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Level 75
The Carver
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:44 PM
Post #21
Don't worry about the assumptions, like I said, I'm a pretty blunt person and I definitely come across snooty and argumentative sometimes I think lol.
I think its because its just been a topic since... forever? I mean, most people get over things like a lune revamp even if they might complain about it every now and then lol, but the releasing vs anti-releasing as far as I know has always been a thing. Some of it I think is partially because its just... such a silly argument to most releasers? The majority of people (no offense to anyone else) don't develop very deep bonds with their pixel pets so someone harassing them for being like,, some sort of emotionless monster for not caring as much for their pixel pets is such-- a bonkers thing? In my opinion? Like.. its such a non-issue that it somehow became a big issue. Because its just ... so ridiculous ?
If you were inquiring to try and find out if there was a sort of 'this person did this five years ago and ever since it's been an issue' type story though, you're out of luck because there isnt any explanation like that for you.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:46 PM
Post #22
My post wont be as big as the others, I'm not the best with the long talk on this kind of topic but here's some quick personal points on it?
I'm actually more on the non-release side, at least in the sense of seeking out different players pets to sell(but very much like, from the view of years ago)
-why: in the past I bred and sold for cheaper prices pets that I wanted affordable to newer players and thought these pets were very cool so felt a sense of pride, so when a old player buys and immediately deletes it from existence(because as much as people say you can buy it back the price is too high for the original intent), from the time period this happened at least I took it personal, not in the sense I said anything but felt like a slap to the face
More on why it feels personal:
I believe in the past when the releasers became a thing they came across like some believed to be warriors of freedom or something, and if my memory isn't wrong tried to tell it as a story of people being bad for hoarding(this was before releasing pets did anything economically and was just a personal thing people did)
I just don't sell pets for cheap anymore so don't have much relevance in the current debate I guess, but maybe some people still are passing on the old issues of a different time
On different phrasing:
I don't see any reason personally to change the phrase myself but don't want to go farther on that topic because I understand people can be affected by things I couldn't personally understand
Edited By Echosing on 5/17/2022 at 1:47 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:47 PM
Post #23
From what I've seen, its similar to a lot of other arguments outside of the website, stemming from the lack of perspective from another person. That's mainly why I wanted to try to discuss it.
I think its probably a bigger issue with not fully understanding why someone would get so attached or why doesn't someone get as attached as I do?
That's why I'm hoping for the possibility of being able to positively discuss the topic.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:50 PM
Post #24
I completely get what you're saying here because its the same perspective I share.
I posted it with the intent of asking the other people who have responded so far, I actually have a proposal that might help with some of the tension.
Do you think it might be beneficial to have a sort of introduction to releasing as a feature of the site? It seems to me that a lot of the problem "pro-releasers" have with "anti-releasers" is that a lot of those who are against it don't see why it might be beneficial or even provide a bonus for the site? I'm hoping that it might ease a bit of the issue if people know--Because I didn't know, and that was why I was so upset in the beginning when my stuff first got released.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 1:59 PM
Post #25
The point of the proposal I made was primarily because most players (myself included) aren't really exposed to releasing unless they either actively look for it, someone tells them, or they have an interaction like the ones within this thread.
I'm hoping that by offering a concise explanation on the feature might release some of the tension for the topic, because I mostly got angry when I first had things released because I didn't understand why it happened. Some of the features in this game are well explained, but if you don't frequently interact with others or grind all the time, you won't have much or any exposure to the feature.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 2:00 PM
Post #26
I think if there was a way to introduce new players through some kind of tutorial how releasing is a part of and innocent feature to the game, that it would definitely change the view on releasing in a good way ^^
Because it's not a senseless action that without context feels malicious, introducing and giving new players reasons to know why releasing benefits not only the site but also in a story sense the pet, that would ease the minds of a lot of players and they would have an explanation on why a pet was set free
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 2:02 PM
Post #27
That's what I was thinking.
Up until I actually had a conversation with someone about why releasing has benefits and actually has a purpose, I fully believed it was a malicious act between one player and another.
I'm going to wait to try to get a few other responses to that proposal before I make a post in the suggestions thread, but I'm hoping it does some good.
Level 75
Stoneheart Savior
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 2:02 PM
Post #28
I truly believe the reason that releasers are frustrated with anti-releasers is due to the rule-breaking rather than a misunderstanding of why people don't want their stuff released. Everyone on this thread in favor of/supporting releasing has focused around the rule-breaking and harassment. I fully understand the reasoning behind players getting attached to their pets, personally viewing it as cruel to release them, preserving older pets rather than releasing them, or that they want to keep the pets to give to other players to make them happy but none of these reasons justify breaking the multiple site rules put in place to protect players who buy and release or who just release in general.
I don't think trying to explain this to releasers is a solution to the people on the anti-releasing side harassing others as you're completely missing the point; site rules are being broken and the players who are breaking them aren't being dealt with. I know Krin encourages players to report PMs and bad behavior, but the rules in place clearly aren't enough to prevent the large amount of harassment over players buying and releasing. Even with a tutorial explaining releasing, lots of old players are still going to have the same mindset of releasing being a bad or cruel thing.
While this thread seemed to have originally been intended for understanding the history behind the discourse, your responses seem to only be pushing downplaying the genuine issues others are expressing along with trying to get adjustments made in support of your opinion before you've even acknowledged the other side's issues. This thread is just creating more drama so this will be my final response here (if you want to argue more, you can PM me) as it's clearly not going anywhere like most of these threads do.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 2:06 PM
Post #29
My proposal was to ask for some kind of explanation to new players about the benefits and purposes so it isn't perceived as a malicious act to the people who do not like their things being released.
My reasoning behind this is because, the first time my things were bought and released, I didn't understand why and believed it was because my things were being "thrown away" for no reason. I'm hoping that a better explanation of the feature that everyone has exposure to will help people better understand why people release things, and that it is not malicious or hurtful in any way.
This thread has changed meanings in a way I guess, I started trying to understand why people are frustrated with discussing this, and now I would like to try to find a way to help the situation. I feel that better explaining the feature to every player may help with the misunderstanding.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/17/2022 at 2:30 PM
Post #30
It sounds like you're trying to make good change, so good luck in your endeavors
-The topic is around trying to deflate the issue, of course as people, if we feel hard on a point we will instinctively feel attacked but I think you've got good intent here
example: although this image is both duck and rabbit, without acknowledging the other perspective you disallow growth of a healthy kind by not listening and just based on which side you are on, the opposing side must be wrong inherently
-Generally speaking, people who harass others are in the wrong
-Using the law against someone who feels wronged by the law is only going to make the person who feels wronged mad, because what is being done is a total lack of understanding and creates extremists. Because right/correct by the law or not does not mean moral goodness; people who release pets are not evil but without understanding of the point can easily come across this way to players who don't understand why the pet was bought only to be released
-Knowledge on the topic could cause people to not feel wronged in the first place
-also now going over this I think the fact that there is a distinct side thing going on also makes it worse that people have the title of "releaser" or "anti-releaser" creates opposing factions rather than individuals
Edited By Echosing on 5/17/2022 at 2:33 PM.
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