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Forum Index > Roleplaying > In Danger
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Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/31/2016
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Posted: 5/13/2018 at 12:45 PM Post #271
Alex nodded and helped Laura off the horse. Alex took what she had put on the horse and Lauras stuff. She went inside and chose an apartment and put a blue rag on it.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 5/13/2018 at 2:04 PM Post #272
Hano grabbed the most he could off the horse and began to lug it upstairs
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/31/2016
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Posted: 5/13/2018 at 7:55 PM Post #273
Laura started arranging things while Alex went to get the rest of the stuff off the horse
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 5/14/2018 at 6:27 PM Post #274
He dropped the bags in the room,"nice one,and it's connected to the one next to it"
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/31/2016
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Posted: 5/14/2018 at 6:56 PM Post #275
Sweet! You will have your own bedroom now! Alex said
Level 24
Joined: 5/6/2018
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Posted: 5/14/2018 at 7:56 PM Post #276
can I join? If so...

Name: Annabella
Age: 20
Gender: female
(Optional) Siblings: None

Personality: adventurous, mean, dark, will only do what the leader of Avalon tells her to do, stubborn, rude, outgoing
Other: Avalon, always travels with that gun

her horse
name: Ms. Kitty
Edited By Captainkitty on 5/15/2018 at 4:47 PM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/31/2016
Threads: 249
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Posted: 5/14/2018 at 8:15 PM Post #277
Its good! But put and then put the links inside there. It would make the manage show up.
Level 24
Joined: 5/6/2018
Threads: 4
Posts: 209
Posted: 5/15/2018 at 6:46 AM Post #278
okay I just didn't know how to do that
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/31/2016
Threads: 249
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Posted: 5/15/2018 at 7:27 AM Post #279
Yeah, no problem
Level 24
Joined: 5/6/2018
Threads: 4
Posts: 209
Posted: 5/15/2018 at 7:47 PM Post #280
soooooo... am I in?
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