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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Warrior Cats: A New Land
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Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 2:23 AM Post #21
(ok. :3 that's fine! Just finish when you can! xD)

MoleClan, Outside the Border
Featherstream had stopped and found a thorned plant. carefully, she sliced the leaves with her claw and placed some on her paw. almost instantly, her paw numbed up. "Perfect!" she exclaimed. gently, she pulled down the plant and sliced off some leaves with her claws. She had another leaf to place them in so as to keep her mouth from numbing up. She gathered a few and folded them up in the other leaf. When she looked up, however, she realized she had wandered away from the territory. "Oh, dear," she mumbled to herself. She sat down, looking back and forth.

Icestar's whiskers twitched in amusement. "Of course you will. I wouldn't have allowed you into the clan if i thought you wouldn't." It was a joke, but she licked Wingflight's shoulder in case she didn't realize that. She took the last bite of food and moved closer to Wingflight. "Anything new?" She paused in cleaning her friend. Icestar quite enjoyed sharing tongues. However, she had to pause, and due to how tired she was, she yawned.

Speckledkit tried not to smile to herself at Silvermoon's reaction to her running. "Sorry," she replied in response. When Silvermoon said she wasn't of age yet, her ears went back in disappointment. "But... none of the other kits like me..." She looked back at the nursery, watching the others tackle each other. Her ears perked up a little when Moonpaw asked to bring her along. In anticipation, she looked up at Silvermoon with big eyes, hopeful for a yes. "Please?"
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 7:56 AM Post #22
Near the territory of MoleClan

Spikekit was blind and both ears missing, but she could hear even the softest whispers and noises she could sense when cats passed by, none noticed her lying down in the short grass. And for once in her life, she acutely felt like a runt.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 9:00 AM Post #23
Below NightClan's Camp

Amberclaw peeked her head up. It was a rumor that NightClan lived up in the trees. As she looked up, she saw a huge object above and guessed it was the NightClan camp. Perfect, all I need now is the RockClan camp. She thought. She started digging in the direction of RockClan.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 9:41 AM Post #24

"No, I'm sorry Speckledkit but you aren't old enough." Silvermoon said. "Come on Moonpaw, we need to get going. Speckledkit, don't follow us, that will only prolong your kit hood."
Level 75
The Dreamer
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 9:48 AM Post #25

With a sidewards glance at Speckledkit and a twitch of her ear, Moonpaw turned and followed her mentor out of camp. Following pawstep by pawstep, she didn't make a single sound.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 9:56 AM Post #26

Silvermoon remained silent as she lead her apprentice to the training hollow
Edited By Magicflight on 7/4/2014 at 9:57 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 12:45 PM Post #27

Mintsnow got up. It was still early and she could feel a slight breeze from the entrance of the medicine den that would need to be fixed to keep the herbs from freezing. She trotted outside and saw the leader and deputy conversing over a meal, and realizing that she is hungry too, goes to the kill pile and grabs a mouse that she eats quickly. She gives a curt nod to Icestar and wingflight before heading out to get moss to cover the holes in the den. She walks to the border and patrols the area at the same time as she looks for trees. She spots some, and goes over only to discover they have very little moss. She will make it work anyway, and might ask one of the apprentices to go and search for more.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 1:34 PM Post #28
Now on Light Clan Territory
Poor young Spikekit could not find a clan so she walked to LightClan Spikekit's young legs could not walk far she was tired. So she rested on a rock (not knowing she rested on the leaders rock)
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 2:40 PM Post #29
Outside the borders, into LightClan territory
Featherstream picked up her bundle, deciding she should start walking. she wasn't walking for very long before she picked up a faint scent. in suprise, she dropped her bundle, sniffing the air. It was a young scent; a kit. she opened her mouth to see if she could pick up the clan it was from. It was faint, but she could just barely pick it up. it was NightClan scent. She backed up for a moment, surprised. why would a kit be out this far? Featherstream puffed up her fur. that kit could be in danger! Immediately forgetting her bundle, she ran as fast as possible in the direction of the scent. She didn't even pause at the border, and barely flinched when cutting her paws on the reflective rocks. Her fur was still puffed up when she caught up to the kit. Immediately, she started cleaning the poor thing, trying to be sure it wasn't injured in any way. "There you are! I was so worried..." she just realized she had followed the kit all the way to the LightClan camp. Quickley, she scooped up the kit and held her close. She noticed the kit's eyes were blind, but she didn't care. all she wanted was to keep this kit safe. she wrapped her tail around it protectively, pulling it close to her belly.

Icestar's face showed surprise when something in the corner of her eye caught her sight. It was Mintsnow. She nodded in response to Mintsnow's curt greeting. A minute or two after that, another shadow caught her eye. "Featherstream?" she realized. She stood and slowly made her way closer to the medicine cat. She heard the cat's meowing a little bit away, and realized she had found someone she seems to have lost. "Featherstream," she said. Featherstream turned around and faced the clan's camp, protecting something in her belly. "Featherstream," Icestar said, looking down at the bundle. "Did you lose someone?" She twitched her whiskers, finding amusement in the kit's adventure into her territory. "Did your clan send you to find this little one?" she gestured at the kit in a gentle manner. Her eyes were soft when looking down at the poor scrap, it's ears torn and it's eyes blind.

Speckledkit waited until Silvermoon and Moonpaw climbed down the tree before following after them. She slowly slipped down the tree backwards, doing her best to control her momentum down the tree. even so, she sighed in relief when she reached the bottom. She sniffed the air. She could smell several cats in the area. she was able to distinguish Moonpaw's scent, and followed that trail. She didn't get very far, however, when she fell into a hole. "OW!" she yowled. She untangled herself from her fall and looked up. "Great." she was never a very good jumper. she wasn't confident she could get out of the hole. But she would try. She prepared herself for a jump, but realized she smelled an unfamiliar scent. She looked back and forth and realized one side of the tunnel was still crumbling, while the other was crumbling less so. she decided to follow it. "Silvermoon will be so proud!" she exclaimed, slipping every so often in the dirt.
Level 60
Joined: 5/9/2014
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Posted: 7/4/2014 at 2:56 PM Post #30

Silvermoon froze and pricked her ears thinking she heard something, she shrugged it off but made a mental note to check where Speckledkit was.

(I sense a future apprentice when Moonpaw becomes a warrior)
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