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Level 60
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:12 PM Post #21
Name: Alec F. West
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Preferred alignment: Evil

Alec has been described as dark and sinister. Which, they're not wrong. He enjoys the fact that he makes people uncomfortable. He prefers to keep to himself, but finds it necessary to ally himself with others, but only if they pique his interest or he doesn't find you an entire nuisance. He enjoys death and even has a notebook in his room where he keeps track of all the colorful ways he could kill a person. He laughs at the worst things and his laugh has been described as dry and unsettling, almost an insane cackle.
Alec terminates all joy, nuisances, and anything he finds displeasing when he enters a room. He lashes out if someone tries to speak with him. Especially if he's trying to read. Alec loves to read everything from storybooks to spellbooks, when he can get his hands on one. He was born with magic, a child to a wicked witch in the west ((not the wicked witch of the west)). He never knew his father, and it's made him even more resentful. He keeps a dagger on him at all times and has grudgingly agreed not to use it to kill anybody. He hates the Evers because they always seem to be rubbing it in his face that they'll live happily ever after and he won't. But he has heard of this Storian and has decided he wants it if it's the last thing he does so he can turn the tables around and rub his happily ever after in their faces. Muhahaha!
Fairy Tale Relative: The evil queen from Snow White is supposedly his grandmother
Likes & Dislikes: reading, writing, death themed topics, learning magic and making himself feel more natural with it
He dislikes Evers, getting punished for being bad, and vegetables
Most Outstanding Skill: Due to being the son of a witch, he already has knowledge of some nasty curses, so he's a little bit ahead in that area. He also knows a lot about everything because he reads just about everything under the sun.
Edited By Griffinlokison on 4/17/2018 at 5:25 PM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 5/8/2017
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:20 PM Post #22
Name: Merei Songstone
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Preferred alignment: Good
Appearance: Finding a picture
Personality: Clever, sweet. She can be very shy, and usually knows what she is doing even if she doesn't act it
Fairy Tale Relative: The Little Mermaid
Likes & Dislikes: Likes: Water, sparkly things, learning, reading, plants, animals. Dislikes: Noise, blood
Most Outstanding Skill: She's an excellent artist. Merei likes painting the ocean the best
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:44 PM Post #23
Done with my character!
Lita Hook
Edited By Bluepearl13 on 4/17/2018 at 5:46 PM.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 6:40 PM Post #24
May i do two characters perhaps?

male is a iffy...only if possible
Preferred alignment
Like this but with bight blue eyes

He's a bit flirtatious and a bit shy.So he'll crush on girls but can't really get the guts to go talk to them.He enjoys hurting others without them knowing it's him and hurting others reputation. He has few friends,but he get's along swell with them
Fairy Tale Relative
The Evil queens Sister was his Grandmother(Going by the Snow White And the huntsman movies sorta)
Likes & Dislikes
He likes:Pranks,Cold foods and Quilts
He dislikes bright birds,fire and quills
Most Outstanding Skill
His snow powers,or ice powers.(Whatever you call them)

Pheraphina *Phephy*
Preferred alignment:
Her eyes are a bright green.

Tho she is a tad smaller than the average her heart is huge and she loves caring for others,she enjoys making others happy and is rarely sad.
Fairy Tale Relative
Thumblina is her distant great.great aunt.She has some of a wood nymph in her too
Likes & Dislikes
She likes: Gardening related stuff,rain and butterflies
She dislikes:Death,Destruction and demons
Most Outstanding Skill
Her singing and relation to plants
(She can sing to plants pretty much)
Edited By Dragongem23 on 4/17/2018 at 6:55 PM.
Level 19
Fancy Pants
Joined: 4/8/2018
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 6:51 AM Post #25
Same me a student spot please.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 9:04 AM Post #26
Welcome to the School for Good and Evil, dear Nevers and Evers!

This year, your goal is to strive for the top, for every school has their rankings- and the rankings will determine what your fairy tale will be like. 15 ranks, top 3 become "Leaders" for the fairy tales, and the last 3 become enchanted plants, weapons, or objects to be used in the fairy tales. Fight hard, dear students! Will you make it through the four years, keep up at the rankings, and finally make it out through your fairy tale?

You have been assigned your alignments.

"...All souls are fundamentally Good or Evil. Those who are Evil cannot make their souls Good, and those who are Good cannot make their souls Evil. There are no mistakes..."
-Pollux (One of the teachers)

It is, however, okay for your character to feel out of place. Remember, Sophie (currently the Evil Dean) entered the school acting like a princess but she was still 'evil' so she felt extremely out of place. Read the books to find out why it was like that!

(Remember, you can have more than one character in this roleplay)

Helena - Enyo
Cyril - Isi
Cadi - Clemenceau
Alec - Griffinlokison
Crowona - Dragongem23

Roselyn - Annabella321
Lita Hook - Bluepearl13
Ambrosia - Duckipus
Merei Songstone - Dragontulip
Pheraphina (Phephy) - Dragongem23

To begin with - All fairy tales have their good/evil, and the two are considered each other's nemeses. Pick a Nemesis, discuss with someone on the other side to be your nemesis. It is your goal in the fourth year to destroy them, so remember that! (Everyone'll start in first year for the time being) If you can't pick, ping me and I'll do something about it.

Onwards! Here are your schedules:

Session 1 - Uglification, taught by Professor Manley
Session 2 - Henchmen Training, taught by Castor
Session 3 - Curses & Death Traps, taught by Dean Sophie
Session 4 - History of Villainy, taught by Professor Hort
Session 5 - Lunch (Together with the Evers)
Session 6 - Special Talents, taught by Professor Sheeks
Session 7 - Surviving Fairy Tales, taught by various Forest Group leaders

Session 1 - Beautification, taught by Professor Emma Anemone
Session 2 - Swordplay and Weapons Training/Physical Education, taught by Professor Rumi Espada/taught by Albemarle the Woodpecker
Session 3 - Animal Communication, taught by Princess Uma
Session 4 - History of Heroes, taught by Professor Hort of Bloodbrook
Session 5 - Lunch (Together with the Nevers)
Session 6 - Good Deeds, taught by Dean Clarissa Dovey
Session 7 - Surviving Fairy Tales with the Other School, taught by Various Forest Group Leaders

And, the dorm arrangements!

(Malice, Mischief, and Vice are the dorm towers)
Mischief 66 - Atropos, Cadi
Malice 67 - Helena, Cyril
Vice 48 - Alec, Crowona

(Honour, Purity, Charity, and Valour are the dorm towers)
Honour 52 - Roselyn, Lita
Purity 64 - Ambrosia, Peraphina
Valour 67 - Merei (alone for now)

You guys probably have a lot of questions about this! I'm going to explain myself now. Any questions that I do not answer in the following part, feel free to ask.

Q: Wasn't this a roleplay? Why does it seem so RPG-like?
A: This is a roleplay, but one that is 'environmentally controlled' so the times, sessions, and things are controlled so people can roleplay together at a specific point of day and be in the same classes when the times are right. This is to prevent a lot of chaos as in nobody knows where everyone else is and nobody knows what's going on. I'll be pinging everyone when each session begins, or when times of the day change, and relax, they will not change very fast. Trail by Tale will happen, but probably after quite some time into the roleplay. Most of the roleplay time will be in the 'between classes' or 'after classes' period.

Q: Why are you making an 'environmentally controlled' roleplay?
A: As this is based off of a book series, some things are, well, rules of the book. Additionally, this allows me to have control over events and not have people randomly starting events. I can also cause some unprecedented chaos like, "The Purity tower has caught fire!" And let people roleplay it out. EH, yeah.

Q: Why was my character assigned good/evil when they're so obviously evil/good?
A: As Pollux the teacher said, people are assigned into good or evil because of their souls and whatnot. Of course, I'm not judging you by soul or something because I have no idea who you are in real life or whatever. The point is to keep it balanced- also to challenge some people to roleplay in roles they are not used to. Nevertheless, people mostly got what they wanted to, minus one or two.

Q: How will rankings work?
A: Activity and events. Again, events will be like as I said before "The Purity tower has caught fire!" or "There has been a rogue witch kidnapping students in the Blue Forest!" and through participation in these events, every post you make, you'll get points that count towards your ranking. Otherwise when an event is not happening, at least posting once per day will earn you points. During classes, teachers (currently played by me) will be giving out to points to outstanding students.

Q: Can I have more than one character?
A: Yes! You can have a hundred, if you wanted. As long as you can manage them all.

Q: Is romance allowed?
A: Why not? As long as both sides are comfortable, go ahead. Nothing explicit, though. You can do that stuff through PMs.

Q: Can my character break the school rules?
A: Yes, they may. But if you haven't read the books, check with me beforehand so you know what the school grounds are like and whatnot. Like, don't go to a flying island during class time because there is no flying island. Also, if you're going to try to get across Halfway Bridge or to the School Master's Tower where the Storian is, remember that there's a barrier keeping students from actually going onto the bridge.

Q: When is the roleplay beginning?
A: After you guys figure out the things with Nemeses and whatnot. Also, hopefully there'll be more people signing up.

*This note is addressed specifically to Dragongem23, anybody who is not Dragongem23, this does not concern you*
Right, so, you want your character Corowna to have ice/snow powers - Cryokinesis, I take it. I'm going to say... no, for now. Maybe as the school year progresses, a little bit of yes. The school wouldn't allow you to use it in any way that gives you advantages anyways, so hum. Additionally, you're going to have a weakness in order to have that power, or it counts as slightly OP. Weakness, as in "gets tired easily when using it" or "goes slightly insane for a period of time after using the power".

ANY QUESTIONS? ASK AWAY! Otherwise, find your Nemesis~ The sooner this gets done, the faster we can start roleplaying~

Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 4/18/2018 at 9:06 AM.
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 9:54 AM Post #27
Interest ping
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/26/2017
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 9:57 AM Post #28
Hmm.Could my character and yours be nemesises?
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 9:59 AM Post #29
Maybe, I'll have Atropos stay open now as a guide.
If nobody offers as a Nemesis for Atropos, then yes. It would work out; after all their ancestors were nemeses.
Anyways~ I'll say maybe for now :)
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 10:15 AM Post #30
Interest ping
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