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Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 4/20/2021 at 8:58 PM Post #1991
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/20/2021 at 12:02 PM
"Got it!" Crimson yips.

The two of you spend the next while working together to seek out routes where animals commonly travel and setting traps. The sun is low in the sky by the time you've set all five snares.

"Maybe after this rest day I'll be up to giving hunting a try," she wags her tail happily. "Now that Chillsky's over, there are bound to be things I can find."

Asteria smiles, "I'm sure there will be and you'll no longer have to walk in the snow. Come on let's go back to camp and make sure that the others are alright." Asteria looks up at the sky thinking about her past. It had been a long time since she had left the Elvan kingdom and she knew she'd have to go back and report everything eventually. Asteria did not look forward to facing the Elvan council especially since the last time she faced them was telling them what had happen to the other rangers in her unit.
Level 74
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Posted: 4/21/2021 at 1:48 AM Post #1992
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/20/2021 at 10:52 AM
"Mhm," Knight mumbles. He looks glad to see you, but struggles to say anything else. You realise that your Wyvern has been muzzled. A metal contraption keeps him from using his death spit on his captors.

Chains lead from the restraint across Knight's scales and deeper into the wagon, but it's hard to see in the dark.

A familiar face clops his way over to the bars, and Balthur - seemingly unrestrained - gasps as he looks out. "Nicote!" he exlaims, voice hushed. "After you disappeared... oh, now is not the time! Yes, Knight is locked up tight in here but I'm... fine enough." A dark look passes over his features. "Do you have the keys to the door?"

"Course not. You know who got them?" Nicote asks. He glances over at his orc companion with a raised eyebrow.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/25/2021 at 12:30 PM Post #1993
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/20/2021 at 11:29 AM
Bob chuckles. "Why didn't you say so? Well, we're usin' most of the bigger wagons for this lumber shipment, here. But I reckon you wouldn't be needing anything as big as that."

He brings you a spare wagon with a rope which could be used as a makeshift harness for Skywhisper. "Bring it back when your finished, but I'll need something else from you."

His expression turns serious, and he lowers his voice so only you and Skywhisper can hear him. "I need you to pass a coded message onto Balthur. Tell 'im: 'The lazy dragon sleeps atop the mountain, but his angry brother does not.' Got it?"

"The lazy dragon sleeps atop the mountain, but his angry brother does not," I repeat in the same volume to make sure I heard it right. "Uhh, got it." I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but I doubt Bob would answer if I asked him. I attempt to hitch Skywhisper to the wagon as I repeat the phrase over in my head so I don't forget it.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 1:51 PM Post #1994
Trotting by your side, Crimson notices you deep in thought. She grins up at you, trying to be reassuring.

Back at camp, it seems the pair of you made it back before Numbat. Emberpaw is curled up in the ashes of a dead fire, dozing, while the two phoenix are perched atop a ridge on the nearby rock face. They look pretty much the same as they did when you left.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 2:12 PM Post #1995
Noticing Spork, Knight emits a low snarl. Balthur, catching onto the situation, hisses: "Quiet, now. He's with us." Then, eyes widening, he looks at you. "The orc is with us, right?"

Spork nods. "The keys stay with chief of clan. At night, now, he sleep in wagon and 'hide' them underneath pillow." He grins, but there's no humour behind it.

Balthur's face blanches at that. "Is there any other way to get us all out of here alive?"

The orc shakes his head somberly. "No other way. Believe me, I know."

The centaur turns to you again. "Look, Nicote... thank you for coming so far for us. But, uh... I'll understand if you don't want to risk it and go ahead with this."
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 2:20 PM Post #1996
"Good!" Bob grins as he waves you off, turning back to his work.

Skywhisper chirrups, grimacing as he adjusts the rope. "Ehh... this rubs against my feathers in all the wrong ways. But I'll deal with it."

He starts off at a trot, wagon loudly bouncing along the cobbles behind him. "Let's go and get this seed business over with!" he says cheerily.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 4/29/2021 at 3:07 PM Post #1997
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/29/2021 at 1:51 PM
Trotting by your side, Crimson notices you deep in thought. She grins up at you, trying to be reassuring.

Back at camp, it seems the pair of you made it back before Numbat. Emberpaw is curled up in the ashes of a dead fire, dozing, while the two phoenix are perched atop a ridge on the nearby rock face. They look pretty much the same as they did when you left.

Asteria gently scratches Crimson's ears, "Thank you Crimson. I hope everything goes well and everyone will be safe." She was slightly concerned about Numbat but it was still early. She'd give him another half hour before going out to too look for him. In the mean time she'd check the camp perimiter.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/30/2021 at 3:02 PM Post #1998
Crimson stays with you - even though she looks tired - looking alert as you move around the camp's border. It's monotonous work, but nothing you aren't used to. Your energetic hellhound looks determined to follow your example.

You might expect birdsong at this time in the evening, but there's dead silence besides your echoing footsteps in the melting snow. The gravelly mountain path is cast in shade by the looming walls of rock on all sides. The darkening sky shows stars glinting through here and there already, stained orange by the setting sun.

You've almost finished your patrol when, without warning, a startled scream shatters the quiet evening air.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 4/30/2021 at 3:27 PM Post #1999
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/30/2021 at 3:02 PM
Crimson stays with you - even though she looks tired - looking alert as you move around the camp's border. It's monotonous work, but nothing you aren't used to. Your energetic hellhound looks determined to follow your example.

You might expect birdsong at this time in the evening, but there's dead silence besides your echoing footsteps in the melting snow. The gravelly mountain path is cast in shade by the looming walls of rock on all sides. The darkening sky shows stars glinting through here and there already, stained orange by the setting sun.

You've almost finished your patrol when, without warning, a startled scream shatters the quiet evening air.

Asteria knows something is very wrong when she doesn't hear the birds singing. Hearing the scream she grabs her bow and arrows signaling the phenioxes and Emberpaw to stay in camp. She goes quickly but carefully, stealthfully.Asteria knew better than to rush into a situation like this one. First things first find out what's wrong, then determine a course of action.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 5/1/2021 at 8:39 AM Post #2000
The three do as they're told.

You're a little tired and out of practice in being stealthy to go quite as subtly as you'd intended. Stealth unsuccessful

"It sounded like Numbat," Crimson whispers as she pads by your side.

As you carefully approach the location of the scream, the sound of a pair of running feet meets your ears. Numbat speeds around the next bend in the road, heading for the camp.

In his absolute terror, he shouts at the pair of you as he passes, not stopping: "We need to g-get away from here!!"

Something has either spooked him, or is after him - you can't tell.
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