Canada nods. North came to a fork in the road. She could head left to Germany, or South to Italy.
North heads South toward Italy.
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
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Posted: 9/14/2018 at 4:37 PM
Post #2544
Italy is a very beautiful country. The grass is a rich green and the sunshine is bright and warm. The people seem to be really happy about something at the moment. A man on a podium announces that there is to be a festival in the square in a few days. He doesn't look like any of the countries, so he must be a plain human.
"Oh. So we're acting on morals and not favouritism. I understand now." he said, nodding.
Was it why he was acting up so mutch, was he trying to prove himself to her or somthing? Why tho, she was just a new contrie after all, others contries were harder to figure out then she first though. " I didn't mean to make it feel like favoritism ..."
Level 65
The Artistic
Joined: 7/14/2018
Threads: 68
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Posted: 9/14/2018 at 5:55 PM
Post #2546
"Dude, England's just moody right now. I think he's still processing the fact that someone saved someone who they disliked. Not many countries do that. But I do! Because I'm the Hero!" America said.
"Belt up, America."
Prussia is sprawled on the floor. "Mein Gott, you Jews are really feisty. " he snickered, not even started. "It's just the routine wake up call."
I huff, exasperated *If thats what a wake up call is like here I feel bad for anyone who over sleeps, and vow to never do so again* I get off him and put my knife away
"Dude, England's just moody right now. I think he's still processing the fact that someone saved someone who they disliked. Not many countries do that. But I do! Because I'm the Hero!" America said.
"Belt up, America."
" Oh, i guess i am over thinking things again then." At least America was relatively easy for her to read in general, he was usualy strait forward.
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