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Forum Index > Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services > Nurturing Club [old version]
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Level 75
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Posted: 9/5/2023 at 6:02 PM Post #251
Day 1: Did all but only 100 of Telemexa's


This is now the official streak list.

Streak Counter:

Telemexa 3
Skunky 3
Tonowari (1 - 9/5)
Zalea (1 - 9/4)

Top 3 Highest Streaks:

1. Goosekittygaming - 22
2. Zalea - 1

- The number one streak came from the previous list and was lost well before the new list above. Since the streaks are also counted in the active list, this will only be updated when a record breaking streak is lost.

How to be counted:
In order to be counted for a streak, you must nurture at least 5 player's hatcheries. If they have a ton of pets, you only need to do 40 of them to count. Doing 200 in one hatchery doesn't count as a streak, since the purpose of this club is to help as many people as possible.

You must also post which hatcheries you did. That is if you didn't just do all of them on the list. If you did, feel free to just put something along the lines of, "Day: X Did all." Including your streak day isn't needed, but helps a lot in keeping the list updated.
- This is based on the honor system, so please be honest.

If you don't post that you nurtured for a day, it's assumed you didn't. If you forgot to post but actually did do the prior day's streak, post saying so and it'll be updated. Though depending on the streak number your place on the list might change. Please don't abuse this though.

The order works like this:
If you don't do a day's nurture you'll be reset and moved to just below the last current streak in the list. If you did the day before but forgot to post, you'll be reset. Just do the current day's streak and say what you did yesterday and that you forgot to post. You'll then be moved back to the spot matching your streak. If there's a tie, you'll be after the ones you're tied with on the list.

If you do more than two days of nurturing but don't post either of those two days, your streak is reset.

The start of this list begun on 9/4. The number between the ( ) is the previous streak a player had and the last date they nurtured on. If it is red, then it's past the 2 days.


This might change depending on how people view it. The above is just my opinion. If you believe any of it is unfair or the grace period of doing the days but not posting should be longer please say so and why. The reason I chose no more than two days is that it's not only easier to keep track of, but it hopefully keeps people from just abusing it or just saying they did a whole week or something when they really didn't. Though this whole system is based on the honor system so it really boils down to just being easier to keep track of.

Another reason for the 2 days limit, is that by posting you encourage others to keep nurturing and to join the club, since it shows everyone the club is still active. If everyone just posted every few weeks or so saying they kept up their streak, it'll just look dead in between. (Again this is just my opinion. Which is why I'd like to know your thoughts on what the length should be)

There isn't currently a limit to how many times you can forget to post and state that you forgot the next day. Just please don't do that often and be sure to post as soon as you finish your streak.

This is just to help people quickly get to the hatcheries of members. As more people join it's also a way of ensuring the people who helps everyday with nurtures gets on the top of the list to be nurtured by others.

This list is also a way to keep up with who has earned prizes. (Read 1st post and Tonowari's post on the first page for more details. The people giving the prizes may have changed, not really sure on who is doing what now)

Again this is all unofficial. I just wanted to have a place that's updated. That way when I post did all, I don't feel the need to add "including X,Y,Z new members" to the end of it.

Since I didn't want to be at the top starting out, I reset my streak to start at 9/5
Edited By Skunky on 9/7/2023 at 6:36 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 9/6/2023 at 1:50 AM Post #252
Day: 2 - Took care of all
Edited By Skunky on 9/6/2023 at 4:53 AM.
Level 75
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 9/6/2023 at 12:53 PM Post #253
Day 3: Nurtured all pets
Level 75
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 9/6/2023 at 1:02 PM Post #254
I agree with your words. This club looks inactive, but I hope there will be more active members here.
Level 75
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Posted: 9/6/2023 at 6:57 PM Post #255
Thank you for responding, and I likewise hope this club becomes more active

There was a time I had a long streak but stopped for a long while because I noticed pretty much everyone had stopped posting so why bother?

I just don't want this club to die XC
Edited By Skunky on 9/6/2023 at 6:59 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 9/7/2023 at 2:03 AM Post #256
Day 3: Did all
Level 75
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Posted: 9/7/2023 at 5:08 AM Post #257
Tonowari has given his blessing for the above list to become official
Level 68
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Posted: 9/7/2023 at 6:25 AM Post #258
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Posted: 9/7/2023 at 6:28 AM Post #259
I just want to be transparent with what is going on XD
Level 75
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Posted: 9/7/2023 at 7:09 AM Post #260
Winter has given her blessing for me to create a new thread to hopefully ensure that this club not only lives on but also becomes more active.

I'll ping everyone on the list above with the new thread link, when it's done :D

The current list above won't be reset with the new thread.

- Pinging Winter only for full transparency
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