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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > Cats!
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Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 4/22/2021 at 5:41 PM Post #11
This is my 1 year old Kratos, who is the "infamous non binary" to quote Ael lol~
Edited By Mysevin on 4/22/2021 at 7:59 PM.
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 12:29 AM Post #12
This post has been marked as inappropriate.
Level 33
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 10:44 AM Post #13
it's hard to get pics of a black cat but..

his name is Baa Baa, Babby for short. he is a little gremlin and i love him.
that first pic he looks like a little old man, i love it.
Level 62
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 12:29 PM Post #14
I don't have very good or clear pics of my cats :(

But this is my Snowshoe-Siamese girl Coco - 1.5 years old, sweet as heck, and a former feral!

(I love the second pic of her butt, lol.)

Here is Coco (bottom middle) and Kailo (bottom right) having a staring contest with our former foster Bernie (top right) and our dog Kyito (top left)!

Fun fact, Kailo and 3 siblings were found at 4 weeks old in our basement.
Edited By Miroh on 4/29/2021 at 12:33 PM.
Level 75
Fairy Sous Chef
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Posted: 5/6/2021 at 5:18 PM Post #15


Visitor 1



Queenie and Silver






Visitor 1


Slinkers, Silver, Queenie

Visitor 2




Slinkers and Queenie

Edited By Twilia on 5/6/2021 at 5:25 PM.
Level 72
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 5/6/2021 at 5:20 PM Post #16
We've got 3, but Oreo is an old boy who sleeps all day, and he hides from Cricket when he does so he's never around to get pics of unfortunately.

My little baby girl <3 She's my furbaby and spends most of her time in my room with me. She also hates cameras. The good ones are few and far between and usually involve some sort of coaxing, like clicking a pen behind the camera. She's extremely photogenic when I get her to focus, though. She's also the most vocal of our cats, and will hold out full conversations with you since she is a siamese. She also screams, just because she wants to hear herself.

She's our youngest, and my moms cat. She's super sweet with a salty side, and is self-proclaimed Queen of the House. She's a bit of a bully to the other 2 but they tolerate her. She's also floofy, and can be vocal when she wants to be.

(her fave sleeping position)
This harness matches her collar.She loves to go for walks outside.

turns out I lied and I DO actually have a decent pic of him. He's our old man, about 18 years old by now. He's outlived his entire family, and we've had him since the moment he was born. His mom, Skittles, we rescued as an orphaned stray trapped in a grocery store warehouse. We caught her and brouht her home and we were the only humans she ever trusted. She was a little under a year old at the time, but we had to get her weight up for the vet to spay her and during that time she got pregnant. The litter was 2 little boys, Oreo and Chita, who we kept, and a little mini-me girl who we rehomed. Skittles passed away in early 2019, and Chita later that year. Oreos lived about a year longer than his mom did, but he's showing his age and mostly just sleeps all day.

We also have a few strays that roam around. The ones that we usually see around our yard are a young black kitty and then this gray and white one, who I finally got a good pic of.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 5/10/2021 at 10:18 AM Post #17
My cat Mischief

She loves being outside

Her throwing a scrunchie at me after I put it on her head

The only normal picture I have of my moms cat Oliver

Him being a gremlin

Dude looks like a meme template
Level 75
The Fortuitous
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Posted: 5/11/2021 at 2:06 PM Post #18
I have four kitties, and the favorite of the house is my older boy Carmel (We spell it how we say it lol) He is such a loud mouth baby and the sweetest chunky boy you'll ever meet:

My cat Carmel laying on his sister, Skitters:

Skitters is the youngest at just over a year. She is super sweet but very different from Carmel as she is naturally small (She was the runt of a littler from a small mom) and she is very quiet. She loves snuggles and playing, she just doesn't meow unless it's 3 AM and she wants you to come out and play XD
Her name comes from a family joke, when one of my siblings very loudly proclaimed that her sister likes skitters (trying to say skittles) to a family friend. It was quite funny.

We have 2 other cats, Fudge (the Diva) and Marshmallow (aka Shadow). Fudge likes to keep the hallway night light company, and her meows are more like bird chirrups. Marshmallow we got as a surprise and it took 2 weeks before my father realized he was even here!

I'll probably edit later to add more pics.
Edited By Marichoness on 5/11/2021 at 2:10 PM.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
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Posted: 5/14/2021 at 11:26 AM Post #19
This is my pile of cats:

Ianto: Contortionist, model, giant boy

Marnie: hermit on cold days, center of attention always, stealer of food

Kasi: baby boy, baby

Level 75
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 6/12/2021 at 2:13 PM Post #20
How come only now I discovered the cat thread?

This is Philemon, the cowardly but loving goofball ^-^ Currently 3 yo

Edited By Sleepycat on 6/12/2021 at 2:13 PM.
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