Sweet! I'm not the biggest fan of sylvorpa, but he looks awesome! It still bugs me that body webbing layers over wings though...
Yeah, that bugs me, too. Not enough that I didn't snatch him up, though!
All these epics are beautiful.
Level 70
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Posted: 4/6/2013 at 11:03 PM
Post #22
My first epic. A gorgeous easter Lupora. <3 She was an ultra-lucky capture, too, because I had her HP down low and was trying to hit her with my weakest pet but accidentally used my strongest pet instead. So I panicked and used my trap, which luckily succeeded. @_@
I'm undecided whether to just use a regular genetic mutator and try my luck, or save up for a greater one and give her something to match the Lupora design I've been working on.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/6/2013 at 11:13 PM
Post #23
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 9:18:44am
My first epic. A gorgeous easter Lupora. <3 She was an ultra-lucky capture, too, because I had her HP down low and was trying to hit her with my weakest pet but accidentally used my strongest pet instead. So I panicked and used my trap, which luckily succeeded. @_@
I'm undecided whether to just use a regular genetic mutator and try my luck, or save up for a greater one and give her something to match the Lupora design I've been working on.
Waaah! She's gorgeous! Save up! Save up! It's worth it. :3
Level 60
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 6:50 AM
Post #24
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 9:18:44am
My first epic. A gorgeous easter Lupora. <3 She was an ultra-lucky capture, too, because I had her HP down low and was trying to hit her with my weakest pet but accidentally used my strongest pet instead. So I panicked and used my trap, which luckily succeeded. @_@
I'm undecided whether to just use a regular genetic mutator and try my luck, or save up for a greater one and give her something to match the Lupora design I've been working on.
Geez, she IS beautiful! Great catch! My advice to you is to NOT use a lesser genetic mutator, but save for the greater one. I've ruined some amazing designs with that. so now I only use it on my less perfect-looking pets.
Now that I see yours, I'm pretty sure mine was a clear sky lupora too. I didn't see it because I was so amazed that I got an epic. XD
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