Forum Index > Roleplaying > The Book of Life Rp 1x1 with XxGeorgiaxX
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/8/2022 at 9:36 PM
Post #21
(No ideas so far, do you have any?)
The figure reached the land of the remembered and headed to her mother's castle just in time for dinner. As she walked in she saw her parents look up at her from the table. Everyone knew who her parents were because her parents were the rulers of the two realms, Xibalba the ruler of the land of the Forgotten, and La Muerte the ruler of the land of the Remembered. Then there was her Ximuerta who ruled between the realms and was basically the bridge that connected the two lands together. La Muerte looked at her as she sat down "Made it just in time for dinner Ximuerta" she said.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 6:10 AM
Post #22
//unfortunately not my oc is Heterosexual so we can't do a forbidden love e.g love between a mortal and a god/diety
//perhaps a villain attack like in the movie or something bad happens to the land of the remembered or land of the forgotten
Nayeli watch her dog climed on her bed " I wonder what happens to person ruling over around of the Forgotten if everyone disappeared" she said hearing thoses who are forgotten soon disappear "who knows" she said and looked at the celling and sat up "maybe i should go for a walk and vist mamma" she thought
Level 61
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 10:22 AM
Post #23
You need to check out this user Chikoo12007 they're selling slyestia for extremely cheap prices i brought a four trait for 100g
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 11:20 AM
Post #24
(Ok we can do that)
At the table Xibalba eats some grapes at the table before he speaks "So Ximuerta, What have you been doing?" he asks. Ximuerta chokes on her drink and looks at her parents "W-what?" she asked and her parents look at each other confused. La Muerte then speaks "Ximuerta what your father means is what have you been doing in your castle between the realms, what's new?" she asks. Ximuerta looks at them "Oh, well two forgotten souls got to see their relatives in the land of the remembered Dad, they gave me quiet a spook when the showed up in my throne room all of a sudden" she says. Xibalba giggles "They do tend to creep up on you sweetheart and theres going to be more visiting you tomorrow" he says. Ximuerta looks at him shocked "What do you mean?" she asks and Xibalba looks at La Muerte. La Muerte looks at her "Well Ximuerta tomorrow me, your father, and the candle maker are going to throw a celebration for all the souls, and we want you to be there".
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 12:25 PM
Post #25
(Did you get the post?)
Level 61
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 12:44 PM
Post #26
//so which? A villain attack or something happen to one of the lands?
Meanwhile in the land of the remembered was a rather beautiful woman in a red and white dress and long black hair styled up as she looked at the balloons in the sky and bright colours and wondered what her daughter would look like now "she will be twenty soon i wonder if she is married" the woman herself was married at fifteen to her husband at first she didn't love him but soon she came to love him as a soulmate
Nayeli was walking down the streets with ngel in her arms the white canine was fast asleep she still wore the white and blue off shoulder dress but now had a deep blue cloak with a hood for warmth as she walked to the cemetery humming a soft gentle song she wasn't frightened as ngel was her protection as the dog was a tiny guard dog
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 1:17 PM
Post #27
(A villain attack)
Back in the land of the remembered Ximuerta looked at her parents "You want me to be at the celebration with you?" she says shocked. Xibalba looks at her "Ofcourse we do, your mother wants everyone to remember the day that all of us were together in one place for more than a couple minutes, plus it good to have a break once an a while" he says. La Muerte smiles "Your father's right Ximuerta, We're not just the rulers of the realms we're a family just like everyone else" she says "So, don't be late tomorrow the celebration begins at sundown and Xibalba no messing with the anyone". Ximuerta watches as Xibalba starts to complain about not messing with the guests, she's use to seeing her parents argue and leaves the room "See you tomorrow" she says but doesn't get a response back as her parents start arguing like always. Ximuerta steps out of the castle and sees the beautiful colors and ballons floating in the land of the remembered.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 1:38 PM
Post #28
//alright as Chakal and his bandits are pretty much dead and defeated so we will need a new one and more importantly why they are the villain and their plans as Chakal wanted the medal and was a tyrant bandit king
The beautiful woman was called Rosa and she was Nayeli's mother who tragically died during child birth she was kind and loved her family spening time with her pearents and her husband pearents and her husband Sister who also died young. She only saw her family once a year of day of the dead and was always amazed how much they grown up. Rosa walked down the roads watching eveyone be happy familes running around most were adults and few thankfully were children
Nayeli opened the cemetery gates and walked inside the cemetery re-lighting the candles that had blown out even if she didn't know who the grave belonged to she held a bouquet of Marigold flowers for her mother. The cemetery was always peaceful and beautiful she always felt close to the souls here
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 1:49 PM
Post #29
(Ok any ideas on a villain?)
Ximuerta walked down the roads of the land of the remembered thinking about how much the celebration tomorrow means for her parents, though mostly her mom. People occasionally stop to look at her and wave especially little children. While some just look and continue walking probably because of her wings and the fact that she's also Xibalba's mischievous daughter.
Level 61
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 2:05 PM
Post #30
//Chakal Son/daughter wants revenge and to steal the medal back to be immortal
//or Nayeli/Ximuerta reject a romantic suitor whotajes it wrong and tries to become a ruler of either/both lands in hopes 'win' them over
Nayeli placed the flowers on her mothers grave closer her eyes as she said a prayer for her and smiled softly she hoped that her ancestors were happy and at peace "mamma do you believe I'll find happiness?" She asked softly as she stood up explaining what happened sinse the last time she visited
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