grow and control plants

Name: Mizuki Aiwaka
Nickname: River
Height: 5'4"
Gender: Female
Species: 9 Tailed wolf
Tailed beast form:

human form but with 9 tails

This is her furry form has blue eyes like the tailed beast and the human form

her outfit with her ears and human like form.






Age: 96723
Personality: Shes gentle and motherly she worrys about others more than herself. She tends to forget to take care of herself.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Job: artist part time part time art teacher
Backstory: Her mother and father were killed when she was a young teenager, ever since she has been on her own. The rest you would have to ask her.
Abilities: Her magic element is Snow/Ice and sometimes water. But mostly snow and ice. When shes sad or lonely she can even cause a blizzard.

Name: Jennifer Hales
Nickname: Jinx
Height: 5"
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: Short black hair with pink streaks on the end of the back of her hair. Stunning purple eyes that pull you in. Normally wears red and black leather like most of her group in her band does.
Age: 24
Personality: She is very sweat but also very shy compaired to her 4 best friends. She loves animals and music. She can get a bit flustered at times and has been known to have panic attacks.
Sexuality: Demipansexual
Job: Founding member for the singing group jinx
Backstory: She grew up in a not so great home eventually she made a friend named Stephanie. She eventually ran away from home and began living with Stephanie and started out work as a pizza worker. She didnt like it and ended up forming a band with Stephanie and is currently studying to be a veterinary Technician to help animals.
Abilities: She can talk to and understand animals and any languages she learns she memorizes. She also is an ok singer and can play the bass or regular electric guitars.
Notes: Her best friends are open to play here are their pictures and job in the band/Group. Stephanie - Lead Vocalist Brooke - Back up vocalist/Dancer/Corigarafter for music videos - Yuki - Manager/Sound effects/Tech wiz - Nikki (aka Nixie) - Drums

wip making a female and male for each group if thats ok
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/27/2020 at 5:59 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 3:07 PM Post #12
That is okay don't rush okay and the male Tailed beast can be the vice mayor when Whalen is either working at the school or sick. The only problem that I have is that their are no scientists in the story yet so please change that, Also will the two Tailed beast and half-tailed beast. Will their Appearance be in the picture? Also please say what animal they are with the extra parts to them for example nine tailed fox, nine tailed winged fox, nine tailed fox hybrid, etc, also to the Tailed beast and call the half-tailed beast hybrids with what type of tail beast they are please? Other then that I don't mind. And no rushing on the characters take your time. If you are confuse on anything ping me on here please.
Edited By Lovador on 11/27/2020 at 3:13 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 3:20 PM Post #13
thank you is the electrode on XL's choker ok cause without those he has no time limit on how long he can use his vector manipulation.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 3:37 PM Post #14
Yeah the electrode on the choker is fine. The instruments are okay but please remember that any thing that runs on electricity is run by magic. I'll make a post that the magic that make electricity is by lighting magic and elements okay? I'll also make a post on what job is in the story so others can know what is okay for the characters job. What Jennifer studying is okay to. Her friends are okay to they can be a npc you made.
Edited By Lovador on 11/27/2020 at 3:37 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/16/2020
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 3:41 PM Post #15
ok ty

also is there an exmaple already made of a half tailed beast so i knwo what kind of pictures to put with it or any characters not realted that are free to crush on lol
Edited By Sabrina72391 on 11/27/2020 at 3:42 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 4:19 PM Post #16
These are a good example in it. if you want more example you can see my characters to look at. What a the hybrid is a half human half tail beast so they can't go full human bc of the animal parts they have on them, they can only go into a furry form and tail beast form. hope these help you

Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 5:54 PM Post #17
You can have them also older if you want for the tail beast
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 7:32 PM Post #18
I have updated the story and stuff so look at that. I will make the jobs soon just give me time. If you have any questions ping me here.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/28/2020 at 10:08 AM Post #19
The jobs I have so far. You can add to the jobs with you want. I will have electricity stored in an magic orb that can power any electricity made object. you can invite others to join if you want.

1. Blacksmith
2. Chef
3. Waiter
4. Baker
5. Shop owner
6. Fashion designer
7. Clothes store
8. Shoe maker
9. Newspaper maker
10. Hairstyles
11. Librarian
12. Any school teacher beside science bc there are no scientist and science yet
13. Principal-taken
14. Vice principal
15. Painter
16. Any music band players/musicians
17. Mayor-taken
18. Vice mayor- taken
Edited By Lovador on 11/28/2020 at 10:09 AM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 11/30/2020 at 8:27 AM Post #20
Name: Ella
Height: 5'4
Species: Half beast

(battle clothes-)

(work clothes)

(usually wearing this)

(Cougar animal form-still has red jewel on her head)

(fancy clothes)

Personality:ella is an intelligent, compassionate cougar hybrid who hates seeing others upset, even though it isn't very easy to gain her trust. Sometimes Others manage to earn her loyalty, though, she will be very trusting and protective to them. However, despite her kind nature, if said someone breaks her trust, the chance of them earning it back is extremely low.
ella is quite friendly, even if she doesn't know the person that she's talking to very well, preferring to solve every problem with teamwork...sometimes
Job:Nail shop
Backstory:When she was little her father was her hero, well you could say she was a daddys girl but she looked up to him. Her mother on the other hand not so much, her ,mother wanted so much from her that she couldnt handle it. But her father pushed her to be the greatest her she can be. So she got into the nail business to keep her spirit alive, and of course to do something she loves
Abilities:She has the ability to heal other around her but it takes mental and focus to use her powers on others she can remove poison, close open wounds big or small ,and if she really wants to she can heal lifes, with her power comes the power to create shields from the earth the cover the wounded as others battle while she heals or just to keep them safe, but as others chip away at the shields it drains her energy to keep them up, causing her to grow weak, but when she isnt healing she will always have a smile on her face...for the most part
Notes:she has a doberman puppy name fehe
Edited By Jolynnnarry on 11/30/2020 at 8:36 AM.
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