Snowy Trail (2024 winter theme)
G1: Silky (DD)
G2: Silky (BB) or Tri Color (DD)
G3: any (except Twin Spots)
M1: any/uncertain
M2: any (except Mantis Arms)
M3: pretty much any
(designs I like, but would have to do some work to start them)
Orion Nebula (2024 winter themed)
G1: Crested Gecko (GG)
G2: Glowing Stripes (GG)
G3: River Rune (HH)
M1: Fairy Wings (JJ)
M2: Back Spikes (AA) or Fairy Frills (KK) or Frosted Mane (LL)
M3: Fairy Frills (HH)
Maple Leaves (2024 fall theme)
G1: Banded Stripes (AA)
G2: Dapple (EE)
G3: none
M1: Lovely hearts (MM)
M2: Regalia of Hermes (FF)
M3: Butterfly Wings (AA)
(I like them, but they either would be lots of work, too expensive, or I'm losing interest in them)
Dark Fairy (2024 fall theme)
G1: Faded Outline (LL)
G2: Faded Outline (LL)
G3: Floral Henna (GG)
M1: Leg Fur (FF)
M2: Mystic Wings (EE)
M3: Autumn Dragoon Helm (EE)
Very tentative, I collected many of this theme during the event, but didn't have any real plan at the time, and thus don't have many of these traits. May end up just dropping it
Edited By Lavenderrain on 3/23/2025 at 3:53 PM.
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