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Level 72
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 11:53 AM Post #281
Elenor stepped closer to Lazi uneasily. The raid she had eavesdropped on earlier... she hadn't gotten round to thinking about it. But now she felt discouraged face-to-face with strangers. Strangers, yet you bunch up with one of them, a voice in her head whispered. She cast it aside - if Lazi wanted shot of her, she'd had many, many oppertunities to do so up until now.

Elenor followed Lazi's gaze to the ground. Little specks were scattered on the ground. She mentioned the little dragon being made to grow something. The 'growing' part was confusing but she understood the child being forced to do something well enough.

A thought occurred to Elenor. She remembered seeing Lazi in the marketplace, though she had been paying more attention to the raging coal-scaled dragon beside her. Even now Lazi searched the clearing for something... someone, perhaps? She'd been seperated from the other dragon and ended up in prison. But he couldn't have been in prison as well or she wouldn't be here right now.

Which meant Cesura encouraging Lazi and the other dragon with her had led to her arrest and imprisonment. Not ignoring being seperated from the ferocious dragon with her and on second thoughts the baby now cuddled to her. No wonder she was being hostile. Elenor found herself taking sides.
Level 51
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 5:05 PM Post #282
"I didn't make her grow things. She spirited me away from my tent before I could react, " Cesura points at the large tent, an all too familiar voice whispering grown soft... bad reaction... must be quicker... must train harder... "and showed me the seeds and plants and growing and things."

She could see that Lazi didn't like her very much. Elenor looked a little defensive too. This wasn't good.

It was painfully obvious that night was retreating. A part of her relished the rising warmth of the sun. Another part of her cursed herself for not preparing and getting at least a little sleep. She had been trained to stay awake for a few days at a time but sleep always helps.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 6:06 PM Post #283
Lazi eyes widened fearfully for a second as she eyed the plants carefully "Mali... you didn't grow the flowers did you?" She sighed and stopped growling as soon as Mali let out a dissatisfied squawk "No!" And Lazi smiled, she had said a full word!
"Sorry about that," She said to Cesura, feeling uncomfortable and embarrased, she should not have assumed anything, she had been thinking to fast again, "Most dragons jump at the chance when they meet Mali, luckily she trusted you enough not to grow the wrong seeds, the flowers are poisoned, can kill a dragon in minutes..."
Level 51
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 7:33 PM Post #284
Cesura started running different toxic flowers through her mind. English Broom: a yellow flower that suppresses the heart and nervous system. Monkshood: (her favorite by far) a vibrant purple flower. Ingestion causes almost immediate death. Merely touching the plant with bare talons can lead to numbness, cardiovascular hypotension, and asphyxia. White snakeroot: A delicate white flower. It contains tremetol, a toxin so poisonous that it can prove fatal in dragons who merely drink the milk of a cow who has eaten the plant. She decided to stop there.

"What sort of flower could cause that?" She asked smoothly. Her voice didn't hint at her interest or intent.

(All of those flowers are real! Monkshood is one of the most toxic plants known to man and all of the side effects are real...
Scary to think of how nature comes up with these things!)
Level 60
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 9:34 PM Post #285
Lazi tilted her head, thinking to herself, carefully pondering the question.
"White Snakeroot, I think it is called," She said carefully thinking to herself, "I buried the seeds though so no one would accidently find them, though Mali can grow them in an emergency," She said that part a little sharply, shivering at the thought of what the plant could do.
(Wow, shocking. Imagine accidently eating one of those :/ I question natures motives)
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 6:51 AM Post #286
(I question natures motives too lol)

"Fascinating. It's good you buried those seeds." Cesura paused. Kai'hel would probably be back soon and she still wasn't ready. Some armed guards passed by overhead. They had to get out of the open.

"Perhaps we should go inside," She said, motioning to the guards and then to her tent.

(Just to be clear her tent isnt like a circus tent. Imagine one of those big family tents that can hold like eight people and then make it dragon sized)
Level 60
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 10:20 AM Post #287
(Good thing you cleared that up, I thought it was a circus tent XD)
Lazi nodded, she moved towards the tents, hissing gently under her breathe at the guards above her before creeping to the tent, practicing creeping as she placed her talons as light as possible on the ground.
"Doof?" Lazi heard Mali say as she charged past her, startling Lazi. She moved forward again, but fast as she scooped up Mali and gently placed her in the tent before following.
"That was good practice," She said aloud turning as she waited for the others, hoping she had gone in the right tent.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 12:19 PM Post #288
Elenor listened intently, though her facial expression remained unmoved. She was a little bit glad that someone else had finally pointed out that they were vulnerable, but still felt wary as she trotted after Lazi and Mali. She watched the skies, thankful that the guards hadn't turned back. Yet.

She stepped into the tent after the other two, looking around and acquainting herself. A round bed, a large round metal bowl-like thing and shelves filled with jars of various items. Cesura's tone hadn't betrayed anything but the question itself, combined with all of these ingredients in her abode, hinted at an interest in this kind of thing. How much skill she possessed was a mystery, but it unnerved Elenor.

(By the way did Cesura have potions visibly strapped to her or were they hidden in pockets? I can't remember >.<)
Level 51
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 5:43 PM Post #289
(She doesn't have anything with her right now besides the food Mali gave her)

Cesura quickly closed the tent flaps behind her and her guests. She waited for them to get situated before asking, "Anyone care for some crackers, courtesy of Mali?" She lifted the box of crackers in her talons, placing the can of soup and dried bananas on the table.
Level 60
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Joined: 1/21/2019
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 6:56 PM Post #290
Lazi smiled, giving Mali a gentle nudge, "Could I please have some crackers, they gave us no food in the prison, those turds," She said in disgust shaking her head, she had a grudge against the empire now, a call of revenge and she always got her revenge.
"Deses?" Mali asked poking Lazi in her belly, looking up at her with huge eyes, which warmed her heart, "You want the seeds, don't you," Lazi asked and after Mali nodded she smiled slyly.
"I have secrets too," She said to no one as she shifted her belly scales, smiling as some seeds fell out, "They where started to feel uncomfortable," She picked them up and handed them to Mali.
Mali turned and placed them on the ground, her talons starting to glow. The plant started to grow, in a matter of seconds it become a giant bush of vines, pea vines. The plant was already starting to flower and was huge, crawling up the tent walls.
"Maybe we should have not done that in here," Lazi said with an ackward laugh as Mali let out a tiny yawn before curling up on the floor and falling asleep in seconds, "She must be tired after all that, we should let her rest, now about those crackers?"
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