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Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 8/11/2020 at 8:18 PM
Post #251
Adding, welcome to the club!
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 8/11/2020 at 8:24 PM
Post #252
Thanks! Do you have examples of your battle scenes?
(Lol that sounds so weird out of context)
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
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Posted: 8/11/2020 at 9:04 PM
Post #253
I have... a few. (be prepared for words >:3)
I apologize for any missing quotation marks and/or punctuation - Sylestia doesn't like my copy-paste. :/
Xerxes v Light, take 1:
Context: Light, newly awakened from stasis, fights a strange new enemy who obviously wants him dead.
He [Xerxes] levels his blade at Lights chest. Light draws Arondite. "I don't want to fight you, Xerxes. Surely we can reach an understanding."
"You missed that chance." Xerxes charges him, sword a streak of gold.
Light ducks away from him, slipping past his golden blade. Almost as if he anticipated Light's move, Xerxes turns and sweeps the flat of his blade into Light's back, throwing him to the ground. Dammit. Im rusty. Xerxes grins. "Killing you will be fun. At least give me a fight, will you?"
I know what I need to do. He takes a calming breath, gathering his aura around him.
"What are you doing?"
Light grins. "Getting out of here." He presses a hand to the ground.
"No!" Xerxes cries. The pavement cracks into a swirling golden portal, and Xerxes raises his sword. Before Light can react, he strikes, driving his blade down towards Lights chest.
The portal vanishes, taking Light and the sword with it. Xerxes straightens with a sigh. ****** took my blade.
Xerxes v Light, take 2.5:
Context: Light escapes Earth. Xerxes finds himself outclassed due to his own cockiness and Light's replenished energy.
"Enough," Light growls, invigorated. The energy around them replenishes his aura, and he raises Arondite. "You say you're a demon killer - live up to it."
"You're going to pay, Ragnarok," Xerxes hisses, aiming a quick stab at Light's stomach. He dances away and drops to the floor, kicking Xerxes's legs out from under him. Before he can get up, Light knocks his sword out of his hand and sticks the glowing point of Arondite under his chin. "That was dirty," Xerxes grumbles.
"The hell is going on here?" a woman's voice calls.
Light v. Vanitas
Context: Vanitas believes Light has challenged the throne in defending his new angel friend :3
"If that is how you see it - So be it." Light draws Arondite. The guards fall back, pulling Arie and a struggling Xerxes with them. "No, don't!" Xerxes cries. "Don't throw your life away for nothing!"
"It's not nothing. It's what I believe in." Light says, raising Arondite. Vanitas steps forward with the grace of a wolf. "Perhaps this will teach you not to consort with angels."
Light watches him warily, half-regretting his decision. I'd never win in a fight against him. Vanitas suddenly moves, and Light barely manages to bring up Arondite in a clumsy block. Larrc's words about his aura echo in his mind as an arc of blue fire descends towards him. Light ducks out from under Vanitas's blade and jumps back, narrowly avoiding the inferno. His own aura flickers, waiting to be let free.
Vanitas strikes again and Light unleashes his power, forming a barrier of blazing azure flames. Expecting to burst through it, Vanitas collides with the shield and stumbles back. "I wasnt expecting you to have that level of control," he notes, an undertone of approval in his voice.
"Full of surprises, aren't I?" He twirls Arondite. Vanitas lunges, and the barrier dissipates as Light slides under his thrust. He springs to his feet behind Vanitas, and once more barely escapes singeing his feathers as Vanitas's aura flares bright. The attack comes as Light is still recovering, and the flat of Vanitas's blade catches him in the chest. The force flings him across the hall and sends Arondite flying.
Edited By Hiraeth on 8/11/2020 at 9:04 PM.
Level 75
Majestic Brewmaster
Joined: 4/4/2019
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Posted: 8/15/2020 at 10:33 AM
Post #254
Hey Lark. I changed my username for no apparent reason, about to talk to Krinadon so itll be BookishFlower. Previously was Vanillalotus.
Edited By Bookishflower on 8/15/2020 at 10:33 AM.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 8/26/2020 at 5:38 PM
Post #255
I'm working on a story for my schools writing contest, it ends in two months and they said the people who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd would get to choose three things each from the prize table [there was one last year, and currently going to school in person is planned for the week its due so] idk, I was hoping for some critique on what I've got so far, they announced it this morning but I only just began working on it, I'll end up revising it when its finished anyways. Im rambling. here
Tuesday, August 5th 2014, a week before school officially begins, but campus is open for students to move their items into the dormitory.
Time: 14:24
Harper zoomed in closer with his camera and waiting for it to become clear, he'd prefer it if he could find a four leaf clover amidst the patch but this would have to do for now. He didn't need it for anything school related but it had rained a little the night before and he wanted a close up of water droplets for his portfolio, they looked mesmerizing, though most things do with macro photo's. He was about to snap the photo before he heard a loud "Edin!" Harper could recognize that dutch accent anywhere, except for maybe the Netherlands, he jumped slightly and the camera fell out of his hands but remained off the ground on account of it hanging around his neck by a considerably thick eigengrau coloured ribbon
"Hey, Jas" Harper laid back on the muddy ground, cringing when he heard the mud hit his bright yellow jacket, as it had just been washed.
"I told you to not call me Jas," His English was better than it was the year before, but he still had a considerably heavy accent in comparison to Harper's, though they were both incoherent if they spoke too fast.
"And I told you not to call me Edin, fair trade I say." Harper gave a quiet heh and sat up, "This mud is uncomfortable, help me up will you?" He held his hand out, when Jasper took his hand, Harper took the opportunity to drag him down into the mud, and hopped up as quickly as possible
He smirked and squinted his eyes "You cheeky b@stard" they both laughed for what was most likely thirty seconds before Harper came to a realization,
"Dritt, jeg kommer til bli forsinket!"
"Did I just hear you curse?" Jasper covered his mouth and laughed, "That's rare, what're you about to be late for?"
Harper paused for a second, "How'd you know what that meant-?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I used to hear you talk in your sleep when we were roommates last year, difficult to not pick up a few things."
Harper turned at least fifty shades of pink from embarrassment, "Well then.." He covered his lower face with one hand, "Anyways, I applied for a job this year, part time as a waiter so I can get experience with people."
"Don't you already get experience being apart of the student council? I thought you were gonna run for prez this year too," Jasper crossed his arms behind his head with a confused expression that looked borderline tired.
"I can multi-task, now stop distracting me I have to go," He unzipped his jacket revealing a white T-shirt with Norwegian writing coloured yellow, "Would you mind washing this for me while I'm out? I'm not sure if I'll have time when I get back" He held it out between two fingers, mostly to keep the mud from his shirt.
This is nowhere near completion, I was actually thinking that instead of "about to snap the photo" it could be something like this;
Harper recognized the thick dutch accent almost immediately, but still jumped at the sudden noise and took the picture prematurely.
this way I could write a scene where he's flipping through pictures on his camera and see's the blurry image of clovers and mud, as I'm planning for him to not get the job or just not make it to the interview or something like that.
And please note that I'm only in 8th grade so it's inevitably going to be garbage
Eigengrau - A shade of grey also called Eigenlicht, or brain grey; is the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light [when lights are turned off and your eyes adjust, that's the colour you see]
"Dritt, jeg kommer til bli forsinket!" - "Sh!t, I'm going to be late"
Macro photo's - Close up photography, often taken with special cameras
Eigengrau - A shade of grey also called Eigenlicht, or brain grey; is the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light [when lights are turned off and your eyes adjust, that's the colour you see]
"Dritt, jeg kommer til bli forsinket!" - "******, I'm going to be late" [I took a Norwegian class for three years, still not very fluent unfortunately]
Macro photo's - Close up photography, often taken with special cameras
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
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Posted: 8/27/2020 at 7:12 PM
Post #256
This club needs to not be dead. As such, I will be bothering you! I have written a thing and also have a questions/discussion starter. Do you wish some video games have book versions? Sometimes I do. Some video games just have amazing storylines. Pretty much any JRPG lol.
I also just need to vent about how much of an amazing storyline yet poor management Final Fantasy XV has. Also, AO3 tags scare me sometimes. :/ If that type of stuff floats your goat, I guess?
What's your favorite trope? I'm a fan of time when a character says they'll never do something or never go somewhere and the next paragraph has them doing said thing. Golden.
I'm also working on a third cover (yes, third) for Insomnia of the Heart. I'll post it here when I'm done! Do you compulsively make covers for your books or am I weird? xD
Anyhow, I'm writing a novel/novelization of FFXV and would like input. Although it is part of the Final Fantasy franchise, you don't really need to know anything beforehand because I/the designers explain most of it along the way. If you'd like to be on a pinglist for it (it is offsite; it doesn't have a forum thread) sign up here!
Please let me know what you think/how I can improve either on those sites or here!
(and psst Lark- Stryker changed their name to Miroh! and NeonNy is actually Ne0nNy thank you for coming to my pinglist talk x) )
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 8/27/2020 at 7:13 PM
Post #257
Honestly, I'm not sure.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 8/27/2020 at 9:35 PM
Post #258
I could've sworn I changed Miroh, thanks for letting me know.
Glad you're so determined to cancel out my laziness xP Thanks though, I honestly... keep forgetting about this tbh :')
*cries over League of Legends lore*
I don't play too many video games, so I wouldn't know besides that haha.
I know I have a lot of favorite tropes but I can't call any to mind atm ;-; all I can think of are things I like in books that aren't really... tropes xD
For some reason I prefer it when a main character is already part of a group or organization or society or whatever instead of learning about it or being new to it (which is what happens in most books in one form or another). I know it's probably not ideal plot-wise, because there are less opportunities for the character to really develop, and it's harder to explain how things work to the readers if they already know everything, plus other stuff, but... I kinda hate how the character is "behind" and surrounded by people who know a bunch of stuff they don't. It just makes me uncomfortable, lol. Bonus points if they're "special" and they're just sitting there uselessly in a fight while everyone keeps trying to keep them safe lol.
I also don't like when characters have like a prophesized destiny or some unique trait that makes them special, like I know it's also difficult plot-wise if they don't, but like for once I'd like to have a totally normal person just be the only person able to do something, not because they're gifted or whatever, but because, say, they were the only one who decided to take action.
It's more of a personal thing, mostly because I know I wouldn't want to be in that situation xD I know it's a supposed to be like that for a reason, but I just don't like that lol.
Oh, I remember a trope that I like xD
When the character defeats their teacher in training and wonders if the teacher's hurt or going to be mad or something, but instead they're like "nicely done", lol. It's just so satisfying.
I'm in a rush, sorry I'll come back if something is messy lol.
Edited By Larkien on 8/27/2020 at 9:35 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 8/27/2020 at 9:41 PM
Post #259
Ohmygosh I haaaaate prophecy cliches. I feel like it takes all the plot out of the book! You're given a rhyme and it's basically a cryptic version of the plot! That's why I can't read a lot of YA Fantasy anymore :/ It's all like "Prophecy! Save the world! It comes true!" Just... no. I try to stay away from prophecies and destinies - problem is my MC Light has a brother who can see the future. Good thing is, he says nothing really useful plot-wise about it and it serves more as an Itachi-like ulterior motive to motivate Light. He's like a puppetmaster, but for a possessed puppet that does nothing he wants it to. x) (none of that made sense but we're gonna roll with it!)
I like being dropped in the middle of something, it feels more authentic. Like instead of being recruited to the CIA, Jane Plaine (lol) is a high level agent that likes busting drug dealers or something and we're along for the ride on her mission to Cuba or something idk. (hey, that's pretty good!)
Pfft the last one! happens a lot in anime/manga. Love it 12/10
I also updated some stuff on my masterthread writing thing if ya wanna take a looksee xD
Edited By Hiraeth on 8/27/2020 at 9:45 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 8/27/2020 at 11:33 PM
Post #260
Yeaaa, I feel like prophecy things are 1. Too overrated, 2. Kind of... boring? Like it feels like everything is too... orderly, I guess, and 3. Why can't people end up somewhere by their own choice rather than being like "Hey you're destined to do some super impossible task good luck"
Although, I dislike it less because of the idea itself, but rather more because I just don't like reading it. That didn't make too much sense, oof. Like romance, it's all fine and dandy but I'm never going to read an entirely romance novel pls
I have a foresight character, he's not the unbreakable prophecy type, though, he's just helpful because he only sees the most likely outcome of the way things are currentlygoing. So if he sees a future where everyone's dead, then they know they're probably doing something wrong xD Then it gets really grim when all he sees is everyone dead no matter what they do :D
Oo, that sounds fun! There's a reason everything I write is smack in the middle with no context.... Except it has no context so it's confusing. And then I have to add context everywhere so it's weird. But you don't get to do too much fun stuff if no one knows about the existence of the fun stuff yet.
Also, I actually have been stalking that thread xP Your worldbuilding is epic, 10/10 would want to meet your characters. Even the demons. Wait, are the demons evil?I
Huh speaking of that, I keep forgetting to make a masterthread myself. I've been meaning to for awhile but keep getting interrupted. They're satisfying for some reason. Makes me feel slightly more organized and "wow, I actually write things".
Edited By Larkien on 8/28/2020 at 11:42 AM.
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