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Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 3:49 PM Post #281
Welcome to the Nixi Club Tamzy! Sylestia is a great place, I know you'll do well here :D
Level 61
Joined: 7/5/2020
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 4:27 PM Post #282
Thank you!!

I am hard at work exploring and leveling my first "main" party. It's kind of a run through with a learning curve lmao. Got two pets to level 30, a third close behind and she's my first Zolnixi :)

If I can find a color scheme I really like, I am planning to get a couple of Mystical essences :))
Any suggestions on how which genes to put visible/carry ?? anything you know goes well together? lol
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 4:31 PM Post #283
If you plan on doing a project with your essences, definitely put all carried! But if you only want a pet with a couple vis, no project required, then go ahead and put then all vis! How I find inspiration for some of my color schemes is I google good color schemes or use a color palette generator and play around with it until I find one I really like!

That's what I did with our club Mascots, The Saffron Nixis!

Edited By Marichoness on 7/8/2020 at 4:32 PM.
Level 61
Joined: 7/5/2020
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 4:55 PM Post #284
OMG! I love them!!

So far none of the colors on my pets wow me at all! lol
yeah, when in doubt, as google. Google knows everything lmao :)

ok, an edit.
so mystical essences give 4 genes
so two visible OR 4 carried?
you say make them all carried, ok!

do i do all different ones on each gender?
do i do the same ones in the same slots?
how do I best maximize the use of my essences?
I get a bit overwhelmed and confused when I look at the generator. My starter pet was taking me forever, finally I just pretty much gave up and accepted what I had. I don't want to to do that with essences since they aren't cheap lol
Edited By Tamzymarz on 7/8/2020 at 5:14 PM.
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 7:23 PM Post #285
Well! The answers to those questions are best answered when I know your end goal. How many traits do you want your finished pet to have? :D
You're right though! Essences are not cheap!
Level 61
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Posted: 7/8/2020 at 9:09 PM Post #286
ok, well i definitely want to do a project . . .

I actually discovered that I can save my designs (and look at other peoples designs that they've made public).
I actually read a REALLY great guide on breeding and the genetics but I don't know where I found it, or how to find it again! :(

this is what I have for an ultimate end result . . .
so put four of those carried with those colors on each gender?

is another really nice design, but not mine. This one is by Themidnightstriker
Edited By Tamzymarz on 7/8/2020 at 9:23 PM.
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/9/2020 at 10:04 AM Post #287
A lot of awesome guides are here:
And here are a couple that stood out to me for ya, A six vis breeding guide and an essence guide!

So do you plan for it to be a 3 vis or a 6 vis?
Three vis isn't too hard! But all projects take a decent amount of time. One key thing to all projects though, you need at least 3 essences because you need 3 starting pets. Any less than three and you can't get anywhere!
How to pick genders: The faster way is actually two males and one female.
If you're doing three vis, its pretty easy to decide traits. Usnig an enhanced or Mythical essence just make all the traits carried and then You'll have an extra trait point left over. Make one of your carries a vis, and generate! Do that for the other two essences, but make sure the vis trait is different each time, helps seepd things up a bit.

(A side note, change the white slots on the Nixi to a color. Any color that is already one your nixi, it helps the offspring to be less likely to turn dishwasher during breeding)

If you're going for 6 vis, You have to make sure when you generate your pets that you have at least one of every trait you want on one your pets. For example, ESsence one could have G1, G2, G3 and M1 carried. Essence two can have M1, M2, M3 and G1 carried. Now you have all your traits! Essence three can have G2, G3 and M2, M3 and now you have all your traits twice!
Level 61
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Posted: 7/9/2020 at 6:54 PM Post #288
definitely a 6vis!! I already have the mystical essences. . . I can actually create 2 males & 2 females. I have been playing with the generator off and on for most of yesterday and today. Well when I wasn't exploring and questing with my main party that is lol

What do you think of these two for a base?

Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 7/10/2020 at 3:55 PM Post #289
They are gorgeous! The colors go really well together!
~Yeah the more essences, that faster your project is!
Level 61
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Posted: 7/10/2020 at 4:12 PM Post #290
Thanks! Is it best to use all the same carried genes?
Or can I use 4 different carried genes for EACH creation?
I noticed that my new "themed pet" the Ametrine Explosion Zolnixi has:

G1 (HJ) so cross fox showing / but ocelot "carried" so if I start with different genes I could eventually have oodles of different looks (which may or may NOT be a good thing)!

Reason I ask is because for the volnixi I really like more than just one of each gene type . . . lmao
So male 1 carries 4 different genes than any of the other 3 and so on
and so it's just a matter of making sure the color works with each and every combo I try?

I could also add "fresh blood" later with more essences and more genes right?
I mean one GREAT project could be all I really need lol
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