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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > The Labyrinth
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Level 57
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 5:01 PM Post #201
"Who doesn't start with the s's? Start starts with an s!" Nikkie says.
behind the door is a large throne room complete with a throne and red carpet and everything. Nikkie step sides behind you.
"You first. I don't want to go first. But I can go first if you want. It's just that something about this place gives me the shivers."
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 7:06 PM Post #202
"Wow, you're nervous." She quickly stepped into the throne room. "Of course, I am too. Everything in this labyrinth is a trap."
Level 70
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 7:13 PM Post #203
I use my flaming hands to light the way and I keep walking. I can't help but wonder what those runes did.
Level 57
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 7:21 PM Post #204
"Who wouldn't be nervous. I mean, I'm not nervous! No, me? Nervous? No way." Nikkie says with a tight laugh. Once you enter, he enters after you, but resumes walking by your side.
The throne room looked harmless enough. Red and purple - royal colors - was all over the place. Whomever used to live here was apparently very rich.
"I thought I told you to beware of the ringleader of the Labyrinth." A familiar voice says. The elf seemed to just appear next to the throne at the head of the room.
" Aw, great. Who invited her? " Nikkie says, glaring at the elf.
"Again, I apologize for what happened yesterday, I did not mean to. I advise you to leave while you still can." The elf urges.
" Yeah... That's my cue to leave. " Nikkie says, dashing towards the door. The door slams shut in his face and clicks locked. "Or... I guess I stay."
The elf smiles coldly, not herself any more. "Yes. I remember you, Nikkie. I remember you well. You were fun to control. I learned a few things about you. You're life used to be so horrid, you don't have anything to turn back to. Why don't you stay here, with me. You'll finally have a family that can care and love you."
"Shut up." Nikkie says, turning to the elf, his daggers already drawn.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 7:29 PM Post #205
" Testing, testing. Ah! This is nice. Even though this one is mute i can still talk. Ha. Ha. Ha." Sparky wasn't Sparky any more. Something was obviously controlling him. He turns on you, blocking off your advancment, looking over you calculatingly, eyes glowing green. "Let's see... Eh, I can keep this one in case the one I'm in dies just like the last one. I am Oran, the commander of this Labyrinth." Oran, who was controlling Sparky, says, taking one of your wrists and dragging you back to where you came from, approaching a certain rune.
"And as for the runes, they do different things. Some can open things others close things, others are a way to go from one place to another. Sparky, here, was just touching the wrong rune at the wrong time."
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 7:48 PM Post #206
"Shut the heck up, elf." She growled, taking out the broadsword she had taken from the dragon's lair. "No one cares what you have to say." At this point, sparks started flying out of her mouth as she became even more angry.
Level 57
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 7:59 PM Post #207
"I'm hurt. Really hurt. Out of any tribute, you had the most possibility of surviving this the longest and becoming my ally. To be honest, you were looking like a worthy candidate. Unfortunately, I don't work well with beings who draw weapons on me. Which shall I start with. The kitsune or the dragon?" The elf ponders, looking back and forth between you and Nikkie.
Nikkie gives a sideways glance at the sparks flying from your mouth, but doesn't say anything about it. He places himself in front of you, holding one of the daggers by the blades preparing to throw the dagger at the elf.
"I'm positive you don't truly hate me. I could give you everything you've ever wished for. Friends, family, love, a better life, a home, and more. You just have to drop your weapons..." The elf advances, holding her weapons and magic at the ready.
"But... Kua is my friend?" Nikkie says, though he seems to be wavering. The elf turns to you.
" See? The dragon was right. Kitsune's, especially Kukan Kitsune's, are not to be trusted. " the elf says with a sneer.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 8:11 PM Post #208
"I may be a dragon, but I believe everyone should have a chance to prove themselves. Nikkie is my friend, and I'd protect him with my life." She moved from behind Nikkie as flames started flying out of her mouth. "No one should be judged for what they are. They should be judged for who they are." She kept her sword drawn. "I don't honestly care what you'd give me. Nothing and I mean nothing, will tear me from protecting Nikkie."
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 8:24 PM Post #209
"Something might tear Nikkie from you." The elf says with a laugh. Beside you, Nikkie takes a step back.
"What are you talking about? I wouldn't-" Nikkie stops talking, just slightly in your peripheral vison.
"Yes, Nikkie, that's right. Be a dear, now..." A green ball of light dashes out of the elf and then zooms to where Nikkie is. Nikkie slashes at the green light with his daggers, but his daggers go right through it.
" I'm just a star, just a ball of glowing gas. Hahaha. But now... I'm you! " the light disappears into Nikkie, and Nikkie doubles over as if something had just sucker punched him in the gut. A few moments later, Nikkie collected himself again, turning on your with a blank expression.
"This is nice. I really could get used to this form." Nikkie says, and advances in you, daggers extended.
The elf toppled onto the throne after the light had left her.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 5/16/2020 at 8:30 PM Post #210
She growled and her eyes slitted while scales started to pop onto her body. "I won't hurt Nikkie. But that doesn't mean I won't defend myself." More flames poured out of her mouth, as her anger was peaking. "I won't hurt Nikkie. I won't hurt Nikkie." She kept repeating this to herself.
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