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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Dragon Uprising
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Level 60
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Posted: 11/30/2019 at 12:52 PM Post #271
(I don't know XD)
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 11/30/2019 at 3:48 PM Post #272
(You want to 'stumble' across Cesura's tent or rest somewhere we can 'accidentally' become a part of the big heist tomorrow?)
Level 60
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Posted: 11/30/2019 at 4:39 PM Post #273
(Hmmm, maybe the first one)
"I see something," Lazi said as she spotted something in the distance, not sure what it was she moved towards it. She blocked the sun so she could see by putting her wing over her eyes, finally she spotted it, a tent!
"You know that tent? Do you think they will help us," She wondered aloud as she walked out of the alleyway, unconsciously pressing herself closer to the ground, she didn't want the guards to find her.
Level 51
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Posted: 12/1/2019 at 12:51 PM Post #274
"Alright come along," Cesura said softly, walking back toward her tent. Vernik was probably mad at her for running off. It didn't really matter to her but she might as well make an effort to look like she cared. Cesura looked back to make sure Mali was following before looking forward and seeing... were those dragons heading for her tent? She strained her vision to try and see who they were. She quickened her pace, walking almost silently. Any normal dragon would never hear her coming. Is that... the dragoness was white. Lazi? And who is that with her?
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2019 at 3:27 PM Post #275
Mali followed, copying Cesura as she ran silently across the ground before stopping as she made at a white dragon, her mom!
"Lazi!" She cried out running forward towards Lazi.
(Sorry for being so short, busy)
Level 51
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Posted: 12/1/2019 at 5:13 PM Post #276
Cesura flinched as her cover was blown. It was instinctual. Not much she could do about it now. She trotted up to Mali, "I suppose your Lazi? It's good to see you're alright." She turned her head to the dark blue dragoness beside her, "And who might you be?" She recognized the blue one. She had seen her under the shade of an awning after the administrator's speech.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2019 at 6:44 PM Post #277
Lazi nodded slowly "yes... I'm Lazi," She said carefully giving Mali a hug as she pulled her closer to her "Hey Mali, how are you and who is your new friend?"
"Hes Cesura, hes leph em," Mali said as Lazi nodded, knowing mostly what she was saying, giving Cesura a defensive look that was a warning, try to hurt Mali and she would feel her wrath.
"Cool Mali, nice to meet you Cesura," Lazi said, hoping she didn't sound too icy, she had the habit of doing that "I'll let this dragon introduce herself if she wants to, all I can say is thank you," She said, the last part directed to the dragon who had helped her, of course she would say thanks.
Level 72
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 10:46 AM Post #278
Elenor was uncomfortably aware of how out in the open they were in the golden morning sun.

She silently groaned as she was asked a question. Did she have to go through this again? She might get it wrong this time... she probably got it wrong last time.

Before she could answer the dragon from the market square, Lazi thanked her. And showed her the respect of letting her decide whether she would give her name of not. She... appreciated that. Not that she knew how to properly put it into words.

"Thanks," she repeated back to Lazi. She hoped it was enough to understand.

She looked back to Cesura, deciding she may as well give her name now she'd done it once. "Elenor," she murmured. She then cast her gaze to the small dragon, her speech confusing and jumbled. She watched the little thing curiously before deciding she should voice her worries about them being out in the open. But in the presence of many more other dragons the words caught in her throat and she remained silent.

Lazi's acual words didn't match how she behaved toward Cesura. She'd shot a hostile look at the dragon and immediately it made Elenor wary. By the way Lazi held the baby dragon close to her protectively she could see a close bond that this Cesura seemed to... threaten, perhaps? Lazi's tone seemed to hint so.

"I suppose you two have met?" she blurted, digging for information. The way they behaved toward each other puzzled Elenor and she wanted to find out why.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 10:51 AM Post #279
The rays of the rising sun were another worry for Kai'hel. Morning would break soon, and this Empire activity did not bring good news for the raid. He noted that the guards' were searching nearer and nearer to this street and him as he watched.

"Well, thank you anyway," he said to the dragon. "I'd better make myself scarce before they scout this street."

He trotted away, making for the city outskirts.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 1/21/2019
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 11:31 AM Post #280
"Yes, I know her," Lazi said changing her voice so it sounded more gentle, though she could hear a growl rumble in her throat, why was she growling, "She wanted us to join a raid."
She looked at Mali and the others, wondering what was going through there heads, did they like her or hate her? She looked at Cesura, feeling a tinge of... fear? She didn't know but this dragon bothered her and spotting seeds on the ground, she had a feeling she was right.
"You didn't make Mali grow stuff, did you?" Lazi said looking around for Vernik, her tail starting to lash gently.
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