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Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/6/2020 at 12:37 PM
Post #271
Weekly Games announcement!
First up: Our previous weeks winners!
First Place: Cactustoesss
Second Place: Ahsokatano66
Third Place: Sairento
Honorable mention: Mosslfight2, Animaspectra, Twilia, Maplepuppy365, TheWildOne
The answer was sunglesses
First, Second, and Third places please PM me for your prizes!
This week we had so many people guess it That I decided Glasses would not count as it was not specific enough. You all are too smart! I'll have to make it harder next time.
Now, on to this week's Game!
This week you will not be required to PM me your entry, you will be Pinging me on this thread! The Game this week is to write a short story (Minimum 1 paragraph, max of 1 post) about the Nixi pictured below. It can be anything, like what she/he did for their birthday, or their favorite thing to do in the wild, or even something more creative, there are no boundaries! Except of course, keep it PG. This is a requirement. As well as following all site rules.
~Deadline is Sunday at Midnight Slyestia time~
Here is the your main character: ~Props to Limor for designing this Nixi~
~Credit to Mossflight2 for the idea for this weeks game~
The top five candidates will be chosen based on effort, then will be entered into a random generator to get their places. Same prizes as last week, Good Luck!
First Place:
11K gold
Their very own Saffron Nixi!
Second Place:
8K gold
A random themed Nixi offspring
Third Place:
5K gold
Please Ping or PM me if you wish to be removed from the games Ping list~
Edited By Marichoness on 7/12/2020 at 11:18 AM.
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/6/2020 at 12:38 PM
Post #272
Look up^^^
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/6/2020 at 12:38 PM
Post #273
Look up^^
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 7/6/2020 at 5:18 PM
Post #274
Is the character the make, female, both, or either?
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/6/2020 at 5:27 PM
Post #275
You're choice, whichever you want! I posted both pictures to give our Authors-to-be some writing freedom. I know some people are better at writing gals (me) and others are better with writing guys or others, It's all up to you!
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
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Posted: 7/7/2020 at 4:37 AM
Post #276
In the morning light of the sun, a brown-splashed Zolnixi rested. He felt the sunlight flow onto his snout, and opened his eyes. In a single moment, the sun's light lit up the world before his eyes. The Zolnixi stared out at the vast forest he lived in, and felt a sense of privacy. In fact, he never wanted to leave!
As he got up, the Zolnixi started to forage for food. His feathered tail swished back and forth. It would be great to find some rabbits, he loved those! However, he would never eat one, as he loved taking care of them. Scooping up some berries, he saw a squirrel.
Soon after he saw that sqiurrel, he started to chase after it. His mask limited his vision, but he would catch that sqiurrel! The Zolnixi growled, and pounced on the sqiurrel. Scooping up the squirrel, he started eating it, and sighed.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 7/7/2020 at 12:25 PM
Post #277
Alright! Sorry, this is a little long.
Chrysanthe laughed as she rolled out of her friend Cypress' grip. He was close to catching her, yes, but he didn't!
"Missed me!" Chrysanthe giggled.
Cypress laughed. "But I got you now!" He extended a paw.
Chrysanthe blinked. There was no way out. But... wait. The tree hollow. Sure, she'd be cornered, but it would give her a second or two.
Her mind made up, Chrysanthe leaped into the tree.
An evil crackling sound filled Chrysanthe's mind. "You've come in willingly; you'll never escape now!"
As the sunset, Chrysanthe feel over and slept.
~18.76 thousand years later~
Chrysanthe wandered through the woods aimlessly. It was pretty much the same exact story as yesterday, except for the weather. Yesterday it was raining.
Chrysanthe paused. Or was it? That's what everyone said, but she couldn't seem to remember yesterday at all.
While Chrysanthe thought, another Zolnixi pushed its way through the bush. "Chrysanthe!"
Chrysanthe spun around. She didn't recognize this zolnixi, but she knew everyone here. "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"
"Cypress," he said quickly. Something in his voice made it seem like he was panicked, and by the way, his chest was rising and falling, he was definitely running from something. Despite being afraid of danger, Chrysanthe was intrigued by this male. At least doing what he wanted would make something different than the other days.
"You need to come with me, fast!" Cypress continued.
"Why?" Chrysanthe asked.
Cypress sighed in annoyance. "Don't you have any sense? You've been trapped in this world for thousands of years!"
Chrysanthe's head whirled. All she could manage to do was squeak. "T-thousands of y-years?"
Cypress nodded. "And once the sun sets, we'll both forget this!"
Chrysanthe turned around as the final rays of daylight faded away...
~The next day~
Chrysanthe wandered through the woods aimlessly. It was pretty much the same exact story as yesterday, except for the weather. Yesterday it was raining.
Chrysanthe paused. Or was it? That's what everyone said, but she couldn't seem to remember yesterday at all.
"Chrysanthe!" a friendly voice said. Cypress.
"Uh huh?" Chrysanthe answered distractedly.
"There's someone here who wants to see you," Cypress nodded towards a lone Zolnixi.
Chrysanthe turned around. "What do you want?"
"We need to get you out of here! You've been trapped here for thousands of years!" the zolnixi said.
Chrysanthe froze; something about those words seemed familiar. But she couldn't quite place her finger on it.
Then it hit her. Cypress had tried to tell her that yesterday.
With that, every other memory came tumbling back. Days of wandering around the forest with nothing to do.
"I have to get the others!" Chrysanthe cried. "That way we can all get back together!"
The Zolnixi shook his head. "No time. We can do it after we escape!"
Chrysanthe nodded. She knew better than to delay after what had happened the day before.
The Zolnixi nodded as he charged out. Chrysanthe nudged Cypress. "Come on!"
Confused, but obeying, Cypress bolted after Cypress with Chrysanthe.
Suddenly, the zolnixi hurled into a tree and, disappeared?
Cypress stopped in his tracks. "Nuh-uh. Not happening."
Chrysanthe set her jaw, shoving Cypress towards the tree. "Yes. You. Ar-"
Before she could finish, the sunset.
~The next day~
Chrysanthe wandered through the woods aimlessly. It was pretty much the same exact story as yesterday, except for the weather. Yesterday it was raining.
Chrysanthe paused. Or was it? That's what everyone said, but she couldn't seem to remember yesterday at all.
Cypress rolled over into a tree. "Up al-ack!" With a flash, Cypress disappeared.
"Cypress!" Chrysanthe called, charging into the tree.
When Chrysanthe emerged, she was surrounded by bright lights. "What-what happened?" Chrysanthe murmured.
"I don't know," Cypress said from beside her in awe.
A soft voice whispered beside them. "You're in Sylestia."
Cypress and Chrysanthe glanced at each other. "Sylestia?"
"Yes. You'll be at home here rather than at the Frozen Vales."
As the night sky faded in, Chrysanthe and Cypress fell asleep, never to go back to The Frozen Vales again.
Chrysanthe and Cypress later controlled rescue missions to help eliminate the number of Zolnixi's in The Frozen Vales until the land became completely barn.
One of Chrysanthe and Cypress' descendants closed the door to The Frozen Vales, making sure nobody else would fall prisoner to its deceptive ways.
Later the Frozen Vales disappeared from the map, though it never really disappeared. But that's a story for a different time.
Level 70
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/15/2019
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Posted: 7/7/2020 at 7:36 PM
Post #278
Preferred Name: Steal
Preferred Pronouns: He. him, you,.. just be polite and I don't care.
Would you like to be Pinged for Sales? Sure, looking for themes mainly
Would you like to be Pinged for Info. on Themed? as above so below.. lol
Tell me about yourself ^-^: I tend to hoard nixis that are themed. I mean... over 30 MM nixi alone.. I think its an addiction at this point.
Oh game... can I play? *points to the story prompt*
The dry grasses shivered as the mildy ragged nix moved through them, his fur mussed with burrs and tangles. He had been wandering a long time, trying to find others of his kind cast out of the pack he was born into, his fur shades not being the bright hues of his kin. Tthe fall was not being kind to him though, and he had been away from his home territory far too long. Scenting the wind he paused, body laying low in the grass, his brown markings helping him blend if nothing else. Something told him it would be a bad thing to be caught out here, he had no idea what other species called this area home, and he had no desire to come across something hunting.
Off to the left a second figure was moving, not at all concerned for what was happening around, mind currently set on chasing a ferriki that had been taunting her. There was no malice in the docile female's body just a desire to continue what she saw as a fun game. For it's part the Ferriki was also non afraid, just playing along, bounding just out of the young female's reach and making teasing sounds. It was due to the lack of attentiveness that the female bounded forward colliding with the cowering male.
*Thud* She looked curiously at the figure, her own bright and well groomed fur a stark contrast to the male's. A head tilt was the only comment, other than a small bark of curiousity. When the male pressed lower to the ground she looked around. He was acting like something was wrong. She squinted a bit, then bounced around him like a small puppy.
Was there something wrong with this female? He thought, we are out in a field, miles from anything and she wants to play? He huffed a small breath of resignment, getting up a bit. It was apparent his fears were for nothing, the bright eyed female said it all. He was on some other pack's land, and if she was any sign, they were peaceful. It was then he looked at her more closely. She too had the brown earthy toes he had. Not only that... she.. was happy about it.
For hours they played in the field, chasing the friendly ferriki around, laughing a bit, in their barking way, and most of all, just being happy. As the day came to an end, the female led him to her pack's land, where, to welcome him, he was fitted with a golden mask, and a name.
So started the happy life of Sebastian.
Pardon any spelling or grammar errors. Hope it at least makes you smile a bit. :D
Level 61
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 1:26 AM
Post #279
Preferred Name: Tamzy
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Would you like to be Pinged for Sales? sure
Would you like to be Pinged for Info. on Themed? sure
Tell me about yourself ^-^:
not much to tell. I am new. I love the zolnixi and I am just getting started. I did get my 'Ametrine Explosion Zolnixi' from this event and wondering if I should buy more diamonds and buy a couple of mystical essences. . . of course I would have NO clue how to really design good color schemes (genes etc) lol
I have been spending a lot of my time here just questing and so far have gotten my first team to almost level 30. Only one of which is a Zolnixi Kyleira (I don't know how to link images or make links etc) but I will be focusing on the zolnixi as my "main" species from now on!
I play a couple other similar games but they don't take quite as much of my time as this one is going to lmao
Hope to someday get more themed, festival and event pets etc. I look forward to meeting other players and just having a great time!
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 3:47 PM
Post #280
Welcome Steal, to the Nixi club! We are glad to have you!
~I love your story btw, I definitely smiled C:
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