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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Brainstorming for July Monthlies
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 12:13 AM Post #21
For it to count as participation..yes
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 12:37 AM Post #22
So I'm not even going to attempt to draw one, since I'd just get incredibly frustrated that it didn't look right, so I'm throwing this idea out there for anyone who wants to go for it.

I was thinking something like a mesh of different 70's/80's glam rock or glam metal styles. The headpiece could be a wig like from a hair band or face makeup similar to David Bowie's lightning bolt or KISS's full face makeup. The outfit could include stuff like tight pants, platform boots, animal prints or glitter, studs, etc. The back items could be pyrotechnic floor jets or maybe a stage setting. The held items could be an angular electric guitar and a stand microphone with scarves/streamers like Steven Tyler's from Aerosmith.

Like I said, I'm not going to draw this, so I'm not claiming this is an actual submission or anything. It's just a suggestion, and it would be awesome if someone decided to try it.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 3:14 AM Post #23

The inspiration is partly based on Tanabata and the Qixi Festival. The earliest festivals take place in July. Both involve a story of lovers (symbolized by the stars Altair and Vega) being separated by the Milky Way but being allowed to come and meet once a year. Because there was no bridge across the river (the Milky Way), magpies would come to make a bridge across for them.

The other things I've been thinking about is the constellations that both Altair and Vega are in. There's three helds - a lyre since Vega is in the constellation Lyra, a sword with eagle wing hilt for Altair which is in Aquila, and a magpie pet.

I'm not really good at drawing or figuring out lots of detail for avatar designs. I'd love if these were used to have a bit more detail going on. But I wanted something that looks romantic but to do with space and have lots of stars and I love glitter. I was thinking a few particular colors could be the blue maybe could do blue/green instead, green or green with yellow, red with either orange or pink.


Shown here is a circlet, a dress, and background so far. The circlet has two "stars" separated by "silver river". The dress is very glittery. The outer black part becomes more transparent towards the edges on both the top part and the bottom part. The background is supposed to be of the Milky Way as seen from earth.

Here's another version with wings. I tried basing them off of a winglike nebula but I just can't quite capture it. There's other pretty nebulas that could make possibly better ones to base wings on.

Here's the nebula I was using as inspiration. I wasn't sure though how to make it where paler colors can be seen easily against the white background. I figure there can be two colors though with stars showing up as a lighter version of one of the two colors.

I was thinking other possiblities could be constellation wings or nebula wings shaped more like feathered wings somehow.

Here's the magpie pet. I couldn't find out for certain what species it would have been in the legend but I used the azure-winged magpie which is native to much of eastern Asia. I figured they can be in different colors that match the different colored outfits. I do kinda wonder if I drew it a bit big but they're magic space magpie so I suppose size isn't too big of an issue? I'm also wondering if there might be a way to make it more magical looking aside the different colors. Maybe something to tie it in a bit more with the space theme aside from the story.

Here's what the actual magpie looks like.


I had no clue what to do for a male outfit. My husband said this looks like something from a b sci-fi movie from 1979 but in a good way. lol

I was trying to make something that matched the female outfit. The sword has a shining star at the end of the hilt, eagle wings for the hilt, and the blade should look like space solidified into glass. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how I should highlight this. The sword is supposed to be double-bladed.

Here's a version with a lyre. It's probably too simple as it is.

Edited By Savynn on 6/20/2015 at 10:43 PM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 4:46 AM Post #24
My first reaction was something with water.
But I'm not all that good at drawing at all XD

Summer/Sunwarrior (I feel this looks familiar - I appologise if it does)
Uhm so this is an outfit (the shoulder part was supposed to look a bit more like armor :S)
and a head item (which is made out of feathers. It's a mohawk out of feathers)
and the held item. Although I think it might be better if the lower half was mirrored (so not pointing the same way as the top 'blade')
aannnnnd I forgot to draw the boots XD

Oh can we have a pet salamander (there is no way I can do this justice, I've tried for a bit)

EDIT: i did the boots, and some extra details on the Sun Warrior

EDIT: Female version

I apparently cannot draw mesh (the black skirtlike back thingy is supposed to look like mesh, while the black stuff on the stomach are supposed to be more armor scales)
Edited By Arkhantha on 6/18/2015 at 4:05 AM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 6:03 AM Post #25
O.o sorry double post
Edited By Arkhantha on 6/16/2015 at 6:04 AM.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 6:25 AM Post #26
I've never done an avatar design but I would love to get into it (yay, yet another to to balance out with school). So I'm wondering is there a theme related to this or just anything you want?

Where I live we're in the middle of winter however I'm very sure that where the Admins are the season's are reversed, as we had the winter festival smack dab in the middle of summer. (saved my life though. I looked forward to logging on and getting back into the feel of winter).

Do the Admins want season themed items, or just anything we can think up?
Level 71
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Posted: 6/16/2015 at 8:39 AM Post #27
Author: Rixva
Time Posted: 6/15/2015 at 4:37 PM
Love contests like these, thank you Fai! <3

Here's what I managed to get done!

Items on female base:
Safari Outfit
Safari Hat
Safari Buddy (Elephant)

Items on male base:
Safari Outfit
Safari Hat
Safari Buddy (Lion)

I seem to have run out of time. Other variations of the Safari Buddy could be a zebra, a giraffe, rhino....really, any animal you might encounter on a safari ^-^

I know I should have drawn these for you, but I'll lay out my ideas just in case: other held items could include binoculars, a rifle/tranquilizer gun of some sort, and/or a colorful bird (I was thinking a Lilac Breasted Roller might be nice).

The back item I had in mind would be a safari scene, with an acacia tree and maybe a jeep in the background.

The baby elephant is too cute *_*
Level 60
The Tender
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Posted: 6/17/2015 at 12:40 AM Post #28

I thought I'd go a little girly this time with a lolita type outfit.
Outfit: Summer Doll
Head: Doll Wing Clips
Held: Ferret Plushie
Fell free to rename it and color it whatever you like. =]

Outfit: Summer Butler
Head: Summer Top Hat
Held: Pocket Watch
Edited By Rikone on 6/18/2015 at 1:28 AM.
Level 68
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Posted: 6/17/2015 at 2:27 AM Post #29
Ok that sun warrior outfit is awesome! (I would looooove a salamander pet also!)

Tap's...well, all of the things really, are lovely too!

This thread has so many other nice things I like too (eg. elephant! So cute!) but man I love those ones a bunch!
Level 68
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Posted: 6/17/2015 at 4:00 AM Post #30
Ok, I may as well give this a shot heh.

I'll admit right away that I submitted the basic outfit of this in a festival av item thread a while back, but I've since added a held and wings. I hope that's ok?


With held (bunny) and wings:

I made the background darker when I noticed that the stars were a bit tricky to see on white, but they could be changed of course.
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