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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/5/2014
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 12:28 PM Post #21

Username: Ivodince

Place of Residence: In a home at Sanctuary of Saerielle Not a mansion, but not small. A perfectly cozy home :D
Buddies she will have: 1 wheel buddy and some other PB offspring <3

She is so adorable I just want to snuggle her <3 I would love her so darn much, and won't sell or trade her in any way, shape, or form :)

"I want to join the raffle please!"



Story Contest/ Avatar Dress Up (WIP):

The Princess and the Thief

Princesses, always seem the richest and most well dressed, we all have wanted to be one in our life time. This princess, though, isn't all what you would think Princesses would be like.

Under the deep dark blue sea, there is mermaids, and I can prove it. This is the story about Princess Lynia and her mischevious self.

"Mother! I wore this dress yesterday! I need to go shopping!", shouted Princess Lynia.
"Lynia, honey, again? I swore I just bought you about 15 yesterday? What happened", asked her mother.
"They're not pretty enough! Do you see this stain on it?" Lynia points at a daisy design on her dress.
"Oh Lynia, just wear it, it's just a design" Her mother had to deal with this. Every. Single. Day.
Lynia was the middle child, 1 big brother named Max and a baby sister name Castielle. She hated being the middle child, which made her angry. Every day she would go outside and sneak past the rabbits hole, drop something in it, and leave.
"Lynia! The gates are about to open!" Lynia rushed down stairs in her new white and pastel yellow dress, pastel yellow flippers, and a tiara.
"Coming, mother!" Lynia got to the last step whilst the gates opened and all the people rushed in.
"Love your dress, Princess!" "Look! It's the Princess!" People were hoarding all around, rushing in from the gates.
Edited By Ivodince on 9/4/2014 at 6:06 PM.
Level 62
Adept Gladiator
Joined: 10/1/2013
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 12:49 PM Post #22
Raffle Entry -
Name: Black
Residence: An abandon tomb in the Garden of Magnates.
"I want to join the raffle please!"
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 3/8/2014
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 12:50 PM Post #23
Name: Aly
Place of Residence: in the little village by Astryl's Tranquility
"I want to join the raffle please!"
Level 75
The Hallowed
Joined: 1/20/2014
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 1:48 PM Post #24

Residence:Southern Viridian Meadows-My stables

"I want to join the raffle please!"~

My avatar just in case I forget and change it.

Once upon a time there was a land it was warm and sunny until a curse befell it.There was a name not to be said.The one who brought it down upon everyone was filled with hate. The maker,the one who had drawn everything had supposedly abandoned them.The picarats as they were called,most of them disappeared in their village. The few that remained were about to leave. It was dangerous everywhere and the thick black smoke that covered every thing came nearer almost everyday. When almost all hope was lost in a whole building dedicated to drawing, a little girl called out asking why they were abandoned,until a response came. The message in short was " I can help ,that mannequin in the corner i will give it form and it can be a hero ,believe in that hero and the darkness will leave." The mannequin was given a body and ultimately a soul. The villagers skeptical at first until a larger cloud of smoke was pushed back.Eventually it pushed enough until the one who caused it all came and fought eventually won but it caused much damage and the evil bringer was locked away for some time but broke out again later but, that's a story for another time.(I wrote this story considering the audience of who it was to be told to.I.e.Baby wheel pets)
please excuse the shadow. But in other words we played hide and seek.
Edited By Clairce on 9/4/2014 at 9:56 PM.
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 8/15/2013
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 3:10 PM Post #25
Raffle Entry:
Name: Gingerpaw
Place of Residence: I live in a humble rustic cabin with my pets.
"I want to join the raffle please"

Story and Avatar Entry:
Aeridini and the Beast
Original Author of Beauty and the Beast:
Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot De Villeneuve
Wooh! What a mouthful! Ok on with the Story!

Gather around young ones. Today I'm going to tell you my favorite Sylestian tale. I'm going to tell you the old tale of The Aeridini and the Beast.
A long, long time ago in a land where springs lasts forever, there was a mighty kingdom of aeridinis. Along with a kingdom, there comes a King, a queen, and a prince. Now the prince, he probably thought to much of himself. He thought he was the mightiest and the bravest and the handsomest aeridini, and to add to all of that, he would some day be king.
Well one day, an old withered lunemara came seeking a shelter for the night. She offered a single rose in payment.The prince turned her down, and declared snobbishly,
"I do not think I need one little rose, when there are thousands of them growing outside the castle. Go away old moth." Then, in the blink of an eye, the lunemara was a beautiful young aeridini. When she started to leave the prince cried "My lady, please come back, you may stay here for the night, and who knows, maybe longer!" The prince kept on pleading with her, and she cried
"Enough! you obviously don't have pity for commoners, or anyone who you might think lesser of yourself. For this you shall not be known as a prince no longer. For this, your peoples will flee, your kingdom will rot. For this you will be different. You will know be known as the beast. And a beast you will remain until you learn to love, and someone truly falls in love with you. If my rose dies before that happens, then you will remain the beast forever." To the prince's dismay, she turned back to her moth form, then everything started shaking. The sky darkened, and while this was happening the prince was turned into a beast. Horns grew from his head, Fur sprouted all over his body, he got legs and might paws with claws. Out of his gums sprouted gigantic sharp teeth, and out of his back sprouted dragon-like wings. He had been transformed into this by the witch. Then he heard screaming. He looked behind him and the castle was on fire, and everyone was leaving. When the beast tried to run, the gates banged shut. He was trapped. He lumbered into the castle, and went to his room, at the very top of the castle. He was so furious he ripped and tore everything. He was about to tear up his self portrait when something shimmering caught his eye. It was a shimmering floating rose in a glass case. It was the rose of the witch.

A long while after the destruction, there was a group of aeridinis traveling, trying to find a home. The finally settled down in a clearing in the Ever-budding forest. They built a village and thrived. A Pretty little aeridini was born, and her parents proudly named her Bellaluna. Belle was different from the rest. Everyone knew who she was. She was what all the villagers called odd.
"I see why they named her Bellaluna, she's pretty, but kind of loony," villagers would say. Belle loved to read. She was not interested in sports and games, her entertainment was in books. She lived in a small cottage a little bit outside the village. Her mother had died when she was young, so she was alone with her father. Her father was a very imaginative aeridini, so he had become an artist, a very interesting one at that. Belle loved her father dearly, so she encouraged him. He painted the most interesting pictures. He decided to go to the Springernian Fair to sell some of paintings, and because he was old, Belle worried about him. She decided to go with him.
They started out in the woods, pulling their wagon full of paintings and sculptures. Belle's father was giddy with excitement. Soon, I will be discovered! he thought to himself. They walked on and on following the path that would lead them out the other side of the woods. They soon came to a bend, and Belle didn't know which way to go. Her father rummaged in the wagon for the map.
"Aha!" he said aloud. I've found it. We go that way," he said pointing to the left. So they turned left. A while down the path Bella noticed that a lot of the trees were dead.
"Father, are you sure this is the way? it's very spooky in here.
"Of course Belle, I looked at the map. Always trust the map as I always say!" Bella sighed and followed her father.
Belle stopped again.
"Father, something is definitely wrong. I think we should turn around." Belle said in a shaky voice.
"Nonsense, I bet we're almost the-" Belle's father was cut off sharply by a low growl coming from behind the two. It was a mean pack of luporas.
"Dad, run!" cried Belle. Her father had some sense to leave the cart behind. Belle and her father both beat their wings, and started to fly low to the ground, for they were afraid to pull up, it would slow them down, and the luporas might catch them. All they were focused on was getting away. They were so distracted with fear that they almost ran into a huge metal gate.
"Dad pull up!" screamed Belle. They just made, over the fence and into unknown territory. All of the luporas halted to a stop at the gate, and one not so bright lupora ran right into it. Seeing that they were safe, Belle and her father landed swiftly and lay down panting. Belle's father started coughing.
"Father, are you all right?" Belle asked in a worried tone.
"Of course I am!" her father snapped. "Really Belle, I'm not that old." He broke into another fit of coughs.
"Father, I really think we should go find some shelter for the night. the sun is setting and were lost." Belle's father reluctantly agreed. As they turned around they gasped in amazement. Right there was a gigantic stone castle with vines sprouting everywhere, small flowers growing in the cracks. It looked magnificent. They soon found the front gate, which was open, and then they knocked on the big oak door. Nothing happened. Belle's father started coughing again.
"Come on, its probably abandoned." Belle shoved the door open and walked into the gigantic room.
"Wow, this is 3 times bigger then our cottage." exclaimed Belle's father. They walked all around the entrance hall staring at the pictures painted everywhere.
"This is beautiful," said Belle in awe. Right after the words came out of her mouth, their was a low, loud growl coming from behind. Belle froze.
"I was not expecting visitors." said the voice. Belle turned around and screamed. Standing there was a gigantic beast. Without hesitation he grabbed both aeridinis and ran down the hallways, through many doors, and finally up a spiral staircase. He opened a thick oak door and through them in.
"Ha! Now your my prisoners." He said triumphantly.
Realizing what was happening Belle cried
"Wait! please, keep me here as a prisoner, but let my father go home!" Belle's father instantly protested, but the beast was in a thoughtful silence. After a long while, the beast grabbed Belle's father, ran out the door and disappeared.
Belle broke down in sobs, as she knew she may never see her father again, or her home. After an hour she had cried herself dry and sat by herself miserably. Belle sat in the miserable cell for 3 days, without getting a glimpse of the beast. Lunemaras brought her meals to her, but she usually wasn't hungry.
On the fourth day the beast came. He walked in trying to look dignified but failed.
"I would like you to join me for dinner," said the beast gruffly. There was a moment of silence, then he left. Belle burst into tears again. How could she eat with this beast? She was surprised when 3 lunemaras came up and got her all clean. They even gave her some perfume. They were all friendly with her, for they had taken pity on her. She questioned them about why the beast wanted her for dinner.
"Hospitality of course dear." answered the older motherly one. Belle thought this was a silly answer, so she shrugged.
"I just can't wait till its over." she said.
Belle was led down the spiral stairs, through a few halls, and into an elegant dining chamber. Oddly, the beast looked clean, and he even smelled nice.
"Hello" he said a little to loudly.
"Hi" said Belle shortly.
"You look nice."
"You look.. cleaner."
"We're having soup tonight." said the beast changing the subject. Belle just looked away. He was trying to start a conversation.
"Do you not like soup?!" shouted the beast. Belle jumped out of her chair in surprise.
"Control you temper!" she shouted back.
"How dare you!" he stared into her eyes with challenge. She stared straight back. His eyes faltered.
"I am sorry." he said politely, regaining his his temper.
"I forgive you." said Belle also in a polite manner. They were silent until their soup came. Belle ate half a bowl then stood up abruptly.
"I'm done." she said. The beast stood up to escort her back, but before they got to the cell, the beast stopped then took her to a different room. It was much bigger, with a nest full of feathers, a fire place, and lots of beautiful paintings. They departed with polite words. And for the first time in a long, long while, the beast felt hope.
For 2 months Belle was in the castle dining with the beast, exploring new hallways. The beast trusted her more and more each day so he let her explore. Belle meanwhile, was starting to have different thoughts about the beast. He seemed to be controlling his temper a little better, he had gained more manners, he maybe was even just a little.....kind. The first time Belle had seen the beast, he was ragged, mean, with beady black eyes. Now he was clean, and turning into a gentlemen. Even his eyes had lightened to a soft brown. They seemed so longing when he stared at Belle.
One day, Belle was coming down for breakfast, when the Beast said,
"Belle, I have a surprise for you." Belle followed him, wondering what his mysterious excitement was about. The two stopped at some vast beautiful bronze doors. "Close your eyes." he said. When her eyes were close he heaved open the doors and.. "Open them."
"Oh Beast!" cried Belle. "Thousands of them! Thousands upon thousands of books!" Belle was delighted.
"There all yours." said the Beast, pleased with Belle's reaction. Belle, with happy tears ran at the beast and hugged him. He was stunned. He hesitated then gently put his big furry arms around her. Belle spent the whole day reading, and thanking the Beast whenever she saw him.
Later that week, when Belle was just finishing a book she had read 3 times through, the Beast nervously approached her.
"Belle. I need to talk to you." Belle looked up from her book to see the Beast standing in front of her.
"Yes?" she asked.
"Do.. do you care about me?" Belle faltered. Did she care for this beast?
"Yes, you have been a good friend." She said uncertainly. In Belle's heart didn't feel right with this statement. Something was missing.
"Belle, do you feel it? I mean, do you feel it inside?" asked the Beast quietly. Belle realized what was happening.
"Yes Beast, I do feel it. What is it?"
"Love." He answered. "Belle, do you love me?"
"Yes, I think I do, I mean.. I do love you Beast!" She cried out happily jumping into his harms. He started to shake. He let go of Belle, and then there was a blind flash of light. The Beast was gone, and there in his place was a handsome young aeridini. They shared a special moment together. Beast asked her to marry him. Can you guess what she said young ones? Your right. She said yes. And guess what happened then? She lived happily ever after, with Beast.

The End

Sorry its turning out longer then my intentions. >.< I love to write.
Dress up Avatar: The Beast
On the outside he looks fierce, but he is just trying to hide his misery and loneliness.

Story Cast:

This is Belle, just wanted to let everyone know what she looks like :)
Edited By Gingerpaw on 8/29/2014 at 1:01 PM.
Level 62
The Whimsical
Joined: 8/15/2013
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 5:46 PM Post #26
Story Contest

Snow White and the Seven Sylesti

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away lived Snow White. With hair as black as night, skin as white as snow, and lips as red as roses, Snow White was the fairest in the land. This made her Step-mother, the Queen Tyrielle very jealous. As Snow White fell in love with a prince, her stepmother grew angry. In a rage she banished Snow White from the land, and sent several of her Nightfall Minions after her to end her life.
* * *
Snow White ran across the open field, toward the Sarembuam Wood. The Nightfall Minions where catching up, and Snow White knew if she but only enter the wood, she would be safe. The Woods of Sarembuam had an air of mystery about it. Old rumors told of seven magical sylesties, who protected the woods. But it was long since anyone had entered the Wood, and questions had been aroused if the Sylesti Guardians even existed. Snow white stood at the boundary line, looking behind her, she saw the specks of the Nightfall Minions, moving at almost an inhuman speed. Snow White turned around, she stepped over the line. She turned again, the Minions were almost to her, she turned back to the Wood and ran. Several times her blood red cloak caught on brambles, halting her. She ran until she could go no more. Snow White collapsed under a large tree gasping for breath and fright. After a few moments of rest, she left her rest and went towards the sound of running water. She pushed herself through the brambles to a clearing. Snow White stood frozen. A little bridge crossed the creek which lead to a little stone path which lead to a tiny yet quaint and cozy cottage. Snow White hurried to the door and knocked it. After no one answered, Snow White attentively opened the door. She stepped inside. A dusty, dirty room stood before her. Snow White couldn't stand it. Her O.C.D.-ness was overpowering. She had to clean. In no time, the room was as clean and sparkling as ever. Snow White preceded to clean the upstairs, a small room with several nests. After the room was clean again, Snow White yawned. The desire to sleep was over powering. She laid down in the nest filled with blankets and pillows, and fell asleep in an instant.
Snow White woke to seven Sylesties standing over her. She screamed.
"Hush, Child," The Bulbori said.
"We wish no harm upon you," said the Qitari. Before Snow White there stood a Qitari, Zolnixi, Vulnyx,Aurleon, Draeyl, Sylvorpa, and Bulbori. "We offer you our protection, in thanks of this work you have done, cleaning our home. It is difficult to clean things without thumbs."
"Your welcome," Snow White smiled warmly, "I would be happy to have your protection."
"We are heading back out, if evil but steps on our lands we will know," said the Draeyl.
"Sleep, you will be safe tonight."

Snow White woke yet again to the whining of a Lupora. Who was clearly in pain. Snow White rushed out the door and ran to the miserable beast.
"Stay still," she soothed it, as she pulled a tiny thorn out of his paw pad.
"Thanks you verys much." the Lupora announced. in return, I offer my ripest apple. You sees, I was apple pickings in thes Sweet Blossoms Orchards."
"Thank you, said famished Snow White. She took a bite of the apple savoring the taste as her teeth broke the skin. At that very moment, the Seven Guardians burst through the brambles.
"No!" cried the Sylvorpa, but it was to late.
The Lupora chuckled, "Never trusts wolves, Red" Snow Whites face relaxed, as she fell into her enchanting sleep.

* * *

High on the hill-to rode a prince a stallion of white. He galloped through the forest at high speed. His stallion stumbled, throwing its rider. The prince stood up, dizzy. He was about to leave, yet a twinkle of gold caught his eye. He entered the clearing enchanted by the girl in the golden coffin, he lifted the glass lid and kissed her.
"Awake, my sleeping beauty, for I have searched for since you where driven from your kingdom. Snow White awoke yet another time, to her prince.
"But what of Tyrielle?" Snow White Questioned.
"The good people of Ethernia drove her and her bandits away, with the help of the seven Gaurdians. The throne is yours." The prince said.

And they lived happily ever after

this was based off of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, mostly XP


Name: Kestral
Place of Residence: (currently) A large grouping of trees formed into a treehouse near Ethernia.
"I want to join the raffle please!"


Flower Hunting and yes, it is intense, as well as sideways...
Edited By Kestral on 9/3/2014 at 6:11 PM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 7/21/2013
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 6:09 PM Post #27
Name: Willowdarimn
Place of Residence: Just off Astryl's Tranquility. The lake makes a much safer residence than the forests, with its zombies.
"I want to join the raffle please!"

Avatar Dress Up/Story Contest

The Girl Who Cried Vene!

Now children, I would like to tell you why you should never lie, for bad things happen when you lie.

Once upon a time, near a small village in Viridian Meadows, there lived a young faeherd girl and her Neph. Day in and day out the girl and her neph herded the villages faelora, from one green pasture to the next.

One day she sat on a hill, watching the faelora, more bored than usual. To amuse herself, she took a deep breath, raised her voice as loud as she could and cried "Vene! Vene! A Vene is chasing the Fae!"

The villagers came running with pitchforks and daggers, to the hill to help the girl fend off the Vene. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they they found no Vene. The girl laughed as she saw the villagers angered faces.

Later that day, the girl sang out again, "Vene! Vene! A Vene is chasing the Fae!" and to her delight the villagers came screaching up the hill to protect the herd. The girl fell over, tears of joy in her eyes. The villagers angrily shouted "Save your call of fear for when there is really something wrong. Don't cry Vene when there is NONE!"

Later again, the girl saw a REAL Vene swoop down and attack her flock. Alarmed she screamed "Vene! Vene!"

But the villagers thought she was trying to fool them again and ignored her.

At sunset, the villagers noticed that the girl had not returned for the day, and went to the hill to see where she was. But when they reached the top of the hill there was no sign of her. More so there was no sign of the herd of Faelora. All that was left was claw marks and scorched earth, and a small neph curled up sniffling.

This story is based off 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' Originally believed to be told by Aesop. However the original tale is far less grim than this one seems to be.

Art Contest

Accepting Yam's offer, Willow decided to take the Ry to the park and play with her. However Willow underestimated the Ry's energy, and while taking a nap to regain her own, the Ry decided to play a prank on poor Willow.
Edited By Willowdarimn on 8/27/2014 at 12:21 AM.
Level 66
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 6:37 PM Post #28
Story/Dress Up Entry:

Raffle Entry:
Name: Crystal25152
Place of Residence: A small, cozy house in Esior's Haven, the town that lays on the edge of Esior's Field. She will have many friends to play with and have good care. The town itself is safe from the zombies and bandits. She is amazingly adorable. I will take her on many adventures when she is ready. ^.^
"I want to join the raffle please!"

Art Entry:

It is crappy because I have not slept for at 58 hours and my brain is melted chocolate. Doesn't hep with homework... School drains the imaginative mind! I really should get better at angling... And I don't know why I did less shading... I feel so empty. T.T Electrifying will win, I'm pretty sure. XD Wow... And from the look of it, I only spent 3 hours on this *points to IbisPaint*
Edited By Crystal25152 on 9/4/2014 at 11:24 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 7:11 PM Post #29

Name: Selestial
Place of Residence: A house just outside Ethernia, with a fair sized backyard, all fenced in to make sure no one strays too far and a little stable tucked close for pets who would prefer a barn to living in the house.
"I want to join the raffle please!"

No art for me. ^^' I can't draw to save my life.

Story/Avatar Dress-Up:

The Aurleon and The Rose
A significantly less dark version of Oscar Wilde's The Nightingale and the Rose

Sitting in her nest in the old Oak tree, she sang her sweet song.

She was an Aurleon, one with beautiful red and gold feathers and an even more beautiful voice. Each morning, she sang a joyful song to welcome the day, but in the evenings, as the moon rose, her tune changed. Still beautiful but haunting as well, she sang of love and how it could never be found, not even for the most passionate of lovers. This was due in part to her lonesome soul, for she had no companions.

One day, she heard a terrible cry ring through the air and peered through the leaves of the old Oak tree to find its source. What she saw was a human boy, weeping for the lack of a red rose.

"She gives me her word that, for a single red rose, she will dance with me 'til the morning sun would rise!" the boy lamented, his cheeks wet his tears. "But oh, not a single red rose grows in my garden. For such a small thing, all my happiness will forever be lost to me. My love will not spare me a single glance should I not bring her the rose she begs of me, and instead will spend the evening of the Prince's ball in the arms of others, not a thought for me! Oh, how wretched I am." With that, the boy collapsed to the ground, all will to rise and carry on having left him.

The aurleon, recognizing someone who loved as passionately as those of her evening songs, listened and watched for some time as the boy continued, once in a while, to lament his terrible misfortune. Here was the character she so often sang of, lovelorn and so very distraught, so very passionate.

As the evening passed, the aurleon sang her song in bursts, matching the boy as he cried out his miseries. Occasionally another creature would pass and stop to remark, "For what does he weep?"

"For a red rose," the aurleon would reply, quiet and low, before continuing her accompaniment even as the other creatures would scoff or laugh and continue on their way. They did not bother the aurleon any; they simply did not understand the beauty and horror of such a thing. But she did. And it was for the reason, as well as the disdain of the others, that she decided she would help the boy to find a red rose and win his maid.

Moving from her nest in the old Oak, the aurleon took flight, sailing over the garden until she saw a lovely rose bush. Dipping down, she alighted carefully on one of the branches, being sure not to catch any of the thorns in her feet.

"For a red rose, I shall sing you whatever you desire," she offered.

"My roses are the soft lavender of the evening sky when the sun has almost completely set below the water of the ocean and the sky is alight with color," the bush said regretfully with a shake of its head. "But if you speak to my brother a ways to the west, he may be able to help you."

So with a nod of thanks, she took flight once again, setting down next on the rosebush to the west.

"For a red rose, I shall sing you whatever you desire," she offered.

"My roses are the orange of a perfectly ripe peach, just picked from its orchard and rinsed clean in the crystal clear water of the spring," the bush said regretfully with a shake of its head. "But if you speak to my brother to the south, beneath the boy's window, he may be able to help you."

So with a nod of thanks, she took flight a third time. The third rosebush was not one she would have stopped to without the advice, for it was a sad, shriveled thing, with barely any thorns and no flowers to speak of. Still, she knew she had to true.

"For a red rose, I shall sing you whatever you desire," she offered.

"My roses are as red as the vibrant thread of His Majesty's royal robe, and as deeply colored as the love one may feel for another," the bush said, but with as much regret as the former two, continued, "but my flowers have wilted and fallen away, my strength has left me. Something eats at my roots, steal the nutrients I take from the soil. I can give you no red rose, not this year, and not next."

"Is there nothing I can do for a single red rose?" the aurleon cried, distressed, her heart aching for the boy who wanted nothing more than the chance to dance with his love.

"If you are willing to sacrifice, there is one way," the bush said, and the aurleon perked up once more, willing to do whatever it took to get the boy his red rose. "Some of your feathers are the same deep crimson as my roses once were. If you choose carefully, with the stem from one of my brothers' roses, you can fashion a red rose of your feathers."

Taking the advice to heart, the aurleon thanked the dying rosebush for his advice, sang him a short song for his trouble, and flew back to her nest after plucking one of the lavender roses from the first bush she had stopped at. Once there, she settled into her nest and set to work.

The aurleon worked tirelessly through the night, ignoring the sting each time she plucked one of her own beautiful red feathers and fastened it carefully to the stem of the lavender rose, the original petals of which decorated the ground at the base of the old Oak. She sang to herself as she worked to help pass the time and distract herself as she lost feathers, the trilling sweet and high, filled with the joy of knowing she would help the boy, such a passionate lover, woo his mate and have his dance with her. By the time morning came, she had fixed each feather so perfectly that it seemed almost a true red rose, though one that was softer to the touch. The only aspect that gave it away for what it was, was the whisps where the tendrils along the edges of the feathers rippled separately whenever even the lightest breeze touched them.

She left it where the boy had lain the previous day, and when he came out from his home and found it, he cried out with joy. "Ah, how lucky am I!" he said, as the aurleon watched. He picked up the feather rose, stroking his fingers over the soft petals. "A red rose! Now my love will have her red rose, and I will have my love to dance with all the night through!" Laughing with glee, he hurried back to his home, where he tidied himself up before going to see his fair maid.

The maid was sitting on her porch as he neared, stroking her puffadore, who was curled happily in her lap.

"I have done it!" he called out as he neared her, coming to a stop at the foot of the porch and extending the rose to her. "You gave me your word that, if I brought you a red rose, you would dance with me tonight at the Prince's ball, and I have brought you your red rose."

Despite that he had fulfilled her wish and she had given her word, the maid frowned, continuing to pet her puffadore rather than reach out to except the feather rose. "Oh, but that will not do," she said. "My dress is to be of the richest purple that can be found in the kingdom. I can not wear a red rose with such a dress. Besides, another has already given me a necklace of emeralds, and there is talk of the Prince himself choosing a maid to dance with."

"So you will break your word," the boy said, angry and upset.

"Why yes, I shall," the girl replied, haughty and not the least bit apologetic. "Why should I settle for a measly flower when I could have a necklace of gems, or the hand of the Prince himself?" But as she finished, the boy was already walking away, the stem of the feather rose clutched tightly in his hand.

He returned to his garden and was just about to chuck the rose to the ground when he noticed the aurleon on the ground a few feet away from the old Oak where she nested. While he had been to town to see his maid, she had tried to fly, only to find she had plucked one to many feathers from her wings to be able to do so, and had instead crashed to the ground. The boy, accustomed to her beautiful songs, felt much of his anger dissipate as he looked at her.

Looking from the feather rose to the aurleon, the red patches of her plumage obviously plucked thin, he realized what she must have understood and done for him. Touched by this act, he walked over and knelt to pick her up and carried her inside his home. An aurleon who could not fly would not be able to feed herself or escape predators, after all, and every creature in the garden would be immensely saddened to lose her beautiful, if sometimes haunting, songs.

In time, her feathers grew back, but the aurleon had a new nest. She slept just inside the boy's window, but now that window was always open, and she was free to come and go as she wished. Each morning, she sang a joyful song to welcome the day, but in the evenings, as the moon rose, her tune changed. Still beautiful but haunting as well, she sang of love and how it could never be found, not even for the most passionate of lovers. This was no longer for her lonesome soul, however, because she had found someone who understood.

And for long after that day, the beautiful feather rose was kept safe, in a place of honor. And unlike a rose from the bush below the window, it never wilted, and never lost its beauty.
Edited By Selestial on 9/4/2014 at 7:18 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 7/4/2014
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 8:25 PM Post #30
The Three Princes and their Sylesti an extremely cut version of Andrew Lang's The Three Princes and their Beasts (earliest date I can find for it is 1901 so hopefully it works?)

The Eldest prince and his Faithful grey Lupora

Once upon a time, the three princes of Saerielle all set out hunting together. After they had traveled quite far into Umbra Forest, they came upon a great grey Lupora and her three pups. As the eldest prince readied his bow, she spoke and said "Don't shoot, don't shoot! Let me live and I will gift each of you one of my sons."
The prince lowered his bow and the Lupora added, "They will be faithful friends to you." She lowered her head, nuzzled each of her pups, and fled.
So the princes continued their hunt, and a little Lupora tailed close behind each of them, eager to explore.
Soon after, they came upon a Lighira with three cubs. And she, too, begged them not to shoot her, offering her daughters, who were eagerly chattering on with the Lupora pups.
And so it happened with a Zolnixi, a Bulbori, A Luffox, and a Morkko, until a parade of playful young Sylesti padded behind each prince.
As night grew near, they came upon a clearing in the wood, where three huge birch trees grew at the crossing of three roads. The eldest prince, with an idea in his head, shot an arrow into one of the trunks and turned to his brothers.
"Let each of us mark a tree before we part ways! When any one of us returns here, he must walk round the trees of the other two to find these arrow-marks - If blood flows from the mark, he will know that brother has been slain. If milk flows, he lives on."
And so each prince marked a tree with their arrow and set off on their seperate ways.
As the eldest prince traveled, darkness fell, and he soon lost his way. As he wandered aimlessly, he saw the light of a fire, and he and his Sylesti made their way to it to find an old woman stoking the fire.
He was very tired and the night was dark as pitch, so he asked if he might spend the night by the fire.
"Of course you may," she answered, "But your Sylesti are many and large and frightening. If I may stroke them with my rod, and they do not bite or claw or growl, I do not think I'll be afraid of them any longer."
"Of course." replied the prince, seeing no harm in it. So the old lay stretched out her rod and gently touched his Lighira, and the prince and his Sylesti were frozen in stone.

Not long after, the youngest prince returned to their crossroads, and saw his eldest brother's tree oozing blood. Remembering what that meant, he motioned to his Sylesti, and they set out to find his dead brother. As they traveled in search of him, it grew dark, and they, too, lost their way in the woods.
Eventually, he came to a clearing with a glowing fire in the center, and asked the old lady raking sticks and leaves into the flames if he could stay the night.
"Certainly, dear traveler," she answered, "But your Sylesti are many and large and frightening. If I may stroke them with my rod, and they do not bite or claw or growl, I do not think I'll be afraid of them any longer."
And he, too, agreed, not knowing she was a witch, and he and his Sylesti were frozen in stone.

A month passed, and the middle prince came to the crossroads and saw both of his brother's trees weeping blood.
And he, too, wept. "Alas! Both of my brothers are dead!" He exclaimed, and turned to his faithful companions. "What shall we do?"
And they set off in search of his dead brothers, and night fell once more. But this prince was more cunning than his brothers, and put his ear to the ground to listen for his brothers' Sylesti. And it was faint, and far off, and he could not tell from which direction it came, So he blew his hunting horn and listened again. And again he heard the sound, and it came from the direction of a light, glowing in the woods.
So he came upon the fire, and the old lady stoking it with branches and leaves, and asked to stay the night. And again, she said his Sylesti frightened her, and asked to stroke them with her rod. But he answered, "Certainly not! I am their caretaker, and none shall strike them but myself! Give me the rod."
And he touched his Zolnixi with it, and she turned to stone.
"Witch!" He shouted, "If you do not bring my brothers and their Sylesti back to life at once, My Lighira has yet to hunt today, and she would be glad for the feast!"
Terrified, the witch took and burnt a younk oak tree to white ashes, and sprinkled it on the stones surrounding the clearing. In an instant, the two princes and their Sylesti were returned, along with the middle prince's Zolnixi, and they rejoiced.
So they set off to return to Saerielle, and all was well.

Name: Forgottenvisionary
Place of Residence: A quaint little cottage near the border between Viridian Meadows and Astryl's Vale, South of the Fungus Grove and right along the riverside. There's a large fenced yard and a trail to a small grove not far from the cottage!
"I want to join the raffle please!"

VERY MUCH A WIP RIGHT NOW i just had to put something down bc my post feels empty without it
also sorry it's gonna be huge omg
i just started it on the first
i have three days to finish it
challenge accepted

that fireplace brutally murdered my hand I hope y'all like it
~3/4 of the way there, coloring-wise. Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for holding this, it's so exciting~ And it's amazing of you to give Wheel pets as prizes!
Edited By Forgottenvisionary on 9/4/2014 at 2:21 PM.
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