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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 11:54 AM Post #231
"Doof! Doof! Doof!" Mali said calmly pulling out the food, which was a box of crackers, a can of soup and a piece of dried banana. Mali shoved the dried banana in her mouth, smiling.
"Doof!" She handed the box of crackers and the can of soup to Cesura.
She then turned back to the hole and grabbed the jug of water as she watered the plant, watching as the plant turned green again.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 12:04 PM Post #232
Elenor didn't allow herself time to think about what the secret tunnel meant. This wasn't the time.

"Hold on for now, dragon!" she calls down the tunnel, the door swinging open after the click of the lock. She looked down the passage, hearing the sound of water. Her nostrils flared - it stank down here.

"Hold on," she said again. "If you're the only one to escape then the guards will be searching for you. If you give me time to let the other dragons out then you'll be safer. Plus they might know about this tunnel and there may be guards exploring down there - give me a few minutes and I can help."

Elenor wasn't actually quite sure why she was helping this dragon by suggesting possible threats that may be down there that she could help with. She put it down to - should her ally be down there - the other dragon scaring him off before Elenor had a chance to talk to him.

She hurried out of the cell, checking to confirm no guards were coming yet, before facing the prisoners. She quickly interrogated them about her ally. What they could all agree on was one night his cell became silent and they'd never seen or heard of him since. The dopey guards, though, didn't seem to have noticed. In return for the information, she unlocked the cells. As one the prisoners crept out to the door and took flight, hightailing it for the city. She could hear the commotion from here, guards sending out warnings, and knew she had to move.

Darting back to the cell, she jumped into the tunnel and let her eyes quickly adjust, checking if the dragon had waited or not.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 12:11 PM Post #233
Lazi waited calmly, sitting on the ground, trying not to shiver in the cold tunnels. She grew cold and tired, starting to shiver as she drew her tail closer to herself, trying not to freeze. She finally saw the dragon from before jump beside and she sat up, trying to shake the chill away from her bones.
"Hey!" Lazi whispered to the dragon "Who where you looking for?"
Level 72
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 12:39 PM Post #234
She saw the shape of the dragon shivering where she sat. Must be cold down here then, which didn't suit her old trainer at all. It put her slightly off balance for the dragon's question.

"Uh..." she hesitated, before saying the first thing that came to mind. "Someone I know of. Anyway, we need to get moving. They'll have noticed the prisoners by now and every second counts."

She jogged up to the dragon, waiting for her to get moving. The tunnel wasn't big enough for the two dragons to go shoulder to shoulder.
Level 51
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 2:22 PM Post #235
"Why thank you Mali." Cesura smiled, taking the food, "What's that plant there." She asks gently. The plant turns green before her eyes. That was amazing! If she can make things grow in THIS soil we might be able to grow crops for the rebellion!
Level 60
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Posted: 11/21/2019 at 3:42 PM Post #236
Lazi nodded slowly, a smirk playing across her face, she felt in control, though she did not know why.
"So it wasn't someone you liked or a family member?" She asked starting to walk forward, opening her wings until they brushed the walls, so she knew how much room they had "Do you know what's down here? Any guesses?"

Mali nodded slowly, giving Cesura a odd look "Doof? Ltanp doof!" She said with a nod picking up some of the seeds and handing them to her "Ditre... dene tarwe!"
She picked up the water container and drank it down about half way before stopping, water dripping down her neck. She put her talon over the seeds and they started to grow, growing rapidly until they where about the size of a plant that was three weeks old, even though it had only been a couple of seconds.
(I forgot to add it to the character sheet, sorry. The draw back is she gets tired and thirsty)
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/22/2019 at 10:42 AM Post #237
Elenor sticked to her previous answer. "Just someone I know."

When she thought about it, though, she really didn't know much about him. It had never mattered... didn't matter. Names were irrelevant. This stranger seemed to be getting into her head and it irritated her.

"It smells awful, but it's not you," she carried on, oblivious to any misstep she may have just made. "Like dragon waste, though it's underground."

The dragon's outstretched wings didn't exactly help Elenor judge the distance of the smell nor anything else that she may have been able to scent down here. Maybe she couldn't see - Elenor looked down at her talons, making out most of her individual scales. Perhaps her and this dragon's eyesight were different.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/22/2019 at 4:40 PM Post #238
Lazi continued to walk, feeling the dragons gaze peirce her, the dragon was probably wondering what she was doing. Her face flushed with embarrassment, she wasn't blind in the dark, she actually often hunted in the night, seeing how much she could catch. She could see perfectly fine it was just the tunnel felt uncomfortable, it felt like it would cave in any second and kill her, even the thought made her shiver. She wasn't going to tell this random dragon though, she would probably be made fun of, like last time she told someone her fears.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/22/2019 at 4:52 PM Post #239
Vernik sat up, he was all alone, again and was mad at the dragons for leaving him, so much for help. He looked around for water, his throat parched, spotting nothing he scowled, standing up and carefully walking out of the tent. He was tired after what had happened and knew if the guards found him he would likely be caught, just like your sister, a voice said in his head and he pushed if away. He walked down to where the water is, not noticing a black and blue dragon near him, as he leaned down and started to drink.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 11/22/2019 at 8:56 PM Post #240
He was still caugh in his own though when he found himself back near the river again. Huffing he projected a little amount of silver ashes from his snout in anoyance toward himself, he shoudn't even think about those meaningless things, he was above that. Skaaul didn't notice the black dragon until he accidentaly stept on the tips of tail while machinaly walking on the shore.
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