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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Design a Ny'vene, win 2 Enhanced Ny'vene...
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Level 75
The Whimsical
Joined: 1/19/2013
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Posted: 5/24/2013 at 4:41 PM Post #21

Eye: 75f75b
Color 1: 0b750e
2: 7feb86
3: 854d21
Gene 2: 4ee04e
Mutation 1: b4eb94

Eye: 5af5d6
Color 1: 0b3573
2: 6bc5e0
3: 34a881
Gene 2: 39d169
Mutation 2: 70e7eb
I really liked the idea of water and earth. I hope to get some pretty green-blue babies.
Edited By 1283 on 5/24/2013 at 5:26 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 4/4/2013
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Posted: 5/24/2013 at 4:43 PM Post #22
So many fantastic entries, it's going to be hard to judge!
Thanks everyone that has entered so far.
Level 75
Joined: 12/29/2012
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Posted: 5/24/2013 at 5:20 PM Post #23
CAUTION: May add more designs!

Rulers of the Storm

Eye: 079DFC
Color 1:28253D
Color 2:130E3B
Color 3:5B6B5E

Gene 1:FBFFC9
Mut. 1:C8ECF0
Mut. 3:8691BA

Volcanic Monarchy

Color 1 42000
Color 2:800000
Color 3:000000

Gene 1:1A1A1A
Gene 3:F7FF00
Mut. 2:420000
Mut. 3:B01D00

Toxicity Reigns

Color 1:000000
Color 2:00FF09
Color 3:00FF09

Gene 1:00FF3C
Gene 3:FFF200
Mut. 3:BBFF00

Darkness Anarchy

Color 1:000000
Color 2:454545
Color 3:000A29

Gene 1:424242
Gene 2:949494
Mut. 1:2E0000
Mut. 3:190054

Metal Rage

Color 1:6E6E6E
Color 2:525252
Color 3:5A615F

Gene 1:485175
Mut. 1:242324
Mut. 2:748A9E
Edited By 739 on 5/25/2013 at 6:52 PM.
Level 60
Nature Walker
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 5/24/2013 at 5:28 PM Post #24
Gods of War:

Based off of Ares and Athena.
Both showing tiger stripes, cecropia markings, battle armor, jeweled horns, and essence of storms.

Eyes: b30000
Color 1: 262626
Color 2: a11515
Color a11515
Gene 1: c25050
Gene 2: 000000
Mutation 1: ffc145
Mutation 2: 000000
Mutation 3: 556e2b

Eyes: 005fb3
Color 1: ffffff
Color 2: c4e5ff
Color 3: ffffff
Gene 1: ffe8a1
Gene 2: abe2ff
Mutation 1: ffc145
Mutation 2: ffba42
Mutation 3: fff08c

Jungle's Venom:

Both showing tiger stripes, cecropia markings, back spikes, and jeweled horns.
I made the male brighter than the female for a bit of realism.

Eyes: cc0000
Color 1: 2b2012
Color 2: ffda21
Color 3: a9e637
Gene 1: 1c4a04
Gene 2: ff872b
Mutation 1: 1a0901
Mutation 2: 1a0901

Eyes: ff1c1c
Color 1: 2b2012
Color 2: edf57
Color 3: b2e077
Gene 1: 091700
Gene 2: c7702e
Mutation 1: 1a0901
Mutation 2: 1a0901

Pharaoh's Champions:

Eyes: e03416
Color 1: 913216
Color 2: 1d7532
Color 3: 182785
Gene 1: ffc430
Gene 2: 2492f2
Gene 3: ffdd00
Mutation 1: 000000
Mutation 2: ffc430

Eyes: c22700
Color 1: 000000
Color 2: 91331
Color 3: 060f47
Gene 1: ffd24c
Gene 2: 0f733e
Gene 3: fff675
Mutation 1: 000000
Mutation 2: ffc430

I will edit this post with more designs as inspiration strikes. ;3
Edited By 2240 on 5/25/2013 at 12:48 AM.
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/6/2013
Threads: 55
Posts: 959
Posted: 5/24/2013 at 5:42 PM Post #25
I decided I felt like telling a story with my entry, since it popped into my head while I was fiddling with the preview generator earlier. ^^

Lord of the Broken Lands. He had earned this name by laying waste to each and every settlement that should cross his path while he was in one of his foul moods. His reputation was a fickle and unpredictable one. No forest was safe from his wraith, no location too sacred to feel the lick of his flame. Some said he was angry at the world for having been born with the burden of being one of the Keepers of Flame. Others said it was just in his nature to destroy what he could not have.

As a youth, he had exasperatingly endured the birds who sang their entwining songs while their agile little wings lifted them out of his grasp. The future Lord roared his disapproval, but the birds paid him no mind. Come back! I command you.. come back! But the world did not listen to the stubborn young Ny'vene, and for that, he swore the world would pay.

People laughed and told stories around campfires, disrespectful of his flames! He would see how much they laughed as the land burned, and he would scorch the branches to rob the singing birds of their perches among trees. Now the feared lord had the respect of those who had ignored his warnings. Respect, however, did not bring him what he sought. He roved the lands, never staying too long, and frequently leaving sorrow in his wake.

Another town in another summer drenched meadow spread out beneath the span of his wings. I will devour this land, thought he. I will swallow it whole in my flames. As the bitter Ny'vene opened his maw to breathe his destruction down upon them, he stopped. Mystified, he could only stare. There in each window, a bright warmth stood vigilant. The flame! It did not have but only one keeper. The Ny'vene swooped down, shouting at the windows for all who could hear. "You! I know you are in there somewhere! You also keep the flame, but the flame is mine! This whole world is mine!"

"What good is it to own a world with nothing in it?" A voice asked softly from behind him. The angry creature turned around to find a dimly glowing spectre staring back at him. She wavered, her willowy form seeming to catch upon the wind. His temporary surprise quickly boiled over into anger and accusation. "You have given the gift of fire to others! You are not worthy to keep the flame!

He drew in a deep breath, ready to show this pitiful being what true power was. What could really be done with the strength of flame. The fire surged around him, but the vigilent figure stood firm and still. She waited with poised practice, until he huffed and wheezed. The once proud lord found himself buckling down onto his knees, gasping for the very air he breathed. "What good is it to own a power that you cannot control?" The flickering spectre querried. "All life is fragile.. even that of a flame."

For the first time in his life, the scorned Ny'vene realized he was not alone. The birds did not sing to taunt him. The people did not mock with their laughs. He had taught many to fear the flames, but she ws the one who had taught them to respect them. She was calculated, and she was lithe and small. She was in fact, many things, but never weak. They would not always agree, or see eye to eye, for their vastly different approches to life. But together, the flames they would keep.

He is the spirit of Wildfire, burning wreckless, intense, and out of control. Wildfire brings the power of nature's fury with him.

She is the spirit of Candlelight, confined, restricted, and easily underestimated. Candlelight brings the wisdom of ingenuity and creation with her.

Eye: a10303
Color 1: b34c02
Color 2: 731b00
Color 3: fcf068
Tiger Stripes: 400a03
Cecropia Markings: a8481e
Ancient Runes: fadc32
Essence of Flames: 9e4b03

Eye: c99f4c
Color 1: d18c2c
Color 2: a36e43
Color 3: c2462e
Cecropia Markings: fae75a
Ancient Runes: f5c770
Back Spikes: ad6207
Jeweled Horns: fcef97
Level 69
Joined: 4/3/2013
Threads: 0
Posts: 39
Posted: 5/24/2013 at 7:55 PM Post #26
oh no its lord dualscar and lady dualscarette eheheheeh.

promptly shot a lot and thrown off the ship.
vis tiger stripes
vis cecropia markings
vis backspikes
vis essence of the storms
eye color: 6A006A
color 1: 0A0A0A
color 2: 330633
color 3: 6A006A
gene 1: 330633
gene 2: 121212
gene 3: 6A006A
mutation 1: 121212
mutation 2: 121212
mutation 3: 6A006A

vis tiger stripes
vis cecropia markings
vis backspikes
vis essence of the storms
eye color: 6A006A
color 1: 0A0A0A
color 2: 330633
color 3: 6A006A
gene 1: 6A006A
gene 2: 121212
gene 3: 6A006A
mutation 1: 121212
mutation 2: 121212
mutation 3: 6A006A

you'd obviously want the vis traits to be carried when generating the pets or you'd run out of gene points. note that the female has a lighter gene1 color compared to the male.
Edited By 3732 on 5/24/2013 at 7:57 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 4/28/2013
Threads: 1
Posts: 37
Posted: 5/25/2013 at 3:27 AM Post #27
She is suppose to represent the waves from the sea when they crash into the rocks .The Jewels represent the deep sea :3

Eye color:0e0ef2
Color one:14e0e0
Color two:8bf0d9
Color three:99ebeb
Gene Design Three Color:3af28d

This one is suppose to represent the sea and the life in it(Fish & plants) It also represents the depth of the sea.

Eye color: 0ef04e
Color one: 1624c4
Color two: 8a948a
Color three: 0f0f0f
Gene Design One Color:2b851f
Gene Design Three Color:24a318
Level 60
Joined: 5/5/2013
Threads: 13
Posts: 898
Posted: 5/25/2013 at 3:50 AM Post #28
Pair 1

Showing Cecropia Markings, Ancient Runes, Back Spikes and Essences of Storms.

Pair 2

Showing Camouflage Marking, Cecropia Markings, Ancient Runes and Back Spikes

Pair 3

Showing Dilopho Markings, Cecropia Markings, Ancient Runes and Back Spikes

Or change the Dilopho Markings and Back Spikes to Battle Armour and Essences of Flames.

Pair 4

Showing Tiger Stripes, Cecropia Markings, Back Spikes and Essence of Storms.

Pair 5

Showing Dilopho Markings, Ancient Runes, Jeweled Horns, and Essences of Storms.

Pair 6

Might edit in future.
Edited By 4707 on 5/30/2013 at 12:06 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
Threads: 112
Posts: 4,629
Posted: 5/25/2013 at 11:46 AM Post #29
Thunderstorm pair:


Will update~

Level 58
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posts: 730
Posted: 5/25/2013 at 11:55 AM Post #30
Lunari, Lady of the Night

Solrex, Lord of the Dawn
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