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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Upon a Night
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Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/2/2014 at 4:04 PM Post #221
Tamikaa smiled and wanted to do a happy dance. 'Yes! Someone was finally staying over!' "So what do you do all day?" She asked curious. She wondered how a human coulld ever had survived in this nightmare. There was just way to much danger.

Zach looked up at the sky. "Well were going to the local witch because she is the only person I can think of that can help us right now." He said as they entered the forest. They were flying as fast as he could go and he was still worried Inu was going to pop out of nowhere.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/2/2014 at 4:06 PM Post #222
Zomee walked into a diffrent alley and sighed. No one ever wants to hang around a zombie...hell...they want to go with something that would eat them in a second instead...he sighed again, why where zombies given bad reputations?


Water laughed happly and ran into the city, now and then twirling. Fall stayed at the lake, unable to follow her.


Copy tilited his head at the girl, he wished he could understand them...but he didn't know there language. He looked confused and didn't exacly know how to respond. She wouldn't understand him anyway...
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 1/2/2014 at 4:11 PM Post #223
Jaydyn sighed. "I used to live in this house." He said and motioned to the one they were walking by. He wondered if any of his old stuff was still in there. "Texas huh... Did you get to live on a farm?" He asked. He always wanted to live on a farm.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/24/2013
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Posted: 1/2/2014 at 6:14 PM Post #224
"Well. Now that everything us alright, my sister and the weregirl are healed, what do we do?" Silverina asked, changing back into her eleven form and bending down over Moonlight Sparkle who was sprawled on the ground terrified, afraid she'd never fly again. "Moonlight. Get up and try to fly again. 2nd time's the charm. Go on! Try!" Silverina got up slowly and waved her hands in the direction of the sky. Moonlight Sparkle got up and tried to fly. She soared up unexpectedly and laughed. "Ah. This is the life. Flying gives you so much freedom. I can't believe how xpcreatures who don't have the freedom of flying feel like." said Moonlight. Silverina changed into her angel form and fluttered up into the sky to join her. "Yep. I feel very enclosed when I'm an elf. When I'm an angel though, wow, it's a big difference. I feel like I have no cares at all." They flew around happily, watching the creatures below them walk around, staring at them. Moonshine and Waterlily joined them after a while too because, who doesn't want to fly when others are flying? "Oh look! The weregirl us all right! Yay! I'm happy because I feel I was responsible for her almost dying even though it was your pet that made them those deep and long throat gashes."

(Are you just stopping Rocky?)
Level 66
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Posted: 1/2/2014 at 6:52 PM Post #225
Kyro remembered this guy didn't know English, so she just smiled instead. She couldn't really talk all that much anyways. She felt a lot better looking at him for some reason. She tried getting up, but failed. She was really tired. If she fell asleep, this guy might run away. She kinda liked him. He looked nice. She'd have to thank the other guy later. Right now, she was tired...
Fredrick kicked Joseph again. "C'mon, bro. Our work here is done." He said. His brother had fallen asleep, leaning against the wall and snoring. "Joooey!" He complained. He sighed. "Ugh." He muttered. He grabbed Joseph's arm. "Let's go, man." He said. Joseph wasn't gonna wake up until he wanted to. "Forget it." He said.
"See you guys some other time." Rocky called. He started back to the mountains. Good thing the hospital wasn't too far from the mountains. He didn't want to walk far. Maybe he was just lazy. A lazy wizard.
"Yeah. I lived on a farm." Jay told him. "We had chickens, horses, lambs, and cows. We also grew a garden." She said. Those memories brought a smile to her face.
Edited By Crystal25152 on 1/2/2014 at 6:54 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:00 AM Post #226
When Copy saw her shut her eyes and sleep he sighed. He got up and started walking away. He needed to go find a mirror that wasn't he knew where she saw it would be a lot easier to track her. He knew the mirror in the hospital wouldn't be okay to walk through, after that human smashed it...
Copy sighed as he looked around the area he was in.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:13 AM Post #227
Jay sighed. " Well...go out scavenging, avoid monsters...if I run into one either 1) Run 2) Hide...and not stand still...then I would try and find a safe place to sleep...maybe nestled with from roaches... " Jay sighed, thinking of the conditions.
Inu burst into the witch's house. " I want to order a finding spell " he said. He was panting from running, anger filled his eyes. I will find matter what, he thought.


Septer shivered slightly from the cold. " She's not...evil? Is she? " Septer asked with concern, she didn't fancy being left with a crazy, old, boil-covered witch...

( Everyone thinks of witch's the wrong way :3 )
Level 60
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:51 AM Post #228
Water laughed as she ran in the city. She turned around to do another twirl but then crashed into a guy. She cried out in surprise, falling to the ground.
She looked up and paled, a guy and a girl...uhm...

( Guy...Jayden...girl...Jay,.... )
Level 66
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 4:23 AM Post #229
Jay looked at the girl that crashed into them. "Uh, um...hi?" She said confused. "Jay...?" This was kinda Radom, no, it was random. Completely random. "Who are you?" She asked. Make friend, not foe. ABD don't be rude.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 6:19 AM Post #230
Water paled slightly. Great! A human... she got up and staggered backwards.Huh? She looked at the guy, he smells like a siren...he doesn't seem restricted to anything though...
Water eyed to human. She must be his food...toying with it I bet...
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