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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > PhoenixWinchester's OCs
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Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 12/24/2020 at 10:10 AM Post #11
Quote: "Coral Malfoy. Slytherin. 2nd year. You?"
House: Slytherin
Name: Coral Malfoy
Nickname: Cora
Age: 14 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: poly bi
Height: 5' 4"
Personality: sweet, quiet, shy
Backstory: Cora is Draco Malfoy's younger sister.
--Face Claim:
--Hair:-bobby pins not clips

--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:

Quote: "Your point?" *looks at her nails*
House: Slytherin
Name: Viper Malfoy
Nickname: Vi
Age: 17 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: poly straight
Height: 5' 10"
Personality: snarky, comes off as cold-hearted, ambitious
Backstory: Viper is the eldest Malfoy child.
--Face Claim:
--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:

Quote: "Name's Belux."
House: Slytherin
Name: Belux Lestrange
Nickname: Bell
Age: 16 yrs
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight
Height: 6' 9"
Personality: quiet, smart, observant
Other: Crushing on Viper
Backstory: Belux is the only child of Bellatrix Lestrange.
--Face Claim:
--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:

Quote: "Hi, I'm Kara Black."
House: Slytherin
Name: Kara Black
Nickname: Car
Age: 15 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pan
Height: 5' 8"
Personality: sassy, rude at times, house-oriented
Backstory: Kara is the older of the Black twins.
--Face Claim:
--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:

Quote: "I'm, Jan--Janus Black..."
House: Slytherin
Name: Janus Black
Nickname: Nus
Age: 15 yrs
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6' 5"
Personality: shy, strong, problem-solving genius
Other: Beater on house quidditch team
+ Hangs out w/ Cora a lot
Backstory: Janus is the younger of the Black twins.
--Face Claim:
--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:

Quote: "Timothy Riddle at your service, M'Lady."
House: Slytherin
Name: Timothy Riddle
Nickname: Tim
Age: 14 yrs
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bi
Height: 6' 4"
Personality: outgoing, mouthy, dislikes authority
Other: Crushing on Cora
Backstory: Timothy was created in a fling with Tom Riddle. He doesn't like what his father has done. He chose Slytherin over Gryffindor to prove that they could make good wizards.
--Face Claim:
--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:

Quote: "Call me Tonks."
House: Gryffindor
Name: Ashlynn Lupin
Nickname: Tonks
Age: 14 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pan
Height: 5' 7"
Personality: prankster, playful, kind, caring, unjudging
Other: She didn't inherit her father's lycanthropy but was turned by Fenrir Greyback. She inherited her mother's Metamorphmagus abilities.
Backstory: Ashlynn is Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin older sister.
--Face Claim:
--Casual Outfit:
--School Uniform:
-- Ball Outfit:
Edited By Phoenixwinchester on 1/8/2021 at 2:23 AM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 12/24/2020 at 10:14 AM Post #12
Name: Cathryn Harper
Nickname: Kat
Age: 23 yrs
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Height: 5' 4''
Personality: mouthy, sassy, snarky, rude, secretly- caring, kind, smart
Other: Pretends to be something she isn't
Backstory: Kat was a shy nerd girl in school. After she graduated she fell off the grid and has returned, remade into a work-of-art.


Artwork is not mine - If it yours and you don't want me using it please PM me and I will replace it...If you want me to credit you for your art please PM me and ask me to and inform of which OC(s) I am using it for...

Edited By Phoenixwinchester on 1/12/2021 at 8:15 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 12/28/2020 at 6:29 AM Post #13
Werewolf PRP OCs w/ Scoutwolf

Name: Crimson Hunt
Nicknames: Crim or Grim
Name Preferred: Crim
Wolf's Name: Kitsune (Kit for short)
Age: 19 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Alpha's daughter + Luna to be + hunter + keeps on eye on Caleb and Conner
Personality: Cold, harsh, snarky, rude, loudmouthed. After you get to know her and she starts to trust you some, Loyal, sassy, quick to defend those she trusts
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Bi
Crimson-black hair-
Accessories: Hidden knives and a handgun in the back of her waistband, pentagram necklace (given to her by her father)
Weapons(preferred): claws, teeth, knives, handgun
Power(s, if any): Power of Persuasion, some future-sight, Shadow travel
Strengths: Fighting, hunting, tracking, getting people to believe her (except about Lila's abuse or that of an unknown 'Him')
Weaknesses: Those she trusts she would die for, poison (extreme weakness)
Likes: Her friends, trustworthy people, music, playing guitar or drums, singing (secretly)
Dislikes: Lila, untrustworthy people, poison, Orenda pack (unsure of them)
Fears: Adult males, her step-mother, losing Dean, Caleb, and/or Conner, poison (bc of Lila)
Friends: Dean, Caleb, Conner
Family: Adrian + Talia - younger triplets, Nazar and Shadow - younger half siblings --Step-Daughter of Lila
Enemies: Lila - Unsure whether Orenda pack is
Allies: Dean, Caleb, Conner, Jax, Meg
Other: Has some PTSD + anxiety + panic attacks because of it, Is the one who killed Jayden sister and feels severe guilt about it but doesn't show it. (It was an accident she was messed up from recent dose of poison form Lila. His sister hit her injection site hard and she went to snap at her as a reaction. But his sister moved at the last second and she crushed her throat instead of biting her shoulder. She would have stayed to keep pressure on the wound to save the girl but Lila ordered a retreat and took the young wolf as a wolfen shield for their escape.)

Name: Adrian Hunt
Nicknames: Aid
Name Preferred: Rian (pronounced Ree-ann)
Wolf's Name: Sidhe
Age: 19 yrs
Pack: Rogue - works with the Crossroad Pack
Personality: Loyal, snarky, loud-mouthed, protective of those he cares about
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: Bi
Accessories: Pentagram necklace (see Crimson's), permanent claws and fangs
Weapons(preferred): claws and fangs
Power(s, if any): Shadow travel, power of persuasion, some future sight
Strengths: Stealth
Weaknesses: No shadows
Likes: Dark nights with starry skies (he used to stargaze with his siblings and their father)
Dislikes: murders with a passion
Fears: Losing his family
Friends: Crossroad Pack
Family: Talia (younger) and Crimson (older) - triplets, Half-sibling of Nazar and Shadow --Step-son of Lila
Enemies: Lila (tried to kill him and Talia)
Allies: Crossroad Pack, some rogues
Other: Believed to be dead, Unable to turn into full human form

Name: Talia Hunt
Nicknames: Tal
Name Preferred: Tal
Wolf's Name: Janus
Age: 19 yrs
Pack: Rogue Ex Borealis
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Bi
Accessories: pentagram necklace (see Crimson's)
Weapons(preferred): none
Power(s, if any): Shadow travel, power of persuasion, some future sight
Strengths: stealth and speed
Weaknesses: no shadows
Likes: stars
Dislikes: rude people
Fears: Lila, losing her family
Friends: Crossroads Pack
Family: Adrian + Crimson - older triplets, Half-sibling of Nazar and Shadow --Step-daughter of Lila
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crossroad Pack, some rogues
Other: Believed to be dead, Unable to turn into full human form

Name: Dean Baron
Nicknames: DB
Name Preferred: Dean or (Deanie by Crimson)
Wolf's Name: Hound
Age: 18 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Hunter + Crimson's Guard + Caleb and Conner's caretaker
Personality: Strong wiled, kind, quiet at times/often, protective
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: Crimson but won't act on it
Accessories: often wearing Headphones or earbuds
Weapons(preferred): Guns, Bow + Arrow
Power(s, if any): Can hit almost any target with a small glance at it
Strengths: Fighting, wrestling, anything requiring strength
Weaknesses: Would die for his friends
Likes: Crimson, music, Crimson's singing (she doesn't know he has heard her sing)
Dislikes: Lila (doesn't know the whole truth on her treatment of Crimson)
Fears: losing his friends
Friends: Crimson, Caleb, Conner
Enemies: Crimson's enemies
Allies: Crimson's Allies
Other: Ex-rogue, photographic memory

Name: Lila Gray
Name Preferred: Ly (pronounced - Lie)
Wolf's Name: Drift
Age: 47 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Luna
Personality: Rude at times, narcistic, manipulative
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Straight but doesn't mind (if useful)
Crush: None
Lila and Drift-
Accessories: Necklace with deadly hidden poison in it, heart shaped
Weapons(preferred): Poison
Power(s, if any): can turn liquids into poison but she has to touch them for it to work
Strengths: Poison making, manipulating people
Weaknesses: being powerless
Likes: Power
Dislikes: Crimson
Fears: Crimson, losing her power or the pack, mainly her losing her power
Family: Step-Mother to the Hunt/Black kids
Enemies: Everyone
Allies: Unknown forces

Name: Mia May
Name Preferred: Mia
Wolf's Name: Aurora
Age: 17 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Sweet, kind, caring
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: Jax
Accessories: silver ring on right ring finger
Weapons(preferred): Bo staff or escrema sticks
Power(s, if any): Communicate with nature
Strengths: Astrology
Weaknesses: fire, smoke
Likes: Nature, astrology
Dislikes: nature destruction
Fears: Lila
Friends: Crimson, Jax, Dean
Family: Dean is like her big brother
Enemies: Orenda pack
Allies: Crimson's Allies
Other: Martial Arts training

Name: Jaxson Asil
Name Preferred: Jax
Wolf's Name: Galaxy "Ax"
Age: 21 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Beta in training
Personality: brave, bold, strong
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: straight
Crush: Mia
Jax and Ax-
Accessories: sword
Weapons(preferred): Swords or magic
Power(s, if any): Celestial magic ("Space/Sky" magic)
Strengths: Sword-fighting
Weaknesses: water, drowning or suffocation
Likes: Astrology
Dislikes: Lila
Fears: Losing Mia
Friends: Crimson, Mia, Dean
Family: Crimson is like his little sister
Enemies: Orenda Pack
Allies: Crimson's Allies
Other: Sword-fight training

Name: Caleb Hawk
Nicknames: Caly
Name Preferred: Cale, Caly (only by people he trusts)
Wolf's Name: Dusty
Age: 14 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Hunter in training
Personality: Sweet, quiet, attentive, intelligent
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: queer
Caleb and Dusty-
Accessories: never with out his trusty slingshot or pocketknife
Weapons(preferred): Slingshot, pocketknife, kicks
Power(s, if any): Earth based powers
Strengths: stealth and running
Weaknesses: Sand/Desert because sand is hard for him to control, strength based things
Likes: His brother
Dislikes: Lila
Fears: Lila, she is scary, losing his friends and/or family
Friends: Dean, Crimson
Family: Conner Hawk - older twin - sees Crimson as his mother
Enemies: Crimson's
Allies: Crimson's
Other: Amazing at reading people, he tends to scare people when he tells them what he knows about them

Name: Conner Hawk
Nicknames: Connie
Name Preferred: Kon, Connie (only by people he trusts)
Wolf's Name: Saw
Age: 14 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Guard in training
Personality: Abrupt, No-nonsense, hard-headed
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: Straight
Conner and Saw-
Weapons(preferred): brass knuckles, teeth and claws, and good old-fashioned punches
Power(s, if any): Vibration based powers
Strengths: Fighting
Weaknesses: running and/or being stealthy
Likes: his family and friends, "saving" his brother
Dislikes: Lila, annoying people
Fears: losing his friends and/or family, Lila
Friends: Crimson, Dean
Family: Caleb Hawk - younger twin - sees Crimson as his mother
Enemies: Crimson's
Allies: Crimson's
Other: Often needs his brother to explain stuff to him so he understands it, never forgets what he learns, often gets into arguments and/or fights

Name: David Cross
Nicknames: DC
Name Preferred: DC
Wolf's Name: Bear
Age: 25 yrs
Pack: Rogue Pack "Crossroad Pack", Ex Orenda Pack
Rank: Alpha
Personality: Strong-willed, kind, caring
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: Gay
Crush: Liam
David and Bear-
Accessories: Cross necklace with 'CR' on the back (displays CR pack ally)
Weapons(preferred): Wolf form weapons
Power(s, if any): Telepathy
Strengths: being helping, listening
Weaknesses: his Asthma
Likes: Liam, being in the woods, bird watching, cloud watching, reading
Dislikes: Loud noises, arguing, high pollen counts (asthma)
Fears: His mother, losing his family/pack, Lila Gray
Friends: Liam, Nola, Skylar
Family: Nola - sister
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crimson, some members of the Orenda Pack and other packs, Nola, Skylar, Liam

Name: Nola Cross
Nicknames: Lolli, Nol, Lol
Name Preferred: Lolli
Wolf's Name: Alon
Age: 14 yrs
Pack: Orenda Pack
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Kind, great memory, doesn't like rules or having to follow them
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush: Kalib Wolfe
Nola- Alon-
Accessories: Cross necklace with "CR" on back
Weapons(preferred): Bow and Arrow
Power(s, if any): Telepathy
Strengths: behavior analysis expert
Weaknesses: holds a grunge for long time, not quick to forgive people
Likes: going for runs, hunting,
Dislikes: Betrayal, backstabbers, traitors, Jezzy Wolfe
Fears: Losing her brother, her friends, or her pack
Friends: Skylar
Family: David - brother
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crossroad Pack, Orenda Pack, members of other packs who work with Crossroad and Orenda Packs
Other: Alon is a smiley sorta wolf with a hidden sadness and loneliness (even around others), Nola always has a sad look to her with a hidden amusement and happiness in her mind

Name: Liam Road
Name Preferred: Lee
Wolf's Name: Royal
Age: 26 yrs
Pack: Crossroad Pack, Ex Borealis Pack
Rank: Beta
Personality: Amused, great sense of humor, quick-witted
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preference): Male
Sexuality: Gay
Crush: David
Accessories: Cross necklace with a "CR" on the back
Weapons(preferred): Sniper rifle
Power(s, if any): Metal manipulation
Strengths: Protecting others
Weaknesses: Royal's lack of respect to everyone and anyone
Likes: David, wrestling, playing especially with the young ones
Dislikes: liars, Royal at his worst
Fears: Losing his pack/family/friends, Lila
Friends: David, Nola
Family: Skylar - sister
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Orenda Pack members, Crossroad Pack, Crimson Hunt

Name: Skylar Road
Name Preferred: Sky
Wolf's Name: Lark
Age: 16 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Omega
Personality: Sweet, sassy, kind, quiet, athletic, party girl
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Poly Bi
Crush: Nazar and Naven
Accessories: cross necklace with "CR" on back
Weapons(preferred): knives/daggers
Power(s, if any): Emotion Manipulation
Strengths: Manipulating people
Weaknesses: exhaustion messes with her ability to control her powers
Likes: parties
Dislikes: distrustful and/or disrespectful people
Fears: Lila, losing her brother and/or her pack
Friends: Nazar, Naven, Liam, David, Nola, Crimson, May
Family: Liam - brother
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crimson, Nazar, Naven, May, Liam, Nola, May, Crossroad Pack and their allies
Other: Crimson protects her from the pack... So she spies on Lila for her.

Name: Nazar D'Angelo
Name Preferred: Naz
Wolf's Name: Fallen
Age: 15 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Cold exterior, big heart, loyal
Gender(assigned at birth): Female (wrong gender assignment)_(preference): Male
Sexuality: Pan
Crush: Skylar and Naven
Accessories: sword (in pic)
Weapons(preferred): his sword
Power(s, if any): Shadow Travel
Strengths: Stealth
Weaknesses: strength
Likes: Night-time
Dislikes: Sunny days
Fears: Lila, Losing Skylar or Crimson or Naven or Shadow
Friends: Skylar, Naven, Shadow, Crimson
Family: Crimson - older half-sister and Shadow - older sister
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crimson, Shadow, Naven, Skylar

Name: Naven Black (pronounced- Nah- Vene)
Name Preferred: Nav
Wolf's Name: Regulus
Age: 17 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Guard
Personality: Tough, protective, strong
Gender(assigned at birth): Male_(preferred) Male
Sexuality: Pan
Crush: Skylar and Nazar
Accessories: heavy wooden bat (in pic), pentagram necklace (see Crimson's)
Weapons(preferred): his wooden bat
Power(s, if any): Healing abilities
Strengths: Baseball, sports in general, being stealthy
Weaknesses: Long runs at high speed
Likes: walking in the woods at night, pack runs
Dislikes: Lila
Fears: Being betrayed
Friends: Crimson, Skylar, Naven
Family: Shadow - sister, Adrian, Crimson, Talia - half-siblings
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crimson and her allies
Other: Tough as nails, Jock w/ a big heart

Name: Shadow Black
Wolf's Name: Nyx
Age: 16 yrs
Pack: Borealis
Rank: Hunter
Gender(assigned at birth): Female_(preference): Female
Sexuality: Bi
Accessories: pentagram necklace (see Crimson's)
Weapons(preferred): knives
Power(s, if any): shadow travel
Strengths: stealth
Weaknesses: heat
Likes: dark nights
Dislikes: Lila
Fears: Lila
Friends: Skylar, Nazar
Family: Naven - brother, Crimson, Talia, Adrian - half-siblings
Enemies: Lila
Allies: Crimson and her allies
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 12/28/2020 at 6:31 AM Post #14
Other OCs in PRP w/ Scoutwolf

Name(first and last; middle if any): Silva Silverblood
Nicknames: Silv
Name/Nicknames(preferred): Siv
Age: 20 yrs
Pack: Vampire (unknown half-wolf -Her wolf form is silvery white with pale gray eyes like her)
Rank: Low
Personality: Sweet, kind, quiet
Gender(assigned at birth): Female
Gender(preference): Female
Sexuality: Bi - prefers girls
Crush: Open
Accessories: Cross necklace with a "CR" on back
Weapons(preferred): Her powers
Power(s, if any): Ice/Snow, Light Magic
Strengths: Illusions
Weaknesses: She tends to overthink things
Likes: Winter
Dislikes: Cloudy days
Fears: Other vampires, wolves
Friends: Ros
Family: none
Enemies: Lila Gray
Allies: Ros
Other: May have other allies and enemies later on

Name(first and last; middle if any): Rose Blue (Rose is pronounced like the pink wine)
Nicknames: Rose
Name/Nicknames(preferred): Rose (pronounced like the pink wine)
Age: 21 yrs
Pack: Half-wolf, Ex-Borealis (Lila believes her to be dead)
Rank: Spy in Trapper Company
Personality: Kind, mouthy, sassy
Gender(assigned at birth): Female
Gender(preference): Female
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: Open
Her wolf form-
Accessories: Shown in pic including rose, Cross necklace with "CR" on back
Weapons(preferred): her magic
Power(s, if any): Magic (type unknown)
Strengths: Stealth, speed, strength
Weaknesses: Claustrophobia
Likes: wide open spaces, the thrill of her job as a spy
Dislikes: Small spaces
Fears: Closed and cramped spaces
Friends: Silva, Asher Trapper
Family: none
Enemies: Lila, trappers
Allies: Silva, Crimson + her allies, Orenda Pack
Other: Informant for Orenda Pack and Crimson
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 12/29/2020 at 6:57 PM Post #15
Planned OCs for a Next Generation Avengers PRP

Quote: "Language Barnes!!"
Name: Sarah Rogers
Nickname: Sar
Codename: Captain America
Age: 18 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6' 1"
Personality: smart, enjoys the simple things, kind, sweet, sassy
Backstory: Sarah is Steve Rogers's daughter. She grew up alongside her best friend and girlfriend, Janet B. Barnes. Was nearly killed by Hydra agents but Janet saved her.

Quote: "@#$%&!!!!"
Name: Janet Black Barnes
Nickname: Jan
Codename: Winter Soldier
Age: 19 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6' 1"
Personality: snarky, loyal, dislikes rules and playing by them
Backstory: Janet is the daughter of James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky. She grew up alongside her best friend and girlfriend, Sarah Rogers. She spent a few years in Hydra but escaped and saved Sarah. After she saved Sarah she asked her out like she had been going to go do when she was grabbed by Hydra. She met Nash when Hydra sent her to the Red Room for less then a year, she is a quick learner.

Janet saving Sarah - Dragging her to safety

Name: Nash Romanoff
Nickname: Naz
Codename: Black Widow
Age: 19 yrs
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Pan
Height: 6' 5"
Personality: Harsh at times, can seem cold-hearted, loyal, helpful, curious about emotions and 'human' interactions.
Backstory: Nash is Natasha Romanoff's son. He grew up in the Red Room and did some jobs for Hydra. He helped Janet escape and met up with her in a few years. He met Arrow and swore to always protect her, he saw her as a incorruptible soul and a light in the dark. She is like his sister.

Quote: "Dude, back off... Seriously... You're deafer then my dad..."
Name: Arrow Barton
Nickname: Row
Codename: Hawkeye
Age: 18 yrs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5' 9"
Personality: Sassy, playful, loves tricks and games
Backstory: Arrow is Clint Barton's daughter with his wife, Laura. She is their eldest. After her parents found out she was "hero-ing" they had her join the new Avengers team.

Edited By Phoenixwinchester on 1/21/2021 at 4:42 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 1/5/2021 at 10:28 PM Post #16
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
Posts: 2,003
Posted: 1/12/2021 at 7:42 PM Post #17
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