Rosemary gets behind you and peeks out from behind you. the cat let out a slight snicker and relaxed her muscles "what's the name of their father?"
She knew the cat couldn't get in and simply didn't reply, fur bristling more. if she dared to cut through the glass, that cat was going to be killed.
Level 16
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Posted: 6/13/2018 at 11:24 AM
Post #202
Name: Owner calls her Miss Kitty, but she prefers Queen (thats what all the other animals call her)
Age: 7 (human years)
Gender: female
picture of cat:
owner name: Miranda Paulene Lee
owner age: 6
Gender: female
picture of owner:
Mirandas father:
John Lee, age 38, spoils and loves his daughter and wife, job: banker
Mirandas mother:
Mary Lee, age 35, quiet, always agrees with her husband and hates to see Miranda unhappy
how well treated you are: pampered, but treated like a teddy bear by Miranda, which Queen despises.
size of owner's house/number of rooms/ where they live (example: New York City or the suburbs, etc.):
A large country estate
do you want to escape from owner?: yes
your personality: Queen is independent, and not very friendly, but has learned to put up with Mirandas constant affection although she despises it.Queen always has an air of elegance about her and does not take kindly to other animals who do not respect her. Out of all the animals the Lees own, Queen is the boss. She is kinda mean when you first meet her but she is also capable of warming up to someone. Not remembering who her parents were, or where she came from, there is always a little part of Queen longing for adventure and to find her family, although she would never admit it. Recently the Lees adopted another cat, named Josie as a playmate for Queen, who Queen completely ignores except when she bosses Josie around.
owner's personality: Energetic, not very gentle with her pets, spoiled
any other pets in the house?:
Josie, a young cat who the Lees recently adopted as a playmate for Queen. Josie is quiet and submissive most of the time, but sometimes she surprises herself and others with her hidden courage. She is rather lonely and longs to make friends with Queen, although she is continually shunned by her. She is also kind of a dreamer and secretly longs to start a family of her own.
Age: 3
Ralphie, a wild puppy with a big heart, who isnt that smart but is very affectionate
Also several horses
other (just additional stuff you feel follows the rules and is necessary to add):
um I dont really have anything else
(do you start or me?)
Level 25
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Posted: 6/15/2018 at 9:19 PM
Post #203
The cat walked up close to the window and sniffed, inspecting the window. The glass seemed weak enough to get through, but she didn't want to fight and jumping through the window would just be starting a fight. She asked again "are you going to tell me or not?"
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Posted: 6/15/2018 at 9:22 PM
Post #204
accepted, and you can start if you want
Level 16
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Posted: 6/16/2018 at 4:02 PM
Post #205
Queen lay sunbathing on a windowsill. "Mmmm" she purred lazily as she flipped over onto her belly. She was just falling asleep when, "Miss Kitttyyyy!!!! Kittyycatt!!! Mummy, where's my kitty?!" a little girl's voice rang out from several rooms away. Jumping a little, then groaning, Queen stood up, stretched and hopped to the ground. A few moments afterwards, " Miss kitty!! Lookie Mummy!!! I found my kittycat!! " Miranda screeched as she reached for Queen.
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Posted: 6/17/2018 at 12:08 PM
Post #206
the mom walks in and says to Miranda "come and eat dinner" and Miranda follows her mother into the kitchen. What do you do?
Level 16
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Posted: 6/17/2018 at 3:51 PM
Post #207
Sighing in relief, Queen heads back to her sunny windowsill to continue her nap.
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Posted: 6/17/2018 at 5:21 PM
Post #208
you fall asleep and get maybe 15 minutes of rest before the puppy of the house comes bounding in and licks you. What do you do?
Level 16
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Posted: 6/17/2018 at 5:36 PM
Post #209
"RALPHIE!! Ugh!!" Queen growled
Level 25
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Posted: 6/18/2018 at 1:06 PM
Post #210
Ralphie smiled and kept licking you. Then he heard his name called and bounded into the kitchen. Your owner comes in and picks you up, she carries you to bed. What do you do?
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