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Level 75
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Posted: 1/30/2017 at 4:29 PM
Post #21
Most of the pets I have released are un-named.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 2/6/2017 at 8:46 PM
Post #22
So I've kinda let this go for a bit.. Festival and.. end of festival and all that. But there were a lot of really good posts so I wanted to say something about them. (And to apologize for ignoring everyone >.<)
lol you have a fun sense of humor. And you're very right; there is a discussion about that in the suggestion forum. A lot of interesting points. I must have OCD or something because when I see that little "Pet has been dyed" symbol, it makes me hesitate. For me, it really bugs me when someone dyes a pet to match a theme to infiltrate the line with a new trait. That's just me, though. I am also the person at the store comparing two of the same stuffed animals trying to figure out which looks better. (Before anyone laughs at this, I was at a convention once and the girl next to me was doing the same thing. So I know there's at least one other out there... *sobs softly in the corner*)
Oh wow, 30k released pets! Well I can certainly understand where you are coming from; stable space and gold is this world's life-essence. I also agree about the exclusive themed (or really even just themed) pets being released. When I was a newcomer, I was gifted a 1 carry Chocolate Candy Bulbori (whom I still have) and was so excited to have a pet with a purple tag.
Ah, you make a good point, too. I'm guilty of being someone trying to pawn off my lower pets to anyone for 1g. But in my defense, I honestly thought quite a few would be good breeding for newbies. But that makes sense; when I was a newbie and inherent hoarder, I did grab quite a few pets I thought I needed because of their price. Also.. What release contests? Are these official or unofficial? I have not seen them but that's interesting. Similar to Flight Rising's Dominance pushes, I imagine.
I was thinking that, too: Sylesties breed really, really fast. They do! I have to be careful when breeding because those hatchery pages fill out fast. Can become dangerous if you're not on top of things. I'm also so in agreement about the almost perma-names. That last paragraph just hits exactly how I feel. I don't want to just fling any sort of name at my pets, it has to fit them. So I leave them Un-named. As you said: can name them later. And there's comfort in that.
I think it's all in how you look at it and you said it pretty well, "They all got plenty of love but just had to go." That way, they go back to the wild to tell their brethren "Hey, don't eat all their traps. Them people are pretty nice, go home with them." At least, that's what I'd like to think...
Aw, well on the bright side, you can eventually do a project to be tribute for Tanaca. Or that the little Qitari is running free in a meadow! That's a nice picture ^-^;
lol aw, I like how you said this then bought several of my 1g pets >.< I swear I appreciated them! They just... needed to go.. >.> Ah, all joking aside, if a pet is put up for sale, I don't believe the seller really has a right to be upset to whatever happens to the pet. I'm glad that there are people like you to help keep things in check, cuz you're right. Gotta help control the pet population.
Ah, I understand. I've released a few pets where as soon as I clicked "Yes, release" I went "Oh, wait!" but too late. And the pet itself is not something I want to spend 50 diamonds on getting back but I probably would have kept it. Somehow, I find it easier releasing my own project pets.
Apologies everyone if you didn't want to be pinged. Like I said, there were just a lot of good points made and I wanted to write my own input and to say I appreciate all the input from you guys! I think this has been pretty well discussed now. Seems that generally, people are okay with released pets. Most look on it favorably and it is a necessity for pets' lineages to not stagnate. Keeps the cool waters fresh and flowing towards progress~! Thank you everyone who posted your opinion ^-^
And people can keep posting if they want. Otherwise I'll let this fun little post sidle on to the back. Thanks all!
Edited By Kyokai on 2/6/2017 at 8:46 PM.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 2/8/2017 at 2:34 AM
Post #23
I personally release a lot of pets. It keeps the population down, economy up and my stables organized.
I don't care what other people do with their pets. Buy them only to release? Sure, they help the economy. Buy them to give them away? Sure. Re-sell? Sure. Dye/philter? Sure. Breed? Sure. That should also answer whether I care if the released pets are un-named or not... no, I don't.
If I don't want my design/6V to be bred by the next owner, I neuter it. If I don't want anyone to do any of the above, then I don't sell the pet. I personally try to keep an eye out for re-sell pets and I buy from the original designer/breeder... but in the end if my previously owned pets are being re-sold, there's nothing that I can do. I try to not let it bother me, and it usually doesn't.
Does it bother me if pets are dyed?
Themed - If I'm looking to breed to or buy the pet then yes. I simply won't buy/breed to that pet though. If the owner wishes to keep that theme and dye it then fine, that isn't my business. If they want to advertise it as a pure themed, fine, but I won't buy it.
Un-themed/at the end of a project - LOL no. No, I don't care. xD I have a lot of dyed, un-themed pets!
TLDR; I don't care. xD
Level 50
The Artistic
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Posted: 2/9/2017 at 2:58 PM
Post #24
tanaca was aculy a project called ribbon qatarie i hope when i get some qits with the rainbow mane and rainbow scale i can take it a step further
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