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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > No One Saw it Coming...
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Posted: 9/14/2017 at 11:46 AM Post #21
Shildr crept slowly inside, sniffing the air.
It smelled like your everyday herb storage. The smell of fairy mushrooms and peppermint hung in the air, but there was another scent as well. A scent that brought terror to his very soul. It was the smell of death itself.
Shildr would often smell the scent on a pack elder before they passed on. It smelled of teardrops on fresh soil, of musk mixed with stone.
He warily scanned the room. Near the gigantic cauldron at the centre of the hut, a big person stood. His clothing was the colour of crimson, his eyes were also. His ears were black and his tail was flecked in blood. His eyes narrowed as they rested on the lupora, Comucha struggled in his hands, her eyes glowing with bright light.
"He.. will attack on... the third... day of darkness... and he.... will... rise, stronger... than ever..." the Aeridini gasped as the big person choked her, his pale hands wrapped tightly around her long neck.
"You shouldn't speak. It is not worth it. I will triumph in the end, and no one will stop me." he said in the Common Sylesti Tongue. He took her head in his hands and snapped her neck. The light in Comucha's eyes faded.
He looked up, noticing Shildr and the other two for the first time. "Ultramis! Hi!" he said, waving to them.
"You're Ultramis?" Shildr asked, eyeing the necromancer.
"Yep!" Ultramis said, smiling, "Sorry you had to see that, she was babbling to no end, so I ended her!" he dusted off his hands.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/19/2017 at 10:13 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/15/2017 at 10:14 AM Post #22
"You're sick!" Courtney cried, rushing over to Comucha's carcass. "Absolutely sick!"
Ultramis put his hand to his forehead. "Nope. No fever here!" he said. "You must be Shildr, Isaac, and Courtney! There was another one she spoke about, but I wasn't listening. The Great Seeing Aeridini wouldn't stop talking about you. She was mumbling about people drowning in a lake... She's bonkers, I say."
"You're one to talk." Shildr growled, the fur on his back bristled.
"Ah yes... I guess I am. I'm the world's only Psychopathic Necromancer and Skin-Changer." he said, showing off his pointy ears and tail. "Can you guess what I am, huh? Can you? Can you?!" he asked.
"A big person?" Courtney asked.
"No, besides that. I mean what I change into."
"You are the Lupora Skin-Changer, aren't you?" Isaac asked, glaring at the insane shapeshifter.
"Correct! Give the man... er... stallion a prize!" Ultramis said smiling, yet his eyes were filled with blood-lust.
"Skin-Changer?" Courtney asked.
"Skin-Changer is a title given to twenty-one different big people. Each can change into one of the known species of sylesti. Ultramis is the Lupora Skin-Changer."
"So... He's like a furrier?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.
"WHAT?!" Ultramis screeched. "FURRIER?! I will burn you! I will burn the heart out of you!"
Suddenly, a gigantic Faelora, one that made Rovathor look like a Luffox compared to a Ny'vene in size, nudged the roof off of Comucha's hut. The Faelora's eyes looked oddly familiar.
Shildr was instantly reminded of the elf that spoke to him at the Sanctuary of Saerielle...
"Ultramis." the Faelora said, his deep voice reverberating through the trees. "How dare you kill the Great Seeing Aeridini! The Prismatic Council is outraged at your behavior. The Council Master is furious!"
Ultramis looked at the gigantic Faelora with boredom.
"So what? Why would I care what Krinadon feels about it?" the necromancer asked, "It's none of your business about what I do, Rhanir."
"You murdered someone! I can't leave you running around unchecked! People have died!" Rhanir bellowed.
"THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO!!!" Ultramis yelled back.
"I am charged with protecting the Umbra Forest. It is my duty to protect and punish the people withi-"
"Oh do shut up." Ultramis said with a pained expression.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/28/2017 at 8:40 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/19/2017 at 11:01 AM Post #23
Rhanir looked outraged. "How dare you?!" he growled, his dark green eyes glaring at the necromancer.
"Well, excuse me!" Ultramis said. "You're a waste of my time, elf. I've done what is needed, now I'll be going. Good day to you!" Ultramis burst into flames, leaving a pile of ashes on the floor.
"Catch... You... Later..." Rhanir said through gritted teeth, shrinking down into the winged elf Shildr had met at the Sanctuary.
A tiny flame appeared. "No you won't!" Ultramis' voice said. A hand reached out from the flames and flicked Rhanir in the nose, before turning to ash.
The elf sprinted over to where Comucha's body lay. In its place, however, was a tiny egg. It was a light blue colour, and wisps of grey smoke surrounded it. Rhanir picked it up gently.
"Comucha's last gift." he murmured.
Courtney looked up at the elf. "What do you mean? That's clearly a ryori egg. Comucha was an aeridini."
"The Great Seer has the ability of reincarnation... This is Comucha's new incarnation. A ryori."
"I feel that you'll need all the help you can get. Take this egg with you, Courtney, care for it."
Rhanir took off his satchel, put it around the zolnixi's neck, and placed the egg gently in the pouch.
"They are very sturdy, ryori eggs." he told her. "But it wouldn't be safe to drop it."
"Yes sir..." Courtney said.
Rhanir headed towards the door, but stopped suddenly, turning around to face the trio. "I give you my blessing, Shildr, Courtney, Isaac, and young eggling. May your quest be successful, so we can breathe freely once more." With those parting words, Rhanir's body turned into a pile of leaves and floated to the floor.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/21/2017 at 9:34 AM Post #24
"Can they all do that?" Shildr asked Isaac.
"What do you mean."
"I mean, turn into a pile of leaves or ash."
"I do believe so..."
Courtney looked down at the little ryori egg. A feeling of protectiveness surged through her. The feeling that she'd do anything to protect this eggling.
"I can't wait to meet you little one." she told the egg. As if on cue, a brilliant light surrounded the shell and it cracked open. A little female ryori appeared. She was grey with blue stars that shown like the sky. Her glowing eyes were bright and intelligent. The eyes of a seer, a wise one at that. Her fur was a dark grey, yet her eyes and stars shone like the sun. "I'll name you Temris." she told the hatchling as she helped it to stand. "It means Light or Darkness in the Elvish Tongue. Seems to fit y'know?" she told the hatchling. "I can't decide whether to name you for your stars, of your dark fur..."
The little ryori looked up at her, then to Isaac, then to Shildr. The stallion and the alpha's attention had been focused on the little sylesti ever since it hatched.
"M'name's Courtney by the way."
Temris blinked at the zolnixi owlishly before saying, "Cotney? Cottonee?"
"Courtney. Court-neeeee...." the little nixi said.
"Courtney? Court-ney?" Temris said, tilting her head to the side.
"That's right!" Courtney said happily, he tail wagging frantically. "This is Shildr and Isaac."
"Sheet-dur and I-sick?" Temris asked.
"Yes! Correct!"
"COURTNEY!!!!" Shildr and Isaac bellowed at the same time.
"Oh shut up, Sheet-dur." Courtney said.
"I-sick! I-sick!" Temris cheered.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/22/2017 at 9:40 AM Post #25
Chapter 3

The next day, it was decided that the small company of four would head towards Eternys to seek the aid of Krinadon and the Prismatic Counsel. However, a flood had drowned the southern part of Umbra, forcing them to head through the Griffi Mountains, which were rumored to be home to ny'venes, the most fiercest sylesties in the land.
Temris leaped onto a rock, the smoke from her mane and tail flowing in the wind. Courtney kept her eyes on the young ryori the whole time, her maternal instincts taking over.
Night came and Temris grew tired, so they found a cosy cave to sleep in. Shildr, reckless as always, didn't check if it was abandoned or not, so to their surprise, they met it's occupant. In the the cave, multiple piles of gold and riches lay, and on the biggest in the center was a gigantic ny'vene. It was a female and flowers adorned her beautiful body. She was blind, however, and could not see them. Her blue, sightless eyes moved in the direction of their scent. She only smelled on being, or was it a mixture of multiple scents, she couldn't tell. She decided to settle with the one being idea.
"Well, thief, I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air. Where are you?"
The company stood transfixed, afraid that a single move would give their location away, and she would devour them.
Suddenly, Temris made a dash more it, her small paws slipping over the gold as the ny'vene's blind eyes followed her movements. She followed the ryori, moving her large form after the adolescent. Temris ducked behind a large stone to catch her breath.
"Come now, don't be shy. Step into the light. Mmm, there is something about you, something you carry. Something made of gold, but far more...PRECIOUSSSSS." the large dragon-like beast said, smoke billowing from her mouth.
"I don't understand how my heart is more precious than gold." Temris said boldly.
The ny'vene's head turned, her cold eyes gazing directly at the adolescent ryori.
"There you are, thief in the shadows." the large winged beast said, grinning.
"I did not come to steal from you, O Fairis the Unassessably Wealthy. I merely wanted to gaze upon your magnificence, to see if you really were as great as the old tales say. I did not believe them." Temris replied.
Fairis stomps off and raises herself to her full height. Her head brushes the ceiling.
"And, do you now?!!!" she asked, her voice reverberating through the cave.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/25/2017 at 8:20 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/22/2017 at 11:46 AM Post #26
"Truly, the tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity, O Fairis the Stupendous." Temris said.
The ny'vene's eyes narrowed.
"Do you think flattery will keep you alive?" she bellowed.
"N-no..." Temris said.
"No, indeed. You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you, and where do you come from, may I ask?" Fairis asked, curious of Temris.
Temris backed away slightly. "I come from death, but I am alive..." she said quietly.
"Alive?" Fairis asked, circling around the ryori, entranced.
"And from death and to life my path has led. And - and, through time I see. I am she who always sees. Temris said.
"Impressive. What else do you claim to be?"
"I am... All-seer. Death-cheater." Temris said, gazing up at the ny'vene.
"Interesting...." Fairis hissed, another cloud of smoke billowed from her nose. "Why are you really here, All-seer? Here to kill me?"
"You wouldn't stand a chance." the reptilian said softly. She continued to circle around Temris, breathing in her scent. "I kill where I wish, when I wish. My armor is iron. You couldn't beat me..."
"I wasn't going to..."
"My teeth are swords! My claws are spears! My wings are a hurricane!"
"I-I know... I should just leave..." Temris said uncomfortably. She tried to move towards Shildr and the others. Fairis flicked her tail in front of the ryori, stopping her.
"But I think not. I think our little game ends here. So tell me, thief, how do you choose to die?"
"D-die?" I'm not going to die... I don't count on it." Temris said, trying to walk around the ny'vene's tail.
"You aren't going to make a choice? Then I will. You will burn!" Fairis roared. Her chest and belly glowed purple as the fire rose in her chest.
"Fairis, don't!" Isaac bellowed.
Fairis stopped suddenly, the purple glow fading into nothing. "Isaac? Is that you?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "Don't I owe you a favour?"
"Yes. Don't eat Temris." the stallion said.
"All-seer and Death-cheater is Temris?" she asked.
"Yeah. Don't eat my friends. We just want shelter for the night."
"How many of you are here?" Fairis hissed.
"Four. Me, Temris, Shildr, and Courtney." Isaac said.
"You may stay, but if you steal one piece of gold..." she warned.
"I know. Khahaza Arezekh." he said.
"Any time." Fairis said, resting her head back down on her gold.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/22/2017 at 11:47 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/25/2017 at 9:46 AM Post #27
The next morning, Shildr and the others departed from Fairis' cave.
"If you need anything, just call my name." she had said.
"I understand." Temris said. The ny'vene had grown fond of the little ryori.
"So.... We're heading to Eternys now?" Courtney asked, pulling Temris close to her.
"Yes. We'll go around the Lonely Mountain and then it's straight on to Eternys." Isaac said, trotting ahead.
"Lonely Mountain? Isn't that known to be the home of the great ny'vene Smaug the Destroyer?" Shildr asked.
"Yes, but he lived over two hundred years ago. Still, we should tread softly. He may be sleeping, but that doesn't mean we should be reckless."
"But shouldn't he be dead?" Temris asked.
"He's the last of the High Ny'venes, which were also known as dragons. As long as a dragon has a hoard of gold, it cannot die." Isaac said softly. They had reached the base of the mountain.
"Mum always told me that the Lonely Mountain used to be a great city filled with dwarves, and the halls were filled with the sound of Dwarrowmaidens singing." Courtney said. "This was known as Erebor, and nearby there was a city called Dale, and they made toys. Until Smaug burned it all down, that is."
"So we're at the gates of Erebor?" Temris asked.
"Yes." Shildr said.
"We'd better start walking. It's going to be a while." Isaac said. The other three nodded at started on the path.
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Posted: 9/26/2017 at 11:28 AM Post #28
They made it of Eternys at dusk. It was a vast white city with five impenetrable walls. Puffadores went about their business, their noses stuck haughtily in the air.
Shildr looked around in awe. He'd heard about the grand city of Eternys, but had never imagined it to be so beautiful. Ashaunta had told him that in Eternys, silver was as common as rocks.
Isaac walked up to a Puffadore guard, "Tu scis quibus occurrens Prismatic consilio est hodie?
" he asked.
The puffadore pointed left and then centre. "Alba lux Dome ut semper. Ac protinus ire ad urbem relicto." he said.
Isaac nodded. "Gratias tibi ago." he said.
The puffadore nodded then returned to his shift.
"The guard said we should go left and then straight to the centre of the city. That's where the White Light Dome is." he told them.
"Okay." Shildr said, and they started off.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 10/6/2017 at 10:36 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 9/28/2017 at 10:56 AM Post #29
(This post is dedicated to Krinadon)
The dome was amazing. The walls were made of quartz and the ceiling was enchanted light. Isaac pushed open the doors to the counsel room. there were twenty-one grand chairs that formed a u-shape, each representing what each Skin-Changer guarded and became. The grandest chair was the one which was on a slightly raised platform. It was red and gold and had a lighira on it. Upon it sat Krinadon himself. His face showed wisdom and courage. In the other chairs sat the other members of the Prismatic Council, including, to Shildr's fury, Ultramis, who sat at the left hand of Krinadon. On the right sat Rhanir. Ultramis waved to them, as if nothing had happened in Umbra Forest.
Krinadon leaned forward with interest. It had been a long time since there had been an all-sylesti quest.
"Greetings." said he. "My name is Krinadon, Council Master of the Prismatic Council and Defender of Sylestia. Word has reached me that Ultramis has caused a minor... fiasco in Umbra Forest. Are these rumours true?" he asked, his sword lay across his lap.
"Yes sir." Isaac said. "We went in the forest to speak with Comucha, only to find that he snapped her neck."
A few council members gasped and started to whisper amongst each other. Krinadon held up his hand and they immediately fell silent.
"Is this true, Ultramis?" he asked, turning to his left.
"I have no idea what they're talking about." the necromancer said, looking innocent.
Krinadon turned to Rhanir, "Is this true?"
"No sir. He indeed killed her. Behold, Temris, Comucha's new form." said the elf, pointing to the ryori.
Krinadon nodded in understanding. "I see... Halibar, is this Comucha's new form?" he asked a man who sat two seats down from Rhanir.
"Yes, it is, sir. Comucha's ghost visited me, and asked if she could take form as one of my species." the white eyed man said.
"So, what will become of Ultramis?" a tri-winged female asked.
"I do not know yet, Lydria. I have not come to a final decision as of yet. I will in due time." Krinadon said sagely.
"We could kick him out of the Prismatic Council." Frie, a dwarf from the Griffi Mountains suggested.
"But the balance would be disrupted..." A light blue-haired woman said.
"I agree with Lolita." Tora, a handsome elf, said.
"Of course you would. You practically worship her." Paladin, the ny'vene Skin-Changer scoffed.
"Please don't fight..." Kayla whimpered.
"I personally think Lolita put a spell on him." Poleon said, reclining in his black-steel chair. "She is the Guardian of Love..."
"He has a point." Baron said gruffly.
"Obviously." Halibar grunted.
"Or maybe it's not a spell..." a soft-spoken elf said. "Maybe it is true love."
Cirus and Brodie pretended to gag.
"Boys. Don't listen to them, Fleurr." Lana scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Love conquers all." Lucent and Melody said in unison.
"Blondes and bluettes, dull as dirt." Oliver groaned. His dragon nodded.
Shildr and the others stared at the council members arguing, not wanting to say a word.
"I will tear your face off." Halibar said in a monotone voice. "I'm blonde."
"Ohh.... Whipped..." Shilo whispered.
Oliver shook in fright, "How was I supposed to know that?! You never take your hood off! Not even in the shower! I'm so-"
"SILENCE!" Krinadon bellowed, lighting crashed down from the sky.
"Sorry." the council members all said in unison.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 9/29/2017 at 8:24 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 10/4/2017 at 8:46 AM Post #30
Krinadon leaned forward to look at the quest members better.
"Your quest is an honourable one, I'll give you that. You seem to want something after you complete it. Is that true, Shildr, son of Giira and Ashaunta?" he asked, his eyes fixing on the lupora's.
"I want to get home. To have my family accept me." Shildr said, his voice wavering slightly.
"I understand. I know your quest." he glanced at Ultramis, "I know it will be difficult. I know one of you will fall to the quest. If you stick together as one, you will succeed. I, and the rest of the council, will try to assist you as much as we can, when we can. Shildr, I wish you luck."
"Krinadon Council-Master, I-I don't know how to thank you enough..." Shildr said, his head bowed.
"A thank you is all you need to say." Krinadon said, smiling.
"Thank you." Shildr said.
"Thank you." Courtney, Isaac, and Temris repeated.
The four quest sylesti backed out of the chamber slowly, not turning their backs on the Prismatic Council.
After they exited the dome, Shildr looked troubled.
"What did he mean by, 'one of you will fall to the quest?'" he said aloud.
"I don't know Shildr, but I am willing to die for you. To follow you by whatever means so that you can be reunited with your family." Isaac said.
"I will protect you with my life." Courtney promised.
"Ditto." Temris added.
"Then whatever lies ahead, we will be ready!" Shildr said boldly.
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