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Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
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Posted: 3/22/2018 at 7:34 AM Post #251
Alrighty! Since I have already given you a review once I am not going to give another one but very good job on these designs! Thank you for fixing them and I apologize for getting back to you so late. ^ ^
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
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Posted: 3/22/2018 at 9:57 AM Post #252

Hey everyone...soooo I made a mistake!!! The M1 Flowered Armor on the Ny'vene's IS regenable C':. I am so sorry to everyone that I pinged to change their designs from that trait. You may all keep them at what they currently are.

Dragongem23, if you wish you can put that trait back on your Ny'vene entree that had it.

Thank you so very much for point this out to me Cinder C'''''':.

Once again, I am SO sorry for this extra ping and just messing this up everyone x~x.
Level 69
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 4/10/2016
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Posted: 3/22/2018 at 10:15 AM Post #253
Here are my designs :3

Ny'vene: Summer Storm

G1: Caterpillar (Visible)
G2: Petal Markings (Carried on male, non existent on female)
G3: Cecropia Markings (Visible)
M1: Quad Arms (Visible)
M2: Ornate Horns (Visible)
M3: Essence Of Wind (Visible)
Trait Points used: 11/10

Scorched Ocean

G1: Crested Lizard (Visible)
G2: Ancient Runes (Carried on male, nonexistent on female)
G3: Red Admiral (Visible)
M1: Back Spikes (Visible)
M2: Skeletal Helm (Visible)
M3: Demonic Essence (Visible)
Traits Points used: 11/10

Puffadore: Sorcer's Familiar

G1: Fancy Swirls (Visible)
G2: Chipmunk (Visible)
G3: Arcanic Runes (Carried)
M1: Tribal Wrap (Visible)
M2: Masquerade Mask (Visible)
M3: Feathered Wings (Visible)
Trait Points used: 11

Cream and Sugar

G1: Merle (Visible)
G2: Striped Skunk (Visible)
G3: Arcanic Runes (Visible)
M1: Candy Adornments (Visible)
M2: Floral Crown (Visible)
M3: Fairy Wings (Carried)
Trait Points used: 11

Kelpari: Life Raft

G1: Calico (Visible)
G2: Body Stripes (Visible)
G3: None
M1: Kelp Armor (Visible)
M2: Central Fins (Visible)
M3: Kelp Headdress (Visible)
Trait Points used: 10

Dancing In The Dark

G1: Glowfish (Visible)
G2: Seahorse (Visible)
G3: Glowing Runes (Visible)
M1: Pearl Armor (Visible)
M2: Splash Wings (Visible)
M3: None
Trait Points used: 10

Fresh Water

G1: Splotched
G2: Body Stripes
G3: None
M1: Pearl Armor
M2: Central Fins
M3: Mystic Water
Trait Points used: 10

I might add another design or two, and if you need me to change anything just ping me. :)
Edited By SugarMapleWings on 3/22/2018 at 10:24 AM.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 3/22/2018 at 11:31 AM Post #254
It's okay...

*Pats spicybb*
Level 45
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/14/2015
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Posted: 3/22/2018 at 1:29 PM Post #255
Oh ok!
Level 45
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/14/2015
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Posted: 3/22/2018 at 1:43 PM Post #256
Ok here are my new Vene Designs

Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 3/24/2018 at 2:44 PM Post #257
Which M1 on my Ny'Vene? I also have a regen Vene and when I checked traits on it it says there all regenable?
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 3/24/2018 at 3:20 PM Post #258
Added more designs~
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
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Posted: 4/5/2018 at 9:51 AM Post #259

Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
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Posted: 4/12/2018 at 7:12 AM Post #260

Bet you couldn't guess who got this up late again C':. Totally not me. Out of all honesty I was ready to have this out and up on Friday I literally could not decide on who all I wanted to win. Another complication was my money situation. I will be giving each main winner will be given 20k and each side winner 10k and a 6vis Lupora offspring. I have decided on a Kelpari that I would like to make into a pair. As for the Ny'venes and Puffadores, while they were all wonderful designs, none of them seemed to stick with me. I might host another design contest like this in the far future for them. Anyways, thanks to ALL of you entered!!! This was such a fun contest to judge! I really enjoyed what you all did with everything and I LOVED seeing all of these amazing, creative, and cool designs that you came up with. Thank you all once again for taking your time to post out these wonderful designs. Now, while the winner of the sectional contest might be a certain person, the over all winners might be different for that section. Over all winners shall receive there first 10k ( if already gotten one you may not receive another, I am sorry but I am too low on cash ) and a Lupora 6vis pair. I enjoy having a variety in the projects that I have within my stables so I went for colour palettes that I haven't already chosen or seen often. I am sorry but I will only be writing reviews for the 1st place winners for each of the three sections. FINALLY, I'm done talking, so without further ado, here are the winners of this theme's Regenables contest!

~ Contest Seven ~
Over All Winners
Roaring 20's Puffadore

Congratulations! This was a truly wonderful design! I thought it was cute, creative, and even though it wasn't my choice for the pair I really loved how it turned out. It's colours were a bit wonky but that's the point! It really reminded me of the funky style that was in play in the 20's. I can see this pretty Puffadore rocking a beautiful black and yellow dress with that bright blue rim. This was an AMAZING design! Fantastic work!!!

Chuck me a CoD of 20k, here, and here is you Lupora pair!

Star Forager Kelpari

Congratulations! This design was EXTREMELY pretty. I really love the contrast between the bright blues to the darker hues of purple along both the wings and the back designs. Just the colours chosen for this was amazing and you somehow managed to tie it all together with the beautiful addition of the golden armour. The light blue jewels on decorating it was gorgeous! WONDERFUL work!

Slip me a CoD of 20k, here and here is your Lupora pair!

Tempest Storm Ny'vene

Congratulations! This design was very creative! I love the more peculiar take towards the colours for this "storm". I enjoy the blueish green lining the tip of the wings and the patterns along the back. Adding it over the dark colour beneath was very beautiful. I also really enjoyed the magma runes as well as the two mutations used to decorated the design. AMAZING work!

Toss me a CoD of 20k, here and here is your Lupora pair!


1st - Kelpari
Ocean Spray Kelpari

Congratulations! I enjoyed this design to the point that I wanted to make it into a pair of mine! I did however make some adjustments to the colours so I shall be sending you a PM about permission to use this core design for them very soon! I really enjoyed the mixture's between the greener blue and the baby ocean blues on this design. Whenever people manage to get them to work together it makes me a very happy camper. This design was very nice and I loved it. Fantastic job!

Slid me a CoD of 10k and here is your Lupora pup!

Star Forager Kelpari

Congratulations! Thank you once again for this awesome design!

Since you've already claimed your prizes you shall not receive one for winning this place.

Dancing in the Dark Kelpari

Congratulations! Thank you for the amazing job you did on this design! I really enjoyed it!

Glid me a CoD of 10k and here is your Lupora pup!


1st - Puffadore

Congratulations! This design was simply beautiful! I really enjoyed what you did with the different shades of blue incorporated within this design. The light blueberry that you used over the white and darker blue work together beautifully. I just really enjoy all that you've done here. Fantastic work!

Clip me a CoD of 10k and here is your Lupora pup!

Roaring 20's Puffadore

Congratulations! Thank you once again for this fantastic design!

Since you have already claimed your prizes you shall not be receiving one for winning this place.

Positively Golden Puffadore

Congratulations! Thank you for the wonderful job you did on this design! I really enjoyed it!

Slither me over a CoD of 10k and here is your Lupora pup!


1st - Ny'vene
Tempest Storm Ny'vene

Congratulations! Thank you once again for this wonderful design!

Since you have already claimed your prize you shall not receive one for winning this place.

Shattered Marble Ny'vene

Congratulations! Thank you once again for this beautiful design!

Since you have already claimed your prize you shall not receive one for winning this place.

Red Raven's Devil Ny'vene

Congratulations! Thank you for the amazing job you did on this design! I really enjoyed it!

Pop me a CoD of 10k and here is your Lupora pup!

Edited By Spicybb on 4/13/2018 at 6:56 AM.
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