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Level 75
The Dreamer
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:10 AM
Post #221
Well, since they are all the same theme "harvest day", though of different species, I would expect the theme's colour to be the same/similar. Maybe a bit of variation amongst the traits colour to make sure the traits matches well overall. But they should look the same generally colour-wise. That would make sense to me.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:11 AM
Post #222
*sigh* ugh so lucky... Yeah, they're all the same color scheme because it's a general theme set. Like the Zombified themed pets. They all have a dark green / brown / grey color scheme with some reds.
So yes, your eggs will all be of the same scheme.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:16 AM
Post #223
i wish i could get eggs with other colors too but its only going to be harvest day pets, right?
Level 66
The Hallowed
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:27 AM
Post #224
This is not a full festival - the full festivals have giant maps to explore in, etc.
this is just a mini fest where you can get a few extra things.
Also, to find the corn's? Just go to the forums. choose a random forum, hover your mouse over a topic name, hold down ctrl and click a lot. while holding ctrl. then go through each thread. easyyy
Level 70
The Dreamer
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:37 AM
Post #225
From the Cornicopia popup.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:39 AM
Post #226
yup :) ive gotten 3 eggs a wheel ticket and some coins thus far :)
Level 70
The Dreamer
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:41 AM
Post #227
Lucky, the cornicopias havent really been nice to me.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:43 AM
Post #228
I know what you mean. At least 15 of them have given me gold. Which.. is better than nothing I guess but it taunts me with its prizes!!
Level 60
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:43 AM
Post #229
i didnt really do too well for the fall festival so this is a nice change, im sorry they are not being nice to you :(
Level 70
The Dreamer
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Posted: 11/29/2014 at 12:45 AM
Post #230
That's exactly how I'm feeling, they taunt me. I want a pet, not gold or dyes silly cornacopias...well at least they give out something every time you find one. I've been on other games where the random popups have a chance at giving you nothing at all.
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